JND Studios 1:3 John Wick

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Price is 2,299.

They state the head is silicone and body is resin. So are the hands made of resin rather than silicone?
This was going to be my first JND product because the teaser pics looked spot on. However the likeness needs to be 100% on something this expensive.

I was going to get this and also the Prime 1 Neo, both in 1/3 scale, however this just doesn't cut it. In reality, Prime 1 and JND don't usually scale too well anyway as Prime 1 is always larger.

I'll be going for the Prime 1/Blitzway Wick instead.
Yea, I think P1/BW is the way to go for a larger format John Wick piece. It would be great if they end up doing a 1/3 piece to go with Neo. I had the same plan regarding getting the P1/BW 1/3 Neo and then this JND John Wick for a Keanu display but not so sure about that now.

There’s definitely the potential that this could look great in hand, but again, that’s a big gamble. I will admit that I was pretty worried with my JL Superman order all the way up until it arrived. Ended up being incredibly thrilled with it though and arguably my favorite piece in the collection currently.
Price is 2,299.

They state the head is silicone and body is resin. So are the hands made of resin rather than silicone?
Typically the hands are also silicone with pieces like this. Outside of JL Wonder Woman, I don’t believe any of the previous pieces had a silicone body including Harley Quinn, though I could be wrong.
Hands are always Silicone unless they're gloved.

I think the statues likeness is pretty much there. Although it suffers from JND's problem of not using a singular image for the look of a portrait, they always take artistic license and fuse multiple references to look new. This one is a bit jarring as it's so clearly based on the poster but quite different in a lot of aspects. Overall I think it just needs minor tweaks. Although I really don't like the arm placement.

Anyone getting one?
Here's an edit I tried


  • JND John Wick Before After Edit.jpg
    JND John Wick Before After Edit.jpg
    1 MB · Views: 0
Hands are always Silicone unless they're gloved.

I think the statues likeness is pretty much there. Although it suffers from JND's problem of not using a singular image for the look of a portrait, they always take artistic license and fuse multiple references to look new. This one is a bit jarring as it's so clearly based on the poster but quite different in a lot of aspects. Overall I think it just needs minor tweaks. Although I really don't like the arm placement.

Anyone getting one?
Not for the AUD$4,200 Sugo are charging, that's an extra AUD$700 for the shipping costs. Seems excessive for a statue of this size.

I thought Catwoman was expensive, but this is an extra $500. That rooted hair really adds a lot to the cost.

I guess that is the cost of these JND pieces. I think I'll stick with Prime 1.
Just saw the P1/BW version... can't believe I'm saying it, but it's definitely a better likeness.
"Nope" as in I agree. I'm basing my statement on more than just likeness. JND is not "hyper real".

I'll also say this. Glued hair looks much more natural than JND's rooted hair. Particularly at the roots (ironically). And it's worse when the method is used for eyebrows. It also doesn't appear to scale as well for 1/6 application (Referring to their Joker).

In this case, the contrast is even further exacerbated with the sculpted/painted beard on the same sculpt.


I can't speak for the silicone as I've not seen it in hand. But from what I've observed in pictures and video, it doesn't look like skin any more (or better even) than a standard sculpt with adequate paint work. It often comes across overly textured, and in some cases, contorted looking. It may be of little advantage other than selling a cool gimmick.



While JND does solid, even impressive work, it's really a brand that's built on marketing ploys rather than actual results.

The term "hyper real" especially gets tossed around a lot. Jazzinc are leading their 1/6 figure introduction with the same label, and while I'm excited to see what they do, I seriously doubt it's on the level they're boasting.

I'm still looking to add a JND piece (likely 1/6) some time in the future. But I haven't been compelled by anything thus far.
I love when people have opinions based on nothing but pictures.
Every brand relies on imagery to sell you a product, and it's in that visual presentation that it's made to look optimal. What makes JND any different? Do their statues magically shapeshift in person?

I'm watching these reviews. I've seen better work in hand and in pictures. Hair that's better styled, rooted, colored, and stranded. Not to mention likenesses that more closely resemble the people they're based on.

Seldom does a JND look near indistinguishable from its real human counterpart.

