Dealing with Ebay

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Jan 5, 2013
Reaction score
North Carolina
Quick question for you all,

I sold 1/6 scale Sideshow DareDevil that had fine leather before packaging. All of the pictures I took had no peeling or cracking in the leather. Unfortunately, due to the market the item sat on Ebay for a while and the item was pre-packaged and ready for shipping in the box in my closet. To make a long story short, someone buys it a few days ago, and proceeds to tell me that I am selling a bad product because the item is peeling. Ebay pretty much says," You need to allow this return because of our money back guaranteed" am I just screwed here? The guy could have easily swapped it with his own cracking and peeling DareDevil figure. What do I know? If this is the case I am going to stop buying 1/6 scale figures all together and just get rid of all the mess I already have currently.
I was advised to just accept the return to get rid of the troll, because obviously he thinks I am a scammer. I haven't sold a bad product on Ebay ever so it pisses me of that this dude insults me as if I do.
That’s a tough one. eBay will nearly always side with a buyer now matter how good your proof is. With the item in storage for a while it’s impossible to know if it did indeed start to deteriorate. Unfortunately that can happen though.

You might see if the buyer would be agreeable to a partial refund and keep it as-is. Might be better than eating the entire return and trying to resell what may or may not be your original figure.
That’s a tough one. eBay will nearly always side with a buyer now matter how good your proof is. With the item in storage for a while it’s impossible to know if it did indeed start to deteriorate. Unfortunately that can happen though.

You might see if the buyer would be agreeable to a partial refund and keep it as-is. Might be better than eating the entire return and trying to resell what may or may not be your original figure.
He already started trolling about me selling bad products and said "eBay will handle me" It didn't help that I accused him of swapping the product out though. Lol.
I guess I'll just eat it this time. I don't know what else to do.
This is a common scam people try. How long did it sit in storage? Where is the buyer located(hot humid or dry climate?) Even if you have pics showing how you sent it is different than you got it back it will still be a fight with eBay, but they may cover you if you can prove it is a different figure.
This is a common scam people try. How long did it sit in storage? Where is the buyer located(hot humid or dry climate?) Even if you have pics showing how you sent it is different than you got it back it will still be a fight with eBay, but they may cover you if you can prove it is a different figure.
I’ll take the punch to the chin this time. I didn’t check the box before shipping because I assumed the product was fine. But, it sat in the back of my closet in its original packaging for about 6-8 months. Going forward, I will pre-inspect all items with pleather before shipping. Luckily Sideshow Daredevil, Luke Cage, and Cyclops(Jim lee) are the only pleather crap I have left. I may be getting rid of the silicon body mess too. It seems nice on paper, but they end up just becoming a mess.
I was advised to just accept the return to get rid of the troll, because obviously he thinks I am a scammer. I haven't sold a bad product on Ebay ever so it pisses me of that this dude insults me as if I do.

It's hard to gauge this situation entirely because the item was trapped in a box for 6-8 months sight unseen. ( Not making an accusation, just pointing out the practical logistics of what's going on.)

Nothing you can do now, Ebay will always side with the buyer. He could be right. He could be wrong. You both could be right and wrong here. Again, it's hard to say.

Best unsolicited advice is to take photos and video of the packing process. With modern technology, it's not hard to get a little tripod and set up your phone or other device and just record yourself packing the item. Also to show it's "condition". When possible, get a slip of paper, write down your screen name/user name plus the current date, and keep that visible in the frame of the photos or video.

When I occasionally sold or traded 1/6th vehicles back in the day ( very rare that I did and shipping costs were manageable enough to do that back then) , I'd only list that damage was implied in shipping. I.E. in all the years I was on OSW, enforcing commerce there, I never saw a situation where a large vehicle didn't take some kind of damage in transit. Even if it was minor. But some things are just gonna break. If you tried to ship a HT Aliens Powerloader today, something is gonna break. Something like that. That is only useful in a small board to board sale or trade. I'd avoid moving anything on Ebay where damage is high risk or implied ( vehicles, pleather items, things with known common defects like the hose pegs on the Power Loader, the visor screen cover for the first HT ED-209, etc, etc)

When in dispute, always present a "case", instead of an argument. Sometimes an argument is warranted, but it's just better to present the situation as a case. Lots of information. Lots of photos or video. Screen shots of emails. Screen shots of the listing. You might not win in a formal dispute like Ebay, but you might win the Court Of Public Opinion if that can be relevant.

If you are in this hobby long enough, you'll, or all of us, will eventually take losses. I've taken losses over the years. All you can do is try to turn those situations into personal teaching lessons, and revise your tactics moving forward. Ebay is just not seller friendly, especially for small level sellers. That being said, 6-8 months can be a long time for something dormant. It's hard to fully assess.

