Could be cause we’re so used to it, but can you imagine Superman without the S on his chest? Or Batman without a bat on his chest? It wouldn’t feel right, and that’s how I feel about the DD on the chest too.
Agreed. DD’s costume should be a brighter red. If you’re gonna mute his red costume to a maroon red, might as well just go all in and make it a black costume. At least you can justify it by saying he blends into the shadows like a ninja.
I can agree that police shouldn’t use the symbol because part of police’s job is to preserve life and deadly force is a last resort. But also the skull represents fear from the criminals. So while police shouldn’t use it, you can kind of see the reasoning behind it.
But what is the reason...
The skull symbol to the police and military represents dedication to the mission, whether that be apprehension of criminals for police or destroying your enemies for military. It’s a symbol of never retreating and always finishing the mission, much like the Punisher. The police don’t use the...
I know they were trying to be grounded, but the skull is Punisher’s symbol. And he burned it 10 mins into his show and didn’t put it on again until the end. It’s like the show was afraid to let him be the Punisher because they’re trying to make him more relatable and palpable to the public.
Oh yes, I know all about Marvel’s shame in Punisher, after Jason Aaron’s atrocious run where he butchered, emasculated, and destroyed the character.
But when DD season 2 came out, all that shame wasn’t a thing yet in 2016 (at least not to my knowledge) but Punisher still didn’t rock the skull...
I notice they do things like this all the time. No DD on his costume, or Punisher wearing the skull as little as possible. Like they’re ashamed to show off their symbol or something.