damn it. you have my attention :)
Edit: Question: Were the Sideshow TCW offerings too over priced, flawed in their own way, etc.? They at least had Anakin, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Ahsoka... Their Cad Bane actually fits well with the realistic look of the HT offerings...
I could agree with you IF they started with the animated line. At this point, they're so far down the realistic path that for most, going deep into a truly animated line would be cost and space restrictive...aside from zealots like you who hate the TMS TCW line and don't collect it. You'd have...
I'm sorry to hear this for my fellow collectors. Mine was stuck for 10ish days but shook loose a month ago. I'm now concerned for other pieces I have on order from Kit...
I'm going to have to re-watch season one as a binge. I tried to watch it week to week when it came out and I just found it really boring. I loved Rogue One so maybe I was just "in a mood" or something during my season one attempt. You all have me optimistic to watch...and the season two...
Great photos! The Sideshow Hoth guys get a lot of criticism but they're definitely serviceable. Luke, in particular, looks alright without the goggles. I also thought it was pretty awesome of Sideshow to provide a brown and blue parka version of Han... I'm glad I went for the double pair of...
Considering Dawn and her memories were created, they might do something that reverses that. Agree that I don't want them to re-cast the role but at the same time, I doubt they can the series altogether... Tough spot for sure :(
Got charged by Sideshow so it'll ship soon, hopefully. I'm in the same boat as many where my attachment to the Rebels crew drove my purchase of Chopper, Sabine and Hera. I'm hopeful for an Ezra and Zeb from Ahsoka Season 2 as well...