Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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Haaaa! Hilarious.

Lots of the IMDB reviews are pretty great. More entertaining than the movie.

Even Yoda couldn't take it seriously. He was giggling at the prospect of arson.

(Maybe they'd replaced the Jedi books with their scripts? Neither were "page turners").

No when I think back on Solo being labeled a “mess”, that probably means it was going to be great.

Okay, the Last Jedi is merely okay. It's good on technical levels. The fx work is great, some of the shots are beautifully framed(though there are WAY too many establishing shots of the island Luke Skywalker now lives on). It poses some really interesting questions about Luke Skywalker and who he became following Return of the Jedi. It's generally entertaining and will satisfy you on a purely popcorn/spectacle level. There are a handful of moments that are shocking in good ways and not so good ways.

The biggest issue I have with it is I didn't care about anything going on with Finn which is a shame really. In the Force Awakens, John Boyega's Finn was a breath of fresh air who had an interesting storyline of a Stormtrooper who defects for the greater good. He's completely inessential to the plot or story here....and they attempt to give him his own story. He, and new character Rose go on a secret mission to a casino to find a hacker(Benicio Del Toro) who can somehow mess with the First Order's computers so that they can't track the Resistance through lightspeed(which no Imperial anything has ever been able to do even in the last movie.....until now. Suddenly. With no rhyme or reason as to why. Just because. And nobody asks how they have learned to do such a thing. Sigh). The casino scene itself is just lame childish nonsense(and yes, I know these are movies meant for all ages but come on). Better is once Rose and Finn get on the First Order's star destroyer but once there they engage in battle with Captain Phasma who maybe one of the worst and most underdeveloped characters in the history of the franchise. She appears about 3 quarters through the film, takes Finn and Rose captive, fights Finn and dies in an explosion. An complete waste of Gwendolyne Christie. I can't even see why she signed on for this. I kind of like Rose. Kelly Marie Tran has the same enthusiasm Boyega had in the last film and she left an impression but she's saddled with Finn in a lame subplot that ultimately meant nothing. Finn could've literally not woken up from his coma till the end of this film and most everything would've played out the same.

Let's talk about Poe Damerron. Poe is another character played by a great actor, Oscar Issaac who made a great impression during Force Awakens and here....isn't much of a character as much as he's a series of arch types. Poe defies orders to get the job done! He has problems with authority! He gets demoted from Commander to Captain! He stages a mutiny on the Resistance ship and gets into a gunfight with it's admiral! That last one was completely ridiculous because the film tries to paint Admiral Hondo(Laura Dern) as somewhat villainous only because Poe doesn't like her and then after General Leia comes to from being hurt in an attack, she promptly ends his mutiny by knocking him out and she and Hondo act like it was just a childish "cute" prank! Poe was a waste of a good actor. And what is the deal with him and Finn? Are they or aren't they? Stop playing around with it and commit. I'm fine either way but it's getting weird to be so ambiguous about it.

Speaking of Leia, Carrie Fisher did fine with what she was given and I must say the moment where we got to see her use her force/jedi powers was probably the most excited I was during the entire film. I thought she was dead...and then she wasn't in the most entertaining and surprising way possible. The film doesn't attempt to write her out though which means whatever kind of exit they have planned for her in episode 9 could be very disappointing.

Surpreme Leader Snoke sucks. He is killed a little over half way through the film by Kylo Ren with little fanfare. Who was he? How did he get to be surpreme leader? Was he just a generic "evil mastermind"? There were no answers about him which was deeply unsatisfying.

Rey's parents identity? I'm fine with it but do you explain how powerful she is with the force with no training and no background in it and all? It defies logic.

Kylo Ren doesn't really work now. I would've liked to see him go on longer with the evil, building him up more and more and still seeing he's just a scared, angry young man. Instead we got a total reversal from what he was by the end of force awakens. It's now abundantly clear that he's not a villain, merely a coward who doesn't know WHAT to do and so we have a series of films with NO central antagonist anymore. The first order may have better military training but their leadership is incredibly inept compared to the Empire.

