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  1. Jaeten

    1/6 QORANGE QOTOYS QOM-1046 Vietnam War US Army Hospital Corpsman in Hue 1968

    I just received this figure from OSK today so here's a closeup of the headsculpt. My in-hand impressions: excellent Walter White! As many have mentioned, Walter's not a fit for this subject matter but it's such a great sculpt I'll happily use it on a QOrange Civil War figure. I might then take...
  2. Jaeten

    1/6 Facepool - FP012A/B U.S. Airborne Division E Company Lieutenant (Band of Brothers - Buck Compton)

    Received mine last night but only had a few minutes to check it out. Strongly agree with everything Asta said! Excellent head sculpt; I don't see too much resemblance to McDonough but that's ok. It looks like a genuine real person, with realistic complexion and detail. This kind of quality is...
  3. Jaeten

    1/6 QORANGE QOTOYS QOM-1033 American Civil War 4th Texas Regiment at Chickamauga (1863)

    Thanks for checking out my post! And I would be all in on some officers - it'd be great to have someone leading the marching company I hope to put together. Your cavalry lieutenant would be even more awesome on a horse, with the infantry marching alongside.
  4. Jaeten

    1/6 QORANGE QOTOYS QOM-1033 American Civil War 4th Texas Regiment at Chickamauga (1863)

    So, moving past the head sculpts, I'd like to introduce my replacements for Mr. Curry and Mr. Van Gogh: Confederate Sergeant Axelrod and Union Sergeant Borden. These sculpts were an extra Facepool Richard Winters I had (from the deluxe set) and a Terminator Salvation John Connor (not sure if...
  5. Jaeten

    1/6 QORANGE QOTOYS QOM-1033 American Civil War 4th Texas Regiment at Chickamauga (1863)

    Hey everyone, I received my Iowa and Texas figures from Kit a few days ago and will offer my impressions of both here. Asta covered them really well so I'll try not to be too redundant. I agree with Asta the quality is very good, outside of the 2 head sculpts (more on that soon). These are my...
  6. Jaeten

    1/6 DiD D80158 Afrika Korps Infantry MG34 Gunner – Bialas

    Yellow tripod on sale for $54 at BBTS! Green one is regular price at $90 though. I didn't get either one, but I did get the MG34 accessory kit for $48.
  7. Jaeten

    Facepool WWII Soviet Tank Crew - Mariya Vasilyevna Oktyabrskaya (Aleksandra Samusenko)

    For anyone interested, BBTS has the Special Edition for $174 and Standard for $108. I decided I didn't need the cupola or the angry head sculpt, so I went with the Standard.
  8. Jaeten

    Facepool: US 2nd Armored Division - Staff Sergeant "Wardaddy" (M4A3 Sherman Tank Commander)

    Totally agree on the glossy hands; the gloves hands do look much better so I'll be keeping those on.
  9. Jaeten

    Facepool: US 2nd Armored Division - Staff Sergeant "Wardaddy" (M4A3 Sherman Tank Commander)

    I received my special edition yesterday from Giantoy so I'll share some in-hand pics showing the 2 head sculpts and 2 helmets. I have somewhat mixed feelings about this figure in terms of how it stacks up to the promo photos, but what do you think?
  10. Jaeten

    InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Gandalf 1:6

    $515! I have one coming from Kit too, can't wait
  11. Jaeten

    1/6 UJINDOU UD9017 US Infantryman ("The Big Red One", Hürtgen Forest 1944)

    I appreciate you bringing up that post, because I wondered if I'd dreamt it up after it disappeared! It was disappointing to hear those complaints since I'm looking forward to this one (1st Ujindou for me). I'm still holding out hope that it'll be great, especially since the post was...
  12. Jaeten

    O-Soul/303Toys/Inflames Toys three kingdoms chinese historical figures

    Awesome, I hadn't seen the news that they were doing another Huang Zhong so thanks for the heads up! I'll be pre-ordering this for sure as the older version of him is too pricey on the secondary market. I'm relatively new to collecting so please rely on the veterans to weigh in, but I'll...
  13. Jaeten

    O-Soul/303Toys/Inflames Toys three kingdoms chinese historical figures

    Thanks for posting this! After the earlier pic of the size disparity, I thought this line of figures wouldn't go with my 303 Toys stuff at all. Your pic looks real good though! Hope the other Wei generals match up size-wise too
  14. Jaeten

    1/6 DID A80156 WWII US 29th Infantry Technician – Corporal Upham

    I see a nice improvement here. If this is the final product, I'm good with it.
  15. Jaeten

    1/6 DID A80156 WWII US 29th Infantry Technician – Corporal Upham

    Camo and cigarette for sure, and strongly agree on the stoic look. That would've been nice - I mean, the guy didn't even look phased when he was machine gunning prisoners!