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  1. Ma2amune

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    SEnitches get SEtitches. Nice try, buddy! 😂
  2. Ma2amune

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    Guys, those of you who purchased AC Cloud or the new arms, are these more durable then before? Or you shouldn't pose these either due to tearing? I was able to get my hands on Remake Clouds extra arms.
  3. Ma2amune

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    Mine is still okay and I bought it on 1st release.
  4. Ma2amune

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    BLT Custom Cloud HS arrived last week :)
  5. Ma2amune

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    We'll figure out something. ;)
  6. Ma2amune

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    @Kit Chen Can you work your magic for these as well? Sadly I did not know that the 1st class Cloud arm will not fit RE Cloud. I would buy these.
  7. Ma2amune

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    I have the same issue. They don't fit into the Remake socket sadly. If someone needs it, let me know. :)
  8. Ma2amune

    Prime 1: Final Fantasy VII - 1/4 Statues

    I am kinda sad that Prime1 will not sell these on their website 'cause they have the option payment plans, SE does not...
  9. Ma2amune

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    I may have made a mistake with the arm accessory for Cloud. I purchased it for the Remake version and the socket does not fit. I did not know that this is going to be an issue. Is there someone who wanted to order one and missed it? I'll sell it to you. No reason for me to keep it. I will sell...
  10. Ma2amune

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    Hi, I am interested in the 2nd Class Zack body. :)
  11. Ma2amune

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    Isn't his face is a bit long? No pun intended.
  12. Ma2amune

    Metal Gear Solid Collectibles

    And now it's full circle.
  13. Ma2amune

    Metal Gear Solid Collectibles

    Luckily, I bought it at first release.