Sideshow: Obi-Wan Kenobi Mythos Premium Format

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This is nice, but that fully sculpted Mythos is pure art.

Still one of my favorite pieces in the collection, the uneven scales is what is getting me lol

No, you keep the Mythos and you buy this one, too. :cool:

lmao. Not sure if I can do all 3 (along with HT releases later this year), I know we'll get another Kenobi sooner or later, not confident we'd get another Mace or Rex.

I’m a 1/4 scale guy so I’m pumped for this. I sold the original Mythos Kenobi years ago because I struggle with different scales coexisting 😎

Same, I prefer 1/4, I have a 4 Mythos pieces left (after recently getting rid of Maul), so I might just keep them together and separate them from the larger scale pieces or something like that.

I have some time to think it over, 3 Star Wars PFs in a span of 6 weeks wasn't on my financial bingo card at the start of this year.
I have some time to think it over, 3 Star Wars PFs in a span of 6 weeks wasn't on my financial bingo card at the start of this year.

Heck if I could get the original at a good price I'd get that too. The series didn't do so well with it; but for me Obi's exile has always been a profound part of his character. A life in exile to protect this faint, last hope, but Obi-wan IMO was never hopeless lol I ignore the show depiction more or less😁. We need a Season 2 to fix things.

Anyway, yeah, I knew this was coming but things with me are never flush with cash.:lol I'd cut back on collecting anyway and I'm paying on HT Obi and the Dewback.

But honestly think this has a reasonable chance of selling out, economy or not. I've only got one Sideshow piece - Cara Dune - and I'm impressed. Had a 20$ thank you coupon that worked and bought myself a gift card, so essentially I put down a super large deposit. It cuts down the size of the monthly payment which I find useful.

I am now even madder about the price for Rex. WTAF.

I think Rex is more complicated with multiple lite-ups, more chance for breakage just in manufacturing, etc. Then they'll need to have some extra replacement stock. It's a great piece but who knows, maybe it will go on sale. Just because of folks dealing with inflation.

I'm gonna use the Ewan sculpt; I like thinking it's the beginning after leaving Luke with his family. On *&^% Tatooine with all that sand.:monkey3
If you move it, keep me in mind. This is one I would like to get back eventually.

Will do, I sold to @Ramatuelle last year, definitely will reach out if I go that route.

@Sassafras The worst thing is that these are all very nice Premium Format pieces, they've had some duds over the last few years (Gideon), so to see 3 up so quickly, all be obvious winners,is tough. I'm on eBay now selling a bunch of stuff, like Hasbro and Gentle Giant as I've finally decided what the collection will look like, but 3 PFs all in Q4/Q1 of next year and the HT releases...will hurt.

The Rex price is definitely the light up and jetpack/flame/smoke thing they have going, Rex is very tall and will tower over most other pieces.
Will do, I sold to @Ramatuelle last year, definitely will reach out if I go that route.

@Sassafras The worst thing is that these are all very nice Premium Format pieces, they've had some duds over the last few years (Gideon), so to see 3 up so quickly, all be obvious winners,is tough. I'm on eBay now selling a bunch of stuff, like Hasbro and Gentle Giant as I've finally decided what the collection will look like, but 3 PFs all in Q4/Q1 of next year and the HT releases...will hurt.

The Rex price is definitely the light up and jetpack/flame/smoke thing they have going, Rex is very tall and will tower over most other pieces.
Yep. Like - and folks could argue it's a hobby - but - it's a hobby with limited runs. Or 'bay markups for a certain piece. I'd set money aside for "savings" and ended up blowing it on a piece I'm really happy with - but back to grimly saving again. I look at the piece tho and I'm really happy with it and don't regret it.

I'd never suggest anyone over-strain themselves, but I don't regret a sudden purchase - like when I picked up IS' 1/4 Mando. For me that's the definitive Mando piece and has everything I want connected with the character. Had to go through PopCultcha which meant coughing up most of the whole amount when the invoice came.

