Has anyone ever been stressed through collecting ?

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Super Freak
Dec 16, 2007
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I know how sad this sounds believe me. :rotfl:lol
The past few days I have been getting stressed over this stuff worrying about not being able to afford things and pay pre orders.
It can get very over whelming. :google
Has anyone ever has a similar problem. I know its only collecting but there is things I really don't want to miss!. :(

It actually gave me a really bad head ache. :monkey2:rotfl
Not really. I get sad if I can't afford something when they start to ship. But it's not too bad, I just cancel and hope I can get some extra money to be able to pick it up later.

However, with the Indiana Jones PF--if I can't afford that it's going straight to the credit card, no way I'm canceling that thing.
Not really. I get sad if I can't afford something when they start to ship. But it's not too bad, I just cancel and hope I can get some extra money to be able to pick it up later.

However, with the Indiana Jones PF--if I can't afford that it's going straight to the credit card, no way I'm canceling that thing.

Eh, not really. But I'm pretty good at judging how badly I want something and whether I will be able to afford it. So not ordering in the first place helps with that some.
Exactly my point. For example you wouldn't cancel the indy pf where as I wouldn't cancel it either unless I knew for certain I was able to get it back later at the same or a better price.
Its spending but in a way saving for the future.
I get really stressed because I have too much stuff and I get sick of running out of room...
none of these are necessities. it's all about priorities.
I know how sad this sounds believe me. :rotfl:lol
The past few days I have been getting stressed over this stuff worrying about not being able to afford things and pay pre orders.
It can get very over whelming. :google
Has anyone ever has a similar problem. I know its only collecting but there is things I really don't want to miss!. :(

It actually gave me a really bad head ache. :monkey2:rotfl

Yep big time.
none of these are necessities. it's all about priorities.

Don't say that Nash! When I said collectibles were not necessities but simply wants, I got crucified. lol

Sometimes I can get stressed out. I take on too much on one time. Now I am getting better at holding back from ordering a bunch of stuff at once. I know half of what I have on preorder will probably get the hook.
Don't say that Nash! When I said collectibles were not necessities but simply wants, I got crucified. lol

That is because you are Eli. I routinely say that in the endless scalper debates and I get by just fine.
i usually put stuff off that i cant afford right now and say "ill pick that up when things die down a little." unfortunately things never die down. cooler and cooler stuff keeps getting released.
Man, this is exactly how i feel. I have so many things on pre-order. I feel that if i don't buy them when they come out, they will only increase in value and when i do decide to buy, they're double in price. I made that mistake once and i don't want to do that again. This is my hobby and it makes me happy so screw it, let me be broke but atleast, i'll have my collectibles with me.. What a great feeling you get when a collectible you've been waiting for, for months, arrives at your door step.. <smile>
Man, this is exactly how i feel. I have so many things on pre-order. I feel that if i don't buy them when they come out, they will only increase in value and when i do decide to buy, they're double in price. I made that mistake once and i don't want to do that again. This is my hobby and it makes me happy so screw it, let me be broke but atleast, i'll have my collectibles with me.. What a great feeling you get when a collectible you've been waiting for, for months, arrives at your door step.. <smile>

yeah that feeling rocks !! :rock
Although after the amazement has wore off and theres nothing left to eat you can feel a little bit like a dick. :monkey3:monkey2:rotfl:lol

I have done this way to many times but I have to say .
Never regretted it once. :D
We all stress. And even though it is something totally non necessary and everything... it can still make your head hurt when you are running around trying to be able to afford everything. But, it's all about making it less aggravating. Just do what you can, when you can and don't let it get too crazy. Just know that if you cut something, you can always track it down later down the line.
i get stressed when i have a lot of stuff on order at different places. then it becomes a pain to organize and plan the budget. if it comes to it i just cancel what i don't have immediate funds for. i recommend getting a database program and inputting every order you have placed then plan how much every paycheck you will allocate for savings or what needs to be paid for each month.