Action Figure LIMTOYS 1/6 - Android Become Human - The Investigator / Nines - REVEAL

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If they wait another 5 years longer, Limtoys can release the figure to coincide with Quantic Dream's inevitable remaster of the game ;D
I'm just confused what there is to defend here. A 5 YEAR pre-order. If you had a kid the month this was released, they'd be almost 5 years old, walking, talking, probably in school, thats an insane amount of time.
I can hardly sympathize. I saw it coming. I made a post years ago expressing my concern, and hordes of people started attacking me for criticizing their favorite company. Worse yet, it got me kicked off the Facebook group for "causing aggravation".

My intention wasn't to slander LIM. I value what they make, and I don't want to see them go. I tried to question their practice based on factuality, and challenged people to set a higher bar for how much they can tolerate from a company. I tried to signal a warning, and I got absolutely villified.

I wonder how many of those people then, are complaining about this now. This is the cost of their blind loyalty to a commetcial brand. They can go to hell with their whining.
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I'm just confused what there is to defend here. A 5 YEAR pre-order. If you had a kid the month this was released, they'd be almost 5 years old, walking, talking, probably in school, thats an insane amount of time.
Haha yeah that is insane 😬
If some of us are lucky to live to a 100, a 5 year wait is like 5% of your life just waiting for a this figure 😅
I think if some ppl paid this in full back then, its almost criminal, especially with false promises and little to no updates.
generic android man whose name I can't even remember from a game I played and nobody talks about.
Ha! Well bc you can’t remember “Connor” and feel he’s a random android man doesn’t make it fact that no one else can. Sure he’s not as popular as Geralt and it’s more of a cult following - hence my niche description - my point was to illustrate that time doesn’t necessarily render something less desirable.

Also as stated I have my doubts as well, just simply answering your question if anyone was still waiting for it. I am, though I don’t know how to truly quantify that.
I'm just confused what there is to defend here. A 5 YEAR pre-order. If you had a kid the month this was released, they'd be almost 5 years old, walking, talking, probably in school, thats an insane amount of time.
The thing is many people will have experienced a change in their life or their financial situation in 5 years. Like when you get a kid or your own house or are planning your wedding, it’s likely you stop collecting or don’t collect as much figures as you used to.

On top of that the game is turning 6 years old and there’s no hype around it anymore.

Even if Connor released tomorrow I’m willing to bet a large quantity of people who ordered him way back when don’t even want him. Ffs just cancel the whole thing and give people their money back. 5 years is insane.
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We really should be asking ourselves. At what point in time is our money and our desire for this long overdue figure truly gone? How much longer can we wait?

Imagine if every company started doing this. At what point do we draw the line?

The 7 year mark? The 10 year mark?

This whole situation also made me realise there is no store policy for this at the retailors. At what point do we automatically get refunded by them if they just keep the status of the figures development in limbo? They are the first ever figure company to stretch the boundaries of pre-order this far.
We really should be asking ourselves. At what point in time is our money and our desire for this long overdue figure truly gone? How much longer can we wait?

Imagine if every company started doing this. At what point do we draw the line?

The 7 year mark? The 10 year mark?

This whole situation also made me realise there is no store policy for this at the retailors. At what point do we automatically get refunded by them if they just keep the status of the figures development in limbo? They are the first ever figure company to stretch the boundaries of pre-order this far.

You do realise that YOU can just ask the store you ordered from for a refund? The store won’t cancel it automatically.
I’m very certain that if you do that your woes will disappear for this figure(s) you barely want anymore. Are people so resistant to lose a $25-50 deposit?
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We really should be asking ourselves. At what point in time is our money and our desire for this long overdue figure truly gone? How much longer can we wait?

Imagine if every company started doing this. At what point do we draw the line?

The 7 year mark? The 10 year mark?

This whole situation also made me realise there is no store policy for this at the retailors. At what point do we automatically get refunded by them if they just keep the status of the figures development in limbo? They are the first ever figure company to stretch the boundaries of pre-order this far.

I still remember, that one of the guys from Lim first teased some renders of MGS 2 Snake in 2017 and nothing has transpired since then, except for more renders. So, it's technically the 7 year mark for that :lol.

I get the impression that they've bit off more than they could chew, and would need to inevitably drop some projects in order to better manage their limited resources. As for deposits, it would be annoying if those were NRDs and couldn't be refunded either way.
We really should be asking ourselves. At what point in time is our money and our desire for this long overdue figure truly gone? How much longer can we wait?

