Here on the Perimeter
It just seems too soon for a Hulk remake to me. I like Ed though and will prolly see it.
..Let's hope Warner Bros has similar cajones and will reboot Superman just a couple years after Superman Returns (not that it's a bad film, but I'd like to see a different take).
I find it strange that people think it's too soon for another Hulk movie. The last one came out, what, 4 or 5 years ago? Would 4 or 5 years be too soon for the next Iron Man movie?
HULK SMASH!... this movie is gonna rock!....reviews have been comprable to IM!.. The frist one sucked even marvel knew that! if you think it too soon dont see it stay home and watch my little pony.
Excuse me if I offend, but I was born before the days (way back before 2003) when a remake would not come for several years -if not a couple of decades.
Didn't this film just come out?? What is next? 2010; 'The Really Incredible Hulk -Honest Dude!'?? What are they smoking?!!!
As much as I like certain actors/actresses, I have no desire to see remakes of remakes of the same films every two or three years. I don't even want to see remakes of classics under those conditions. Why would I want to see more crappy CGI films that will only be remade in a couple of years??
Excuse me if I offend, but I was born before the days (way back before 2003) when a remake would not come for several years -if not a couple of decades.
Didn't this film just come out?? What is next? 2010; 'The Really Incredible Hulk -Honest Dude!'?? What are they smoking?!!!
As much as I like certain actors/actresses, I have no desire to see remakes of remakes of the same films every two or three years. I don't even want to see remakes of classics under those conditions. Why would I want to see more crappy CGI films that will only be remade in a couple of years??
So, I'm guessing you didn't like Batman Begins??
I think the last Hulk movie is hurting the interest for this one, but I'm confident that this one will turn out to be a solid movie.
I thought this was a sequel. A remake???