Rey is smiling while Kylo struggles with one bum, while using both arms.
Rey is superhuman ..did you see her run while carrying BB-8 with one arm in Forces of Destiny

Rey is smiling while Kylo struggles with one bum, while using both arms.
Disney Movie Rewards has the Teaser (Logo) poster up for a measly 500 points. Pretty good considering all the past Star Wars posters have been 1000 points each.
Only if it was the other one
Its funny because disney princesses had hardships and problems to overcome. Even today.
It is ironic that the princesses are more realistic and grounded than rey
I'm checking daily for that one!
Disney Movie Rewards has the Teaser (Logo) poster up for a measly 500 points. Pretty good considering all the past Star Wars posters have been 1000 points each.
Its funny because disney princesses had hardships and problems to overcome. Even today.
It is ironic that the princesses are more realistic and grounded than rey
Star Wars was a stand alone movie. It was not conceived as part one of a three part story.
Disney Movie Rewards has the Teaser (Logo) poster up for a measly 500 points. Pretty good considering all the past Star Wars posters have been 1000 points each.
Yep, and if Johnson doesn't resolve Snoke's identity Trevorrow will probably come along and make him Plagueis.
I think we'll get the Snoke/Plagueis reveal in subtle form for TLJ. Maybe a passing comment by Luke or Kylo. Then in IX it'll be explored in depth along with the story behind Snoke's master (the Ren entity).
I'm personally hoping for Yoda to tell Luke the story of what happened to the Jedi a millennia ago. With flashbacks, have him tell the tale of how many Jedi began to experiment with the Dark Side and in doing so found a physical manifestation of it (Ren) created by The Whills to test the Jedi (think the serpent in Genesis). The Ren entity then began to seduce these Jedi and formed the KOR. Then the Grand Master of the Jedi Order at the time (a bad mofo that could give Yoda a run for his money) led the Jedi on a crusade to hunt down the traitors. No compassion was shown. They were wiped out liked diseased animals. Then Yoda says they eventually found the entity and realized he couldn't be killed but rather imprisoned. Inside some ancient temple, they performed a ritual that trapped the demon - but unbeknownst to the Jedi, his main apprentice, the one he taught to cheat death, had already disappeared. Have Yoda say something like "We weren't proud of what we did. Of killing them all. But at the time, we felt it was the 'right' thing to do."
Rian has just said that it will be answered why Luke, the hero he grew up watching, remained in exhile while his friends and the resistance could've used his help.
He specifically said that Luke put himself in exhile.
He also said Del Toro's character is a scoundrel who operates in the grey area.
I think Snikt just won the internet lol.