Imagine if every company started doing this. At what point do we draw the line?

The 7 year mark? The 10 year mark?

This whole situation also made me realise there is no store policy for this at the retailors. At what point do we automatically get refunded by them if they just keep the status of the figures development in limbo? They are the first ever figure company to stretch the boundaries of pre-order this far.
I've already said this multiple times in other threads and topics, but it seems like 'toxic positivity' is a norm these days. Heaven forbid that buyers of a good complain about not getting the product years after when it was supposed to have released.

Don't be critical of anything. If you are being critical, you're just being a c*nt. Just be grateful for what you get. Standards? Expectations? What's that?

Not trying to be an arse but I'm sick of this "attitude" and way of thinking that has spread everywhere online. It only makes the minority who *do* whinge and moan for no reason, do so even louder and more obnoxiously.

I can hardly sympathize. I saw it coming. I made a post years ago expressing my concern, and hordes of people started attacking me for criticizing their favorite company. Worse yet, it got me kicked off the Facebook group for "causing aggravation".

My intention wasn't to slander LIM. I value what they make, and I don't want to see them go. I tried to question their practice based on factuality, and challenged people to set a higher bar for how much they can tolerate from a company. I tried to signal a warning, and I got absolutely villified.

I wonder how many of those people then, are complaining about this now. This is the cost of their blind loyalty to a commetcial brand. They can go to hell with their whining.

I remember standing on the sidelines, seeing this behaviour and being absolutely puzzled. R_R_X's post that he made about people being "negative" and overly-critical to the company only added fuel to the fire, and since I didn't know any better I gave him/her the benefit of doubt. Now, I wonder what the hell R_R_X was talking about, because all I say for the figures that did get released was praise and love (with maybe 1-2 comments here and there of someone complaining).

The fact that it took 5 years to be able to have this kind of conversation is ******* appalling. The more I think about this, the worse it looks.

But no, how DARE you complain? How dare you expect anything more you entitled POS!

*Rant over*
Man, the opening post for this was on Sept. 18th, 2019. The Pandemic didn't happen yet, my ex girlfriend and I were still together, there was still hopes for a nice figure. Good times.

Aside from that, is there any value of still keeping this thread open? :unsure: For now, I can just lock it. And in case this figure does see the light of day, someone can start a new thread and I'll just merge it with this one.
Man, the opening post for this was on Sept. 18th, 2019. The Pandemic didn't happen yet, my ex girlfriend and I were still together, there was still hopes for a nice figure. Good times.

Aside from that, is there any value of still keeping this thread open? :unsure: For now, I can just lock it. And in case this figure does see the light of day, someone can start a new thread and I'll just merge it with this one.
No. This thread is valueless. It’s nothing but a running 5 year “jokes on us” kinda thing really. That’s just my opinion. Five years waiting for something that’s never going to happen would seem pretty worthless to leave this thread open. End it.
Man, the opening post for this was on Sept. 18th, 2019. The Pandemic didn't happen yet, my ex girlfriend and I were still together, there was still hopes for a nice figure. Good times.

Aside from that, is there any value of still keeping this thread open? :unsure: For now, I can just lock it. And in case this figure does see the light of day, someone can start a new thread and I'll just merge it with this one.
Pls dont lock it. We need somewhere to vent our frustrations when it comes to Limtoys and their terrible customer service.
Yeah. No point in keeping this going. If there was even an intention to release it, we'd have heard something by now.

Take this with a grain of salt. But a friend of mine made a post on Facebook sharing his frustrations, and it was heavily implied that LIM approached the admin with a complaint to take it down.
I'll take five votes for this. Just one more to decide the fate of this thread.

Votes so far

Lock the thread:
Mr. NoCredit
Scout Trooper

Keep the thread open:
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Yeah. No point in keeping this going. If there was even an intention to release it, we'd have heard something by now.

Take this with a grain of salt. But a friend of mine made a post on Facebook sharing his frustrations, and it was heavily implied that LIM approached the admin with a complaint to take it down.
LIM will do anything but admit their failure. It’s pathetic. They can never straight up say they were wrong or sorry. They keep blaming the factory and pandemic and now shutdown all communication with their customers by not providing updates as it may set “unrealistic” expectations. God the audacity of these people.
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