Good luck.
let us know if you at least got a damaged figure back and not some random item.
let us know if you at least got a damaged figure back and not some random item.
Well, I got the package and the legs were completely loose. I would have noticed something like this from Sideshow when I originally bought the thing and would have returned it at that time. I am the type of person who buys these 1/6 figures inspect them, put them in a museum pose and just let it rock like that on my shelf. I get that some people like to do Vann Damme splits with every figure, but that isn't me. So getting the figure and having the legs dangle from the body enraged me.
Anyway, after calming down, I immediately called Ebay and the lady sided with me, but asked if I would do a partial refund. The buyer repeatedly sent me that "It is the same figure". You can see where the pleather stuck to the plastic, but that could have been this guys own figure he had in storage.

It's hard to gauge this situation entirely because the item was trapped in a box for 6-8 months sight unseen. ( Not making an accusation, just pointing out the practical logistics of what's going on.)

Nothing you can do now, Ebay will always side with the buyer. He could be right. He could be wrong. You both could be right and wrong here. Again, it's hard to say.

Best unsolicited advice is to take photos and video of the packing process. With modern technology, it's not hard to get a little tripod and set up your phone or other device and just record yourself packing the item. Also to show it's "condition". When possible, get a slip of paper, write down your screen name/user name plus the current date, and keep that visible in the frame of the photos or video.

When I occasionally sold or traded 1/6th vehicles back in the day ( very rare that I did and shipping costs were manageable enough to do that back then) , I'd only list that damage was implied in shipping. I.E. in all the years I was on OSW, enforcing commerce there, I never saw a situation where a large vehicle didn't take some kind of damage in transit. Even if it was minor. But some things are just gonna break. If you tried to ship a HT Aliens Powerloader today, something is gonna break. Something like that. That is only useful in a small board to board sale or trade. I'd avoid moving anything on Ebay where damage is high risk or implied ( vehicles, pleather items, things with known common defects like the hose pegs on the Power Loader, the visor screen cover for the first HT ED-209, etc, etc)

When in dispute, always present a "case", instead of an argument. Sometimes an argument is warranted, but it's just better to present the situation as a case. Lots of information. Lots of photos or video. Screen shots of emails. Screen shots of the listing. You might not win in a formal dispute like Ebay, but you might win the Court Of Public Opinion if that can be relevant.

If you are in this hobby long enough, you'll, or all of us, will eventually take losses. I've taken losses over the years. All you can do is try to turn those situations into personal teaching lessons, and revise your tactics moving forward. Ebay is just not seller friendly, especially for small level sellers. That being said, 6-8 months can be a long time for something dormant. It's hard to fully assess.

Good luck.
I'll definitely be doing videos from now on. However, when it comes to 1/6 figure sales going forward, I will just sell on the forms here. I used to be on Statue form a while back when I was into those and had a way better experience. A little less money, but less clinching my butt cheeks making sure I don't get negative feedback or some sort of weird situation like I just went through.
However, as you said, no one in this hobby has a perfect track record. Seems like it was my turn to get screwed over.
I sympathise with your plight my friend. Unfortuantely selling platforms stand or fall on honesty and as is well known there are many out there who are dishonest.

At one time I thought what goes around comes around or if you like God does not pay his debts in money. Today I know that the dishonest often get away with it.

Honesty is still the best policy.

I wish you much luck.
Well, I got the package and the legs were completely loose. I would have noticed something like this from Sideshow when I originally bought the thing and would have returned it at that time. I am the type of person who buys these 1/6 figures inspect them, put them in a museum pose and just let it rock like that on my shelf. I get that some people like to do Vann Damme splits with every figure, but that isn't me. So getting the figure and having the legs dangle from the body enraged me.
Anyway, after calming down, I immediately called Ebay and the lady sided with me, but asked if I would do a partial refund. The buyer repeatedly sent me that "It is the same figure". You can see where the pleather stuck to the plastic, but that could have been this guys own figure he had in storage.

I'll definitely be doing videos from now on. However, when it comes to 1/6 figure sales going forward, I will just sell on the forms here. I used to be on Statue form a while back when I was into those and had a way better experience. A little less money, but less clinching my butt cheeks making sure I don't get negative feedback or some sort of weird situation like I just went through.
However, as you said, no one in this hobby has a perfect track record. Seems like it was my turn to get screwed over.
take the loss dude. partial refund require you sending the item back again and adds postage and who knows if buyer will close the case. i think the body broke. it could be the buyer replaced it with a broken one or he really pushed it and the pleather and leg broke. thing is no way to prove anything so just try to repair the figure and sell it lower price to cut your loss.
I sympathise with your plight my friend. Unfortuantely selling platforms stand or fall on honesty and as is well known there are many out there who are dishonest.

At one time I thought what goes around comes around or if you like God does not pay his debts in money. Today I know that the dishonest often get away with it.

Honesty is still the best policy.

I wish you much luck.
karma lies within the hands of those alive. smart people would do this using alias so they cannot be known. if you arent known it would be harder for karma to find you.
karma lies within the hands of those alive. smart people would do this using alias so they cannot be known. if you arent known it would be harder for karma to find you.
Anonymity, many give it up and in time wish they had not.
Are you 100% sure it's a different figure and the buyer is scamming you?

