As I grew increasingly disillusioned with Star Wars and found I was losing any affection I had for it, even the OT, I had planned to watch Andor season 2 as the last bit of Star Wars. My personal Star Wars would be the OT, Rogue One and Andor. Maybe Mando season 1 and 2.
So I had expected to be excited for and watch Andor season 2.
However, my compete departure from Star Wars fandom and severing of the emotional ties I had with it since 1980 came even sooner than expected.
I thought Andor season 2 would be my goodbye to the series but now I'm entirely numb to Star Wars.
Andor season 2 will soon be here and I feel nothing for it.
I've already sold every Star Wars collectable I owned.
Here we are, HT finally doing a TIE pilot and ROTJ Han. Andor season 2 nearly here and I don't care about any of it. I'd have been excited a few months ago, maybe a year ago.
Oh well. I'm just not a Star Wars fan anymore.
Andor was significantly better than the typical Disney sludge. Hopefully season 2 will be as good or better.
I hope it will be worth the wait at least for whatever remains of this fandom.
Hmmmm I really ought to change my profile picture...