Queen and Infinity have made better work, with a much more modest attitude.
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Every brand relies on imagery to sell you a product, and it's in that visual presentation that it's made to look optimal. What makes JND any different? Do their statues magically shapeshift in person?

I'm watching these reviews. I've seen better work in hand and in pictures. Hair that's better styled, rooted, colored, and stranded. Not to mention likenesses that more closely resemble the people they're based on.

Seldom does a JND look near indistinguishable from its real human counterpart.

Queen and Infinity have made better work, with a much more modest attitude.
Maybe listen to collectors who routinely say these look even better in person than pics, or better yet go to a con or get one yourself and see before basing such a flawed opinion on the photography skills of others. Nobody has indistinguishable from the real person likeness, but nothing else I have seen makes me think there is a miniature person in front of me. Queen and Infinity have not done 1/3 pieces anywhere near this quality, and both have had plenty of misses.
What makes JND any different? Do their statues magically shapeshift in person?
I can’t speak for all JND statues as I only have 1. But I can honestly say that pictures don’t do it justice, at least for the Cavill Superman statue I have. I had my concerns leading up to receiving it and regularly voiced them in the respective thread.

It’s definitely way more lifelike than any collectible I’ve ever had and the likeness is way more accurate in hand than any online picture I’ve seen, though some have come close. The difference in taking pics of them is very similar to how one can take a really good selfie photo where you look really good but then there’s the candid or even group photo where you can look totally different. You know it’s the same person but the two photos aren’t showing the same information. Not to say he has more authority than anyone else, but even Batman Statue Collector has said that JND’s TDK Batman is one of the best Bale Batman pieces he’s ever seen, while admitting that it looks way better in person than pics show, despite his previous remarks. He’s pretty critical of JND for the same reasons many here have been to the point of continually being called a “JND hater,” even though he praised the JND TDK Batman once he finally saw it in hand. I think even JND themselves called him out on social media (maybe Facebook) :lol

Or, if we want to go a recent collectible comparison, just look how bad InArt’s The Batman looks in many of the recent reviews with pretty much only Black’s photos being the ones that appear to show the figure in its true light. Difference between that and JND is that for whatever reason, ppl chalk up the figure looking bad there as a fault of the reviewer and not the product, whereas with JND, it’s always the fault of the product and not the reviewer. I personally think it’s the price that sets ppl off as well as the way the company carries itself.

There are plenty of 1/6 products, old and new, official or custom, at all price points that can look really great in photos b/c of lighting/lens/angle that mask the faults or enhance the good. You’re usually never going to truly know how good something is until you have it in hand. I’ve seen pics of Mike Yuan’s Joker pieces from certain collectors that make it look like trash and I wonder if he just takes really good photos of his work or if those collector pics are just that bad. We’ve seen it time and time again on this forum where a figure is released and arguably looks bad until ppl start getting it in hand and start praising that it gains or regains its popularly so much that ppl scramble to get it.

As @67L88Stingray mentioned, Queen Studios isn’t perfect either. They recently revealed their production piece of the life-size Man of Steel bust and it really took a downgrade from the prototype. Both of their 1/4 and 1/3 TDK Jokers are misses in my opinion along with their 1/3 TDK Batman to name a few. To their credit, 1/4 BvS Knightmare Batman looks to have turned out great though.

I’m not a JND apologist though as I’ve been critical of this John Wick piece as well as other items by them. I do think they get a little too much hate though which appears to be mostly rooted in the price point and/or the company’s self perception where as other companies in the same space making similar products with similar misses don’t get nearly the same amount of scrutiny in my opinion. I’m happy to have the one JND piece that I do and very much look forward to adding the Reeve 2-pack to my collection as well as maybe The Witcher piece.
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Maybe listen to collectors who routinely say these look even better in person than pics, or better yet go to a con or get one yourself and see before basing such a flawed opinion on the photography skills of others. Nobody has indistinguishable from the real person likeness, but nothing else I have seen makes me think there is a miniature person in front of me. Queen and Infinity have not done 1/3 pieces anywhere near this quality, and both have had plenty of misses.
I can’t speak for all JND statues as I only have 1. But I can honestly say that pictures don’t do it justice, at least for the Cavill Superman statue I have. I had my concerns leading up to receiving it and regularly voiced them in the respective thread.

