Your welcome. I don't understand SSC paid for the license and won't make any other character's so to make the cartoons again would be a great way to make more money. The original's were a great hit and new one's would be like printing money.
On a past episode of Sideshow Live, David Igo said Sideshows TMNT licence would expire at the end of the year and it was unknown if they would renew it to continue the line.
A recent post from SS Alex pretty much confirms SS is not renewing the licence, unfortunately.
Like the rest of you I too would like to see this line continue.
I’m certain they will circle back and resurrect the original comic versions one day. Have faith.
David Igo already said they wont remake the comiquettes. They have respect for their older, original pieces. Which I commend them for.
I do however think theyre going to surprise us with making more characters from this new line. Enough people are asking for it. And the exclusives sold out quick! So I dont see why they wouldnt.
I don’t see how they could do that. It’s like making a comic Superman and never making another again. They may have respect for originals and don’t intend to replicate them but they could make another comic set that is a departure pose wise maybe even slightly different.
Yeah they could do that. I thought you meant totally replicating them. When Igo said no they wouldnt remake them, he was responding to people asking to remake the comiquettes again. Sorry for the confusion.
Does anyone's Leonardo wobble? Are the pads on the base uneven?
I think the pads on the bottom of my base are uneven, either that or all the weight is on 3 of them keeping this last one unsquished...I never noticed a wobble on mine but I can check when I get home.