If you are 100% sure, and he returned the item with the reason being "Item Not as Described," then you can call Ebay and explain he sent back a different item and not the item you sent him, in the condition you sent it to him. Escalate to a Level 2 Tech / Manager. They'll have you print out, sign, scan, and send them back an affidavit, as he's abusing the Terms and Service and engaging in fraud. Then they'll give you your money back.

They may still fully refund the buyer, to appease him, but it'll be out of their own pocket, and they'll flag his account in case he keeps pulling this ****.

But I would recommend you do it only if you're 100% sure it's a different item. Sometimes **** happens, so you want to save this process for when you really need it or are completely sure - do it too much, and then you're the one who looks fishy to Ebay.

I've only had to do it once every few hundred transactions.

(Also, never accuse the buyer directly in communication with him. Always look calm, professional, polite, and courteous. Ebay will examine all communications between the two of you - you always want to look like the one in the right, to get Ebay to be more willing to back you when you need it. Plus, the calmer you act - and the more specific questions you ask - the more likely that you end up feeding the buyer some rope to hang himself with by implicating himself).
I haven't dealt with Ebay for a while en recently ordered from a seller in Japan. They messaged me this morning telling me there was a problem with my item and they are unable tu fulfill my order.

Question: They are asking me to cancel the order on my side in order for them to proceed with refund. Is it standard procedure for a seller to ask buyer to cancel order before refund? Aren't they in a aposition to cancel on their end AND refund? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
eBay's terms will make you refund it.

You are obligated to be sure your product matches the description BEFORE you ship.

I always document the boxing and shipping process with photos, in case a buyer try's to switch out product.

I usually send that documentation to the buyer as well
I haven't dealt with Ebay for a while en recently ordered from a seller in Japan. They messaged me this morning telling me there was a problem with my item and they are unable tu fulfill my order.

Question: They are asking me to cancel the order on my side in order for them to proceed with refund. Is it standard procedure for a seller to ask buyer to cancel order before refund? Aren't they in a aposition to cancel on their end AND refund? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
They usually want you to cancel b/c it looks bad on them if they cancel it. If they have too many cancelled orders, it can cause eBay to lower their seller rating. So they’re trying to cover themselves by not being the one to cancel. You can tell them that you don’t have the option to cancel the order on your end so they need to cancel it for you. I had a buyer tell me that once when there was a glitch and multiple ppl were able to purchase one of my items.

What seller was it? Hopefully not cinematic collectibles or whatever as I think that’s been said to be Toys Wonderland eBay seller name.
They usually want you to cancel b/c it looks bad on them if they cancel it. If they have too many cancelled orders, it can cause eBay to lower their seller rating. So they’re trying to cover themselves by not being the one to cancel. You can tell them that you don’t have the option to cancel the order on your end so they need to cancel it for you. I had a buyer tell me that once when there was a glitch and multiple ppl were able to purchase one of my items.

What seller was it? Hopefully not cinematic collectibles or whatever as I think that’s been said to be Toys Wonderland eBay seller name.

I ended up trying to cancel on my end but option was inactive anyway. Got a message telling me this option was unavailable (4 days after BIN).

Seller fujiyama-japan cancelled immediately after i let him know. When looking at the reason given to Ebay, it stipulated "cancelled at buyer's request". I suspect yet another shameless seller relisting item at a higher price.
I ended up trying to cancel on my end but option was inactive anyway. Got a message telling me this option was unavailable (4 days after BIN).

Seller fujiyama-japan cancelled immediately after i let him know. When looking at the reason given to Ebay, it stipulated "cancelled at buyer's request". I suspect yet another shameless seller relisting item at a higher price.
Ahh gotcha. Yea, that’s the next best thing for them - to say it was you who requested it. Good thing is that at least you’ll be getting a refund rather than an empty box in the mail.
They usually want you to cancel b/c it looks bad on them if they cancel it. If they have too many cancelled orders, it can cause eBay to lower their seller rating. So they’re trying to cover themselves by not being the one to cancel. You can tell them that you don’t have the option to cancel the order on your end so they need to cancel it for you. I had a buyer tell me that once when there was a glitch and multiple ppl were able to purchase one of my items.

What seller was it? Hopefully not cinematic collectibles or whatever as I think that’s been said to be Toys Wonderland eBay seller name.
Seller can give that excuse for any refund though, even if the buyer does not request it. I have had that happen to me in the past.
I haven't dealt with Ebay for a while en recently ordered from a seller in Japan. They messaged me this morning telling me there was a problem with my item and they are unable tu fulfill my order.

Question: They are asking me to cancel the order on my side in order for them to proceed with refund. Is it standard procedure for a seller to ask buyer to cancel order before refund? Aren't they in a aposition to cancel on their end AND refund? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
depends how nice you are and their track records. if indeed they found problems with the item they are doing you a favor. if you cancel, leave a note saying seller requested this. if not you can wait until the deadline is up or they forcedfully send the problematic item to you and you have to issue a return and refund.
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