Rey fairs the best of most of the characters in the film with actual growth and meaningful expansion of her role from the last film. Her friendship with Finn is rendered inert and worthless with it seemingly having been forgotten by the filmmakers save for some throwaway "where's Finn? or Where's Rey" dialogue the two would occasionally say. Her bond with Kylo doesn't really work as it leads to nothing. She think he's good and he doesn't join her. Nothing becomes of their constant back and forth. It ultimately meant nothing.

And finally Luke Skywalker. Luke spends the entire movie on that island and never leaves. Then he dies. That's an oversimplification of his role but that doesn't make it any less accurate. Honestly, I think Luke is one of the biggest things that works about the film...mostly. I like the idea that Skywalker thought of himself as this legendary hero that he couldn't possibly hope to be as great as many people thought he was. A big part of this was Hamill's wonderful performance. He's a much better actor than given credit for. I loved Luke's shame and that feeling of failure about Kylo. I loved how that night in Kylo's tent has two different perspectives and I wonder if we'll ever know how it truly went down. I loved all of Luke's final scenes and his confrontation with Kylo at the end.....but killing him? Too far for me.

I loved the Yoda cameo, needless as it was. You could've taken that scene out and it would've changed nothing but I loved it and the Yoda puppet lol.

I don't know. People have issues with Thor Ragnorak having too much humor. People have issues with Justice League being something of an Frankenstein's monster of an film. But I feel both of those films are far superior to The Last Jedi. I know I kinda ***** all over it but I was very invested in everything that had to do with Luke and Rey and some of the stuff with Kylo Ren....but the rest of the film was kinda meh. I need to see it again but I don't know, not in love with it. There's about half a movie here that I love and half I loath if you break it down scene by scene. The half I love is why I can still recommend it but the half I don't well....
Old canon lives as long as I and others like me remember.



To continue this thought, this would have given Luke more motivation to not train her when he suddenly realizes who she is/was. Maybe just telling her to go back to Jakku. Her conflict would be that that's exactly what she wants to do, but somehow she knows she has some part to play (little flashbacks of her time at the academy come back to her while she's with Luke).

They could still pick this plot up. Kylo is powerful when it comes to reading thoughts/memories, maybe he "wiped" her memory, and is lying to her again, telling her that her parents were nobody, that she is nobody. Luke as a force ghost could tell her who she was - but kind of a douche move after the fact.

The more I think about it, the biggest missed opportunity was the flashback. There hasn't been a flashback before in SW but if you're going to do one, make it a good one. This would have given us the opportunity to see "Jedi Master Luke"(not an astral projection) in full form, really battling against an angry Kylo, who maybe tried to destroy the academy and subvert his students FIRST. That would have shown motivation for Luke to act as he did.

Just like his father, Kylo needed to "shoot first"!

With the V.O., explain that he was powerful but always jealous of the abilities or attention that other students got from Luke. I always thought that Rey was going to be revealed as a young but very powerful student at the academy that Kylo was jealous of but when he and the KoR destroyed it, his light side wouldn't allow him to kill her so he took her and put her on a desolate planet to be rid of her. I mean, WHAT was the force flashback scene about when the figure that was about to "kill" Rey was killed by Kylo as if saving her about?! Maybe she was meant to be seeing it from Luke's vantage point, but why would he have been saving Luke?? Just too many setups that were abandoned.

They certainly set up a known past for Rey in TFA; Kylo saying"WHAT girl?!" as if he knew which girl this might be. Maz asking Han "Who's the girl?" and then cutting away without him saying "I don't know, just some kid" or "She's____". WHY do that if it's just going to be a red herring with the answer being "nobody" instead of "she was one of Luke's youngest and best students."? At least that way, Maz has more motivation to try to push Luke's lightsaber on her - she was Luke's student, she should have it.

I truly think this was the idea, but it's almost like they're playing "pass it on" writing with this plot. "Luke lowers his hood, stares at Rey and the lightsaber and...GO!"

