The Clown Prince of Crime
Super Freak
And Eliz Debicki in Guardians this year also.
She plays the gold lady. That's the villain? Hmm...
And Eliz Debicki in Guardians this year also.
Christian arab? Isnt that on the brink of extinction in the next couple of decades? Ive seen some articles that christianity will basically disappear in some of those areas within our lifetime ?
As far as I'm concerned women should be able to do anything a man can do. I'm in the military, and some of the finest officers ive served with have been females. If a woman can meet the same standards as a man, than sure why not.Let me put it to you like this, men can go days without showering, weeks, in the field, women complained to the inspector general one time because our battalion commander was not sending them
Back to the rear so they could take their showers or when their period was bad. Personal hygiene is already one thing for obvious reasons... i am on of those crusty old guys that if they want to do it, more power to them, but its when the equality flags start getting thrown and saying its unfair that gets me, i am just one of those suck it up and drive on types, other females in the world put up with it, but everyone's sheltered here in the US too much,
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You are correct.
That is why my dad got the hell out of dodge!
Do you ever read what you write? You really don't see this as opinion?
And where are these bandwagons? These days seems like there's a "bandwagon" for everything. That's a terrible excuse to discount many people's opinion. You voted for a man who lives on the opinion of "many people are saying".
Is it that your personal beliefs are so intertwined in the Star Wars mythos to the point where invalidating one would undermine the other? There has to be a reason you're so obstinate about contrary opinion on only Star Wars.
Damn bro im really glad to hear your family is ok. Glad your dad is out of a bad place.
You're my boy jye you're MY BOY!!!!!!
Does not compute. Does not compute.
Dude, its simple. I saw ROTJ on VHS when I was 5 or 6. Then the SEs at 17. Then TPM at 19. Then TFA at age 35.
I've never had a problem with what's being added to the canon because I never once convinced myself of what the canon should be between episodes. Elitist SW fans have this problem. They seem to forget they are not nor will ever write the canon so when the actual official canon goes against their personal canon they deem said official canon "crap".
I agree that the PT needed better directors behind it and Lucas should have just remained a storyteller behind the scenes. But most of these elitist SW fans don't just attack the performances or the over-use of CG. They attack the story - because in their minds Anakin Skywalker became Vader in an entirely different way. In their minds The Jedi Order functioned differently. In their minds The Dark Side was something else and not what the PT presented. The PT in their minds was the only acceptable PT for them and it was never gonna happen.
The same thing is happening now. You have posters saying this trilogy should have starred Hamill, Ford and Fisher and should have been made 15 years ago. That was never going to happen. Lucas himself has said that his version of Episode VII would have introduced Luke as the old wizard who hands "Excalibur" over to the next generation. That's literally what we got since Hamill was literally Guiness' age when he shot TFA and Rey and Kylo are the next generation. Even the release dates are close since Lucas hoped to make Episode VII in 2011 back when he was still interested in making it.
I've never tried to write SW in my head. That's a recipe for disaster and ironically part of the reason why Abrams and Johnson initially did not wanna helm their respective episodes. They wanted to remain fans who could just watch the movies and enjoy the new additions to the saga.
Thanks crows!
*note to self, never trust crows, words are his specialty.
That's a damn fine post there Nova...err Snikt.
That's a damn fine post there Nova...err Snikt.
Elitist SW fans have this problem.
This time i mean it. And im serious. You are my bro jye. Your photoshops bring brightness into this board. You make us laugh and bring joy to the threads.
No, it's not. It's elitist. Exactly what he's claiming is bad about others. The irony here is Shakespearian.![]()
Does not compute. Does not compute.
Thats not even a laughing matter, christians are being toetured and burned. Like, for real. Convert or die![]()
Anyone else dreading spending money on the upcoming merch?
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Neither of our views are likely to go down in history.
I do not know whether I was then a pug dreaming I was an elitist like Snikt, or whether I am now an elitist, dreaming I am a pug.