We was studding aliens maquettes by SS with my friend Moguchiy H. Sideshow gave us only Dogalien scale, the 1/4 is on the box. All other statues have no scale mentioned. So we measured Dog, Chap and Warrior with the measuring tape and found that they are far bigger than 1/4 scale should be based on the height of Bolaji Badejo in suit. And we actually found that they are 1/3 scale, maybe little bit smaller. And that's why they are pretty the same sized.Congratulations pilky!
About kast photo, ss big chap seems equal to coolprop’s statue? They are 1:4 and 1:3, aren’t they?
This thing is just 'okay'. Very soft (i.e. poorly done digital) detail in the suit and head. The head is the coolest thing about it. I do like how it mimics the airbrushing Giger did under the dome, but if I'm buying it for that, I would just get the bust. I know the 'man-in-the-suit' museum pose and the 'accuracy' turn a lot of people on, but from a detail standpoint, it's an over-sized toy. At the end of the day, I would sell this off and keep my Giger signed CM. When you have them side by side you see you have a real piece of art (CM), and a plastic looking toy (CP). The way they ship the head is an absolute over-engineered nightmare, and ends up damaging the head. Paint is out and out poor. My .02. Buy it if you love Alien and want a rendition of the museum suit.
Yeah azure, butial's gushing youtube review and darkmummy's stunning photos got me to bite on this. It's 'cool' but that's about as far as it goes. If you're a super Alien fanboy, get it. But don't expect it to be a true representation of the suit. It's like a facsimile. Yeah, they got the form right, but all of the 'real' detail is missing. All the fine textures you would expect.. non-existent. The saving grace is just how good the skull looks through the dome, but even that is marred by this area on the nose of the dome that is completely flat, like he got hit in the dome by a shovel. That was super-disappointing. You can really see it in Neny Dee's video of the early prototype here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8wVKQTHFKQ&t=149s
It's funny, in the video he talks about the lackluster paint, and says the coolprops owner said it would be 'better'. Unfortunately I WISH it looked like the one in the video, as the paint is far more drab that what is shown there.
The goal of my post was to let other potential buyers know that they should go into this very expensive purchase forewarned that the piece is not super-detailed.