Yeah, we just like to rip up a canon that we hold close to our hearts, and mourn for the narrative distraction of characters that almost feel like family.

I don’t find his post wrong......the soul crushing reaction to a movie is a bit over the top imo.

I’ve been a SW fan since 77 and I have enjoyed the various journeys of the characters like many folks. I guess I don’t consider them family more so I am an observer of their journeys. I guess if I considered them family they’d be the uncle that has gone astray and that doesn’t mean I turn my back on him.

Dunno...different perspectives

It was to show you it's not snow a la hoth. So not a retread.

:lol :lol

Benicio del Toro was absolutely wasted in this movie...the middle part of the movie with Rose and Finn was brutal.

Should have let him stay a good guy.. He had Han Solo charisma but I guess being male and interesting in these films means your a bad guy :lol

Yeah I don’t see this movie being any less guilty than TFA of ripping off from the OT I just think it was integrated in a more thrilling manner with higher stakes.

As usual amazing review by DiFabio and while i’m able to recognize that he, Wor-Gar and JAWS complaints are all valid I was still able to simply just enjoy the movie more than I did TFA and definately way more than the PT.

I’m a 6’4 guy that absolutely loved the crying porg closeup with the trembling lips I bursted out laughing with my wife and son as did the entire dumb audience. :lol

I enjoyed it more then TFA also... I am not sure how it will hold up to repeat viewings...

I hope it ends up not being AOTC to me... I left AOTC just happy because it had no Jar Jar and it was (I thought) better then TPM... When I saw it again I realized how bad it was and just how much better TPM was.

I love the Porgs :lol No issues with this cute little ****ers at all. Chewie going nuts on the falcon with them all over him was a fav moment of mine.

Jye, you can give your honest opinion. I won't let the Mouse hurt you or your family, I promise.

The Phantom Menace and Revenge of the Sith are better than this ****. Episode I was on last night at the bar I was at and while it was on mute, it just looked more appealing to me than all the **** I saw with TLJ. There were so many moments in TLJ where I thought someone slipped me some LSD. In time I think the prequels will have aged better than the Disney sequel trilogy.

I'm sorry George. I'm sorry for my online rants about clones and Jango Fett. From my "I hate sand" to my high ground rants, I am truly sorry. You may have ruined a character or story element here are there, but atleast you never ruined Luke Skywalker.

Also, a-dev, will you be satisfied if Luke and Han show up as force ghost thingies in Episode 9? Will that scratch that itch of seeing two old friends reunited?

I still think TPM is not as bad as most think it is... Its greatly flawed but there are some great things about it..

Ragnarok humor worked, Imo. This did not. Im not against humor in a SW film. I just like my humor to be, funny. Perfect example, the part where Rey slices off the rock slab and it hits those caretakers wagon, I’m ok with that, while the Poe “can you hear me now” bit, was just retarded.

“Laugh it up fuzzball”, “I’ll be there for Jyn...”, and “Odds of navigating ....3,720:1” are funny. These jokes were mostly, not.

I absolutely loved The Last Jedi and am even more convinced it’s a masterpiece after seeing who it angered and why. Many hated Empire too when it was first release calling it lifeless garbage, pointless and such. Can’t wait for more Rian Johnson SW films and more grumbling! :D

I'm really worried about Han Solo. I never liked the idea of a movie for him in the first place. Then they choose the wrong actor. Then the directors get fired. Then TLJ comes out ... I swear if they destroy our Han we riot.

This movie was alright. There were some good parts that made me like it, but then that feeling was ruined by the (unnecessary imo) comedic parts. I was hoping that when Luke showed up at the end to confront the First Order, he would have taken down the AT-AT's with the force from far away. And was anybody else hoping for the "man with the red flower on shirt" be Lando at the casino, or was that just me? I think that would have been pretty great, just for a cameo. And space flying Leia? No, just no.

The film seems to have broken The Jedi council forums, not been able to get on it for a few days!

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