Can somebody please let me know the pro and cons of the Ps4 version of CVX being the ps2 version? I had the ps2 version, and i can barely remember it but i remember getting the hd version on ps3 and thinking thank god i can actually see better and how nice and crisp it was. Im curious as to if i need to buy it or not, if its just shadows which are changed but the game looks blurrier and i need to change the settings on my TV then ill just stick with my hd version
Well, to answer your question thoroughly,
The PS4 version is nothing more than the PS2 version being emulated to HD, complete with PS2 Memory Card saving and all, plus it's in 4:3 aspect ratio. The HD version has trophies, but not a Platinum like the PS2(4) version has.
For the longest time I was happy with the HD version on PS3 but after replaying the PS2 version, I noticed what people were complaining all along in that the HD version seems to have the color and gamma changed- they now look more unrealistic than the PS2/Dreamcast versions.
If you're happy with the HD version, stick to that since there's nothing terribly wrong with it aside from the inaccurate presentation. It also has improved shadows but again, with the wrong colors it doesn't come off a a huge bonus. If you want the PS4 version, it should (in theory) be identical to the PS2 version upscaled to HD, you'll get a more accurate presentation, Platinum trophy at the cost of widescreen, since the original game wasn't in 16:9 to begin with. Just remember that the PS4 version is NOT a remaster, just a port.
So, in conclusion:
- More accurate presentation.
- Platinum trophy.
- Standard Academy Ratio (4:3)
- Memory Card notification, just like PS2.
- Any flaws from PS2 version will carry over.
Hope that answers your question. Phew!