Mars Toys 1/6 Catwoman (Batman '66)

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Super Freak
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Mar 13, 2010
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Mars Toys


· 5 m ·

There will be three actors and three versions. just one by one.

I'm no expert, but didn't all three wear the same/similar costumes?

Obviously, Newmar and Meriwether had different skin colours to Kitt, but if Mars go with fixed-neck head sculpts like Joker, why can't we again have three sculpts in a single pack? Although, I suppose a small part of the chest would also need to be present. We could at least have Newmar and Meriwether in one.

Anyway, it's milking it a bit to create three individual figures, IMO, and I'd have to pick one. Either Newmar or Kitt. Most likely Newmar, as she was the first.
Maybe by 3 different versions they mean Newmar, Pfeiffer, and Kravitz.
I'm fairly sure they're talking 66. Otherwise they're would be even more, like Berry, Hathaway, Bicondova... they already have Pfeiffer separate.
I'm no expert, but didn't all three wear the same/similar costumes?

Obviously, Newmar and Meriwether had different skin colours to Kitt, but if Mars go with fixed-neck head sculpts like Joker, why can't we again have three sculpts in a single pack? Although, I suppose a small part of the chest would also need to be present. We could at least have Newmar and Meriwether in one.

Anyway, it's milking it a bit to create three individual figures, IMO, and I'd have to pick one. Either Newmar or Kitt. Most likely Newmar, as she was the first.
Eartha Kitt was 5’4”, Julie Newmar was 5’11”. Would definitely need separate bodies as well.
I can see the likeness to Newmar there, but I really hope we get some more expressive sculpts as well.

And I understand the desire for an Eartha Kitt version, but did anyone really care much about Meriwether in the role? I don't see anyone but the biggest 1966 completionists getting that figure.
This rendering doesn’t look like Julie, is it supposed to be Lee?
Looks like a mixture of both to me, the chin shape looks closer to Lee's, the thinner eyebrows closer to Julie and the nose shape looks a bit different to both of them :)
Still hope they nail all the likenesses though, a Julie Newmar Catwoman would look great on the shelf.

Getting that material right for the costume is going to be important too!
Only getting Newmar too. Never cared for Eartha Kitt’s portrayal and Lee Meriwether only portrayed her the one time.
Really curious why the stall on Riddler and Penguin, they both seemed so far along and nearly finished back in October 2022.

I imagine there's still alot of work to do on this figure's body -- the catsuit makes the shape critical.
Really curious why the stall on Riddler and Penguin, they both seemed so far along and nearly finished back in October 2022.

I imagine there's still alot of work to do on this figure's body -- the catsuit makes the shape critical.
I thought we would have already had the pre-order for Riddler. Again they seem too busy on multiple other projects. Might be the downfall of Mars Toys. Hopefully not.
Yes, Mars is definitely ambitious. Reminds me of a young HT.

But I do wish to collect figures as opposed to Renders and POs.

There is a lot of money on the table waiting for Mars to come pick it up...

DeVito Penguin
Pfeiffer Catwoman
Arnold Freeze
Uma Poison Ivy
TLJ Two-Face
Newmar Catwoman
Meredith Penguin
Gorshin Riddler
Premminger Freeze

Those are ALL guarantees for me. Now. At this moment in time. Who knows a year from now...?
My thing with Mars is yes they released Joker and it was a good figure, but that’s been it.

The Keaton Bruce Wayne, which let’s be honest is a basic figure has been delayed quite a while. I know it’s for quality purposes but still it feels like it’s taking a while.

Also neither of the other two Romero Joker variants are released. Yet they’re still teasing new things constantly. Like finish some of what’s actually up for pre-order and tease some items, and then tease/announce more.
The Keaton Bruce Wayne, which let’s be honest is a basic figure has been delayed quite a while. I know it’s for quality purposes but still it feels like it’s taking a while.

Also neither of the other two Romero Joker variants are released. Yet they’re still teasing new things constantly. Like finish some of what’s actually up for pre-order and tease some items, and then tease/announce more.


And also, where's my Mob Boss Nicholson? Feels like that should be coming any time now too.