It’s definitely way more lifelike than any collectible I’ve ever had and the likeness is way more accurate in hand than any online picture I’ve seen, though some have come close. The difference in taking pics of them is very similar to how one can take a really good selfie photo where you look really good but then there’s the candid or even group photo where you can look totally different. You know it’s the same person but the two photos aren’t showing the same information. Not to say he has more authority than anyone else, but even Batman Statue Collector has said that JND’s TDK Batman is one of the best Bale Batman pieces he’s ever seen, while admitting that it looks way better in person than pics show, despite his previous remarks. He’s pretty critical of JND for the same reasons many here have been to the point of continually being called a “JND hater,” even though he praised the JND TDK Batman once he finally saw it in hand. I think even JND themselves called him out on social media (maybe Facebook) :lol

Or, if we want to go a recent collectible comparison, just look how bad InArt’s The Batman looks in many of the recent reviews with pretty much only Black’s photos being the ones that appear to show the figure in its true light. Difference between that and JND is that for whatever reason, ppl chalk up the figure looking bad there as a fault of the reviewer and not the product, whereas with JND, it’s always the fault of the product and not the reviewer. I personally think it’s the price that sets ppl off as well as the way the company carries itself.

There are plenty of 1/6 products, old and new, official or custom, at all price points that can look really great in photos b/c of lighting/lens/angle that mask the faults or enhance the good. You’re usually never going to truly know how good something is until you have it in hand. I’ve seen pics of Mike Yuan’s Joker pieces from certain collectors that make it look like trash and I wonder if he just takes really good photos of his work or if those collector pics are just that bad. We’ve seen it time and time again on this forum where a figure is released and arguably looks bad until ppl start getting it in hand and start praising that it gains or regains its popularly so much that ppl scramble to get it.

As @67L88Stingray mentioned, Queen Studios isn’t perfect either. They recently revealed their production piece of the life-size Man of Steel bust and it really took a downgrade from the prototype. Both of their 1/4 and 1/3 TDK Jokers are misses in my opinion along with their 1/3 TDK Batman to name a few. To their credit, 1/4 BvS Knightmare Batman looks to have turned out great though.

I’m not a JND apologist though as I’ve been critical of this John Wick piece as well as other items by them. I do think they get a little too much hate though which appears to be mostly rooted in the price point and/or the company’s self perception where as other companies in the same space making similar products with similar misses don’t get nearly the same amount of scrutiny in my opinion. I’m happy to have the one JND piece that I do and very much look forward to adding the Reeve 2-pack to my collection as well as maybe The Witcher piece.
I'm not calling JND products trash. The Reeve Superman, Pattinson Bat, Bale Bat, and Wonder Woman, are among some very impressive works I've seen. Also that recent Korean exclusive they did.

I'm saying JND are not all they make themselves out to be. And I'm not the sort of person that relies on what others tell me. I rely on my own perception of things from a fair amount of evidence I'm provided. (Although I have made it clear that I haven't seen one in person, and I do take that into consideration). But unless I do, I won't spend upwards of two grand on anything that doesn't sway me in pictures. There's a judgement to be made, and it follows the same criteria as anything else I choose.

I'm well aware that photography distorts reality.

Yes, there's a night and day difference between Black's presentation of Inart's Batman, and that of your typical influencer. But it hasn't influenced my opinion on the actual figure. I've maintained the same critique of the sculpt from the very beginning. And I'll share my final thoughts when I have the figure in hand. But I don't expect that anything will change.

Likewise, @Gipetto0812 you brought up the JND Cavill statue. I'm sure it's a great looking piece. But I'm not critiquing aesthetics here.

In all the footage I've seen, the suit appears to lack the luminescence of the real thing. It looks static by comparison. Clear cut. Reminiscent of the type of statues that paint highlights and shadows to mimic lighting, and emphasize musculature. Companies like Prime1, Inart, and even Hot Toys, have seemingly taken a better approach to replicating the qualities of the real suit.


In execution, JND's comes across a highly stylized interpretation of the actual person.


It's not "hyper real".

I know @Gipetto0812 you're a detail oriented individual, and I give credence to your observations. Maybe it's different in hand? And yet I will always have doubts until I see it for myself.
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