Yeah...the coupon delay is stupid. You could still wait, use the coupon, then request a refund 

My waitlist for onyx batman just converted. Can't say i expected that, especially so soon.
My waitlist for onyx batman just converted. Can't say i expected that, especially so soon.
I ordered him. I really want to see how he turns out
My Onyx Batman waitlist just converted to preorder, the preorder was for 2 figures. I’m pretty happy about that because I had a buddy that couldn’t get him
So our Vigilante DD deal is off?
So our Vigilante DD deal is off?
I’ll buy the vigilante daredevil if you’d be interested In selling. Or trade for ronin wolverine or purple catwoman (the re-do not the one that sunk in the pacific).
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
PM me when they are released, I might be able to hook you up.
I finally was able to get a hold of Batman beyond and he is absolutely amazing! Easily my favorite Mezco. Kinda random as heck but I seriously want to see a Riddler Mezco haha
Hal Jordan is going up for PO tomorrow....finally!!!!!!!
That's some exciting news. Typical 1 PM EST?
That's some exciting news. Typical 1 PM EST?