Thing about Space Witch Leia is ...
I mean I actually thought she was dead for a moment. I thought, 'Woah, harsh, what a brutal way to write out Carrie Fisher after she died in real life ...'
And then when she turned into a space witch I thought, 'Oh, interesting.'
Both of those choices would have been interesting: space witch or dead. Both would have had an emotional impact.
But then she space witches into the ship and lies in bed all movie. We didn't get enough space witch for it to be cool, or dead for it to be important, but we got just enough space witching to be a bit weird by itself, and just enough almost-dead to make her kinda pointless in the movie. The worst of both worlds!
I mean I assume this was intended as foreshadowing, and the plan was to have her unleash awesome space witch powers next movie, and now that will never be, so in a way you can't blame the movie makers here, but ...
You write Carrie Fisher out of the middle movie in the first place? You have her lie around in a bed and only go half space witch? So frustrating, especially now that it's her last ever appearance. Could she have used her space witchery to aid the escape somehow, and increase the tension, while we all go, 'Woah, Leia with full force powers!'
Or, considering what happened after the shoot, would it have been too far to rewrite what was there, and have her die in that moment, and reshoot some stuff so Poe has his weird plan because he is reeling and desperate? It would also have added nuance to Kylo's moral confusion. And Luke would have missed his sister's death as well. That would have really broken him. Perhaps he could have blamed Kylo, so there is a misunderstanding on both sides. People saw Kylo's ship coming, and assumed it was him who fired on Leia, but no-one knows he couldn't bring himself to do it ... his greatest dark side 'act' in everyone's eyes is killing his mother, and he plays up to the legend, but it's the one thing he didn't do, and it eats him up inside ... Even Laura Dern could then have been 'sacrificing herself to aid Leia's final plan.' Every character's actions would have been a kind of tribute to her.
I understand that changes like that could have been interpreted as being harsh to Fisher's memory, and would have been very risky, but what we got makes for such a disjointed final appearance, and all of us could only think of the real world tragedy while she was lying in that bed anyway. I dunno what they should have done there. No-one's fault, but what a waste of Leia's last appearance.