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  1. C

    JND Studios: LOTR - Arwen 1:3

    As a casual LOTR viewer, I've not really paid much attention to this release before but wow, to my untrained eyes (when it comes to Liv Tyler's likeness), this looks like a beautiful statue of her character.
  2. C

    JND Studios: Superman (Christopher Reeve) 1:3

    I'm right with you on that and this just goes to prove that it's incredibly difficult to nail a likeness (even with access to the best and most definitive reference possible). This IS Reeve's face and ears but here we are, still thinking that it's not quite right. LOL. I'll try and get some...
  3. C

    JND Studios: Superman (Christopher Reeve) 1:3

    Yes, it's an idealised version (idealised due to the sculpted hair and style of paintjob I think). The actual features of the face are Reeve's features - directly scanned from the lifecasts, so they're going to be closer than anything sculpted from scratch. The other angle I've got of the sculpt...
  4. C

    JND Studios: Superman (Christopher Reeve) 1:3

    Yes, posted it on statue forum too as not everyone on there comes over here.
  5. C

    JND Studios: Superman (Christopher Reeve) 1:3

    Here is a resin painted 1:3 Chris Reeve Superman bust that was created from 3d scans of three separate authentic lifecasts of Reeve that were taken by Stuart Freeborn in 1977 when Reeve was filming Superman the Movie. The lifecast scans were then tweaked digitally to remove the "sagging" caused...
  6. C

    JND Studios: Superman (Christopher Reeve) 1:3

    I personally think they got this a lot closer than people are giving them credit for.
  7. C

    JND Studios: Superman (Christopher Reeve) 1:3

    Let's put this into perspective for a moment and compare it with the other 1/3 Reeve Superman that was made available to us a few years ago. I personally think that this will be a stunning display piece and I will be amazed if anything is released in the future that will surpass this.
  8. C

    JND Studios: Superman (Christopher Reeve) 1:3

    Yes, I find it very frustrating when I see these products lit so poorly and with filters. JND are all about hyper-realism, but their photo and video style doesn't showcase the products in a flattering way at all. Give me a naturally lit, how it will look in person photo any day of the week!
  9. C

    JND Studios: Superman (Christopher Reeve) 1:3

    Yes, that photo of the Art Department sculpt is not as good as the JND
  10. C

    JND Studios: Superman (Christopher Reeve) 1:3

    My buddy sent me this photo which apparently was posted on facebook, so at least it looks like we will be seeing some better quality, colour balanced images. THIS is what JND should be putting out there to showcase the new portrait if they want to show it at it's best. The video lighting is...
  11. C

    JND Studios: Superman (Christopher Reeve) 1:3

    That's a bit harsh Chopper Face. This is by far the best Reeve likeness produced by any company at any scale in my opinion. Do a side by side with the Sideshow Premium format(s), Hot Toys or Cinemaquette to see what I mean.
  12. C

    JND Studios: Superman (Christopher Reeve) 1:3

    It's amazing how we all see these things so differently. As someone who has pre-ordered the dual version, I am over the moon with the new images and am not in need of any counselling. LOL. It will be nice to see the official photos of the updated sculpt (presumably tomorrow when the pre-order...
  13. C

    JND Studios: Superman (Christopher Reeve) 1:3

    This looks superb to me. Costume colour looks VERY accurate to the original fabric. Can't wait to see the official re-launch photos, but I'm VERY happy with this so far.
  14. C

    JND Studios: Superman (Christopher Reeve) 1:3

    They mention updated portrait AND proportions, so it will be interesting to see if they've changed some proportions on the body. Roll on Thursday 2nd!
  15. C

    JND Studios: Superman (Christopher Reeve) 1:3

    Yes, May 2nd is the full reveal