On the other hand, I ask myself a lot of questions before any purchase these days. I've let some stuff pass by. With the price increases, that's just how it's gotta be. I hope you have an opportunity to stash some cash to take the sting out. Plus, we seem to get some breathing room with chronic delays in actual deliveries. 🤞

Like, I've got InArt's Aragorn on order and I'll be just fine if it gets delayed to year's end.$$$
Yep. Like - and folks could argue it's a hobby - but - it's a hobby with limited runs. Or 'bay markups for a certain piece. I'd set money aside for "savings" and ended up blowing it on a piece I'm really happy with - but back to grimly saving again. I look at the piece tho and I'm really happy with it and don't regret it.

I'd never suggest anyone over-strain themselves, but I don't regret a sudden purchase - like when I picked up IS' 1/4 Mando. For me that's the definitive Mando piece and has everything I want connected with the character. Had to go through PopCultcha which meant coughing up most of the whole amount when the invoice came.

On the other hand, I ask myself a lot of questions before any purchase these days. I've let some stuff pass by. With the price increases, that's just how it's gotta be. I hope you have an opportunity to stash some cash to take the sting out. Plus, we seem to get some breathing room with chronic delays in actual deliveries. 🤞

Like, I've got InArt's Aragorn on order and I'll be just fine if it gets delayed to year's end.$$$

Funny you bring up the 1/4 IS Mando, as I picked that up for retail as well and pretty much halted any future Mando collecting, it is all I really need to represent him. Some inaccuracies with the armor and it came damaged (Grogu's pod) but all stuff I could live with. My disappointment in Season 3 also helped this as well.

I'm trying to pay some of these figures off a bit early, and also recently did a payment off of Mace's PF payment plan with some of the money I made off selling Mythos Maul but I start Grad School in August so just trying to plan as much as possible.
hello fellow collectors!

I've been primary spending the last year + collecting hot toys, but have really been looking and thinking about picking this beauty up. trying to wrap my head around what is what here and would love some clarity from you seasoned statue collectors.

1. PF is 1/4 and the other SS non-PF are 1/5, correct? So if i picked this up, the Mythos Maul would not be to scale, right?

2. Is this the 1st PF Star Wars Mythos that they've done? If no, what other ones am I not seeing?

3. Have they teased any other PF Star Wars Mythos?

4. Are PF edition sizes generally smaller than non-PFs?

Funny you bring up the 1/4 IS Mando, as I picked that up for retail as well and pretty much halted any future Mando collecting, it is all I really need to represent him. Some inaccuracies with the armor and it came damaged (Grogu's pod) but all stuff I could live with. My disappointment in Season 3 also helped this as well.

I'm trying to pay some of these figures off a bit early, and also recently did a payment off of Mace's PF payment plan with some of the money I made off selling Mythos Maul but I start Grad School in August so just trying to plan as much as possible.

LOL my big fear is of a "finale" version that I get FOMO over. I'm already doing self-talk, that really, IMO, no matter where this Filoni-movie ends up, the "essence" of the show that I became a rabid fan of is covered by the pairing of Cara Dune and the IS piece. Since IS's artistic re-interpretation happily included Beskar armor and Grogu. Sideshow's Cara pairs really well base-wise; and she definitely looks Star Wars.

the-mandalorian (1).jpg

Hard to say about a film that hasn't even happened. But I'm gonna assume it will be crammed as an MCU finale movie; and no way am I going to spend on multiple characters$$$$. Plus, it film could suck. Or not.

Yeah, even pre-paying like I do with self-gift-cards stings, but I find it helps. The card doesn't get slammed with POs.

hello fellow collectors!

I've been primary spending the last year + collecting hot toys, but have really been looking and thinking about picking this beauty up. trying to wrap my head around what is what here and would love some clarity from you seasoned statue collectors.

1. PF is 1/4 and the other SS non-PF are 1/5, correct? So if i picked this up, the Mythos Maul would not be to scale, right?

