Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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No way zero chance of that happening this was going to be all about TLJ.

Then after TLJ it will be all about the Han movie.

We're a ways off from an Obi-Wan or Fett movie being revealed.

Disney has their hands full.

Tommy Lee Jones will be in Star Wars one day. Mark my words.
Tommy Lee Jones will be in Star Wars one day. Mark my words.


No way zero chance of that happening this was going to be all about TLJ.

Then after TLJ it will be all about the Han movie.

We're a ways off from an Obi-Wan or Fett movie being revealed.

Disney has their hands full.

I'm surprised they didn't show a teaser behind closed doors like they did for RO in 2015.
They wanted this everywhere! Rogue one they were not sure of, but this is THE money maker!
All these plot theories from Snikt and Leia/Finn/Poe/Hux/Maz are completely ignored by him as if they don't even exist.

Luke/Rey/Kylo/Snoke that's it.

TJL is going to be an even more contained movie than Logan I guess lol.

The Casino planet seems to be where Finn, Poe, Rose and BB-8 will factor in. Don't know what to make about it yet.
They wanted this everywhere! Rogue one they were not sure of, but this is THE money maker!

At this point it feels nothing will top RO. IMHO, look at the videos of the crowd at the celebration from the trailer everyone and it seems like it was MEH, it will make money but who knows

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As great as this celebration was the crowd reaction to TLJ trailer was definately weaker than the TFA celebration trailer reaction in 2015.

Part of that has to do with the trailer itself, it's not cut in a manner that was conducive to building a crescendo of explosive excitement to end the trailer like the "Chewie we're home" line.

What's that rule again, the better the trailer the worst the movie will be.
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Yep, but TFA had a lot more hype build up than TLJ...

I'm personally not as interested since a) there's no Han, b) I know Leias role is pretty much complete and c) I don't really care that much about Rey yet. I like her but i'm not invested in her.

I'm more interested in Kylo, Poe, Snoke and who Laura Dern is playing :lol
Yep, but TFA had a lot more hype build up than TLJ...

I'm personally not as interested since a) there's no Han, b) I know Leias role is pretty much complete and c) I don't really care that much about Rey yet. I like her but i'm not invested in her.

I'm more interested in Kylo, Poe, Snoke and who Laura Dern is playing :lol

My excitement comes from:

1) Luke Skywalker

2) Luke Skywalker

3) The Whills/Chosen One

4) Kylo Ren

5) Rey
For me to care about the new characters it is imperative that the OT character arcs are treated with the upmost respect and caution, white glove VIP treatment throughout the entire process.

If they botch the OT characters story lines then the rest will quickly fall apart for me.

My fear is that Hamill will start regretting getting involved with this new SW.

I'm still on the edge after TFA which is not where I wanted to find myself at.
Makes you wonder what Chewy they were looking when they made it doesn't it?
If they botch the OT characters story lines then the rest will quickly fall apart for me.

My fear is that Hamill will start regretting getting involved with this new SW.

I'm still on the edge after TFA which is not where I wanted to find myself at.

Part of me wonders if he already does regret it.

Considering the frankness and candor that he displayed when he spoke about the new movies; things not usually displayed by actors working for studios who are looking to promote their new film; my hypothesis is that he gets killed off in The Last Jedi (a storyline he disagreed with) and now feels free to speak his mind.
If Luke dies, it goes right back to what I expected of the middle episode.

But given the loss of Carrie, I assumed that they had to rejigger the story, and now save Luke for Episode 9 (since Leia is going to have to be dealt with somehow -- maybe she goes into hiding after Han's death -- or maybe Kylo will kill her too). Unless she's lying, Kathleen's assurance that Carrie will not appear in Ep. 9 tells me that Leia is done in Ep.8 and her story ends.

Maybe having to deal with that took some of the 'gusto' out of the Luke story for this episode. Maybe that's what Mark is disappointed about.
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