2. Is this the 1st PF Star Wars Mythos that they've done? If no, what other ones am I not seeing?

3. Have they teased any other PF Star Wars Mythos?

4. Are PF edition sizes generally smaller than non-PFs

There's some info earlier in this thread. Far as I know the original Mythos were all 1/5 and included Vader, Boba, and Obi - dunno the others, if any. Far as I know, if the "originals" were all sold out long ago, you will be paying resell upcharges, probably, unless you get a good deal. I don't know about edition sizes; I don't pay attention since I don't buy to resell e.g. I buy what I like, and have HTs, 1/6, and some 1/4.

Basically for me anyway moving to 1/4 scale meant thinking about how/where I was going to display, ahead of time, re the weight and whether I wanted the pieces under glass.
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A couple answers for some peeps here:

1. Yes, this is the first 1/4 scale (PF) Mythos piece that has been done. IMO, if it sells well, they’ll do more.

2. SS first Mythos was 1/5, included Vader, Kenobi, Fett, Maul & Gamorean Guard Lomrokk

2A. The “new” Mythos in 1/5 currently includes Vader, Maul, Sidious, Ventress and Yoda.

3. SS has done other pieces in other scales (ie Maul vs Ahsoka is 1/6)

4. No other teases for Mythos PF . . . Yet.

5. ES aren’t set until well after the item has been available to order. There have been exceptions to this, but the days of only a few hundred are long gone.
thanks for all the info. i am sad to report that i just PO'd this and will be my 1st statue. too good to miss out on.
Don't be sad:grouphug. You have much time to ponder your display now. Also figure out a good storage place for the box, ahead of time. Not everyone keeps boxes but it is wise if you are going to move or sell; even if it is a pain to deal with.

But yeah, I know the feeling; my first 1/4 was Iron Studios Civil War Black Panther. The feeling you get when you open the box is - awe. It'll be bigger than you think. But very manageable, size-wise (compared to, say, the insane stuff Prime One puts out).

You may fret about the expense, but I've got no regrets. Then down the road you'll see absurd resale prices:horror.

Anyway IMO this is a timeless piece for a timeless character, like Vader + this one IMO nicely incorporates all of Obi's arc with the backpack accessories, from PT to ST. Adding the training droid was a nice touch. Plus the cloth robe keeps the depth of the piece easier to manage e.g. you can re-arrange if you are tight on space.
im sarcastically sad, but i did cancel some other orders to make way. storage isnt an issue for me.

but yea, no plans to sell because like you said, timeless character. now im just hoping they make some more PF Mythos like Vader, Maul to go along with this
im sarcastically sad, but i did cancel some other orders to make way. storage isnt an issue for me.

but yea, no plans to sell because like you said, timeless character. now im just hoping they make some more PF Mythos like Vader, Maul to go along with this
LOL I said that once, too. :monkey3

But am sure they will. 1/4 scale IMO is a "just right" size for a statue. Big enough to be a statement, but not so big it becomes a problem. And Sideshow - wisely in this economy - offers payment plans to ease the sting. Well, if you don't have a lot of POs going at once. Can't remember if they offer a down payment only and then pay full amount when the piece ships. PopCultcha does. But I've found Sideshow customer service easy to work with.
oh yea, SS all the way for payment plans. been collecting hot toys for a little over a year now, so I am familiar with the process.
thanks for all the info. i am sad to report that i just PO'd this and will be my 1st statue. too good to miss out on.

Congrats! I'll piggy back (ugh, work term), off what slynger said and add to the recent Mythos 1/5 list, which also includes General Skywalker and General Kenobi, honestly probably their 2 weakest pieces of the Mythos line, Kenobi isn't bad, but the Anakin doesn't even come close to looking like Hayden. One of the few pieces I've ever pre-ordered and cancelled the second I saw the unboxing.

The recent Yoda and Vader Mythos appear to have sold very well, but with the success of this 1.4 Kenobi Mythos, not sure if they'll continue in 1/4 or 1/5..or both.

The different scales trigger me sometimes and I'd recommend if you do collect both scales, separate them a bit in the display.