Prime 1 - Predator - 1/3 Scale Museum Masterline MMPR-01DXS - Jungle Hunter Predator

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Took some new photos of the bust setup. Warm light coming from across the hall, cool light coming from the window, and those lovely green tones mixed into the armor...


Has anyone received the Battle Damaged head? I’ve had mine on PO from Secret Compass for forever
I was reaching out to Shane every few months or so since October 2023 to check on the status, not in any real rush as I've had a newborn take up most of my life for the last two years. She'll be one next month. The reason I emailed him was that I was beginning to think that I was never going to get this piece and I just wanted to make sure my order was not lost. That, and I knew that my office needed a complete rearrangement and new shelving as I had so much just either sitting in boxes or sitting on the floor and it was beyond messy to the point where it was a chore for to even contemplate the collection. I guess that happens when priorities really shift, but I knew something had to be done about it.

So yea, I emailed him again and I'm happy to say that on my last email to him in early August he finally sent me the invoice. If anyone remembers, I had quit collecting years ago. Got married, bought a house, and all that took priority over the collection and any new pieces. I was out of the hobby until one day I was looking through facebook and I noticed the Prime 1 Predator and I thought to myself, "what on earth is this??". I had seen it casually scrolling through for a while, but for some reason it just never registered with my brain as something desirable that I needed to check out more until then. So I immediately ran upstairs to my office to get some hi-res photos and see what the fuss was about and that's when I got blown away.

I was late to the order party, but fortunately for me Secret Compass was the ONLY place that had the DX Bonus still for PO, so I jumped on it thinking that this was my endgame Predator piece. When I first got into collecting back in 2005/06 or so, a Predator figure/statue was the whole purpose. My cousin had one (no clue from who or where, but it was like 1/7th or something) and I always thought, "how cool would it be to have a 3D depiction of the best movie creature ever created sitting on my shelf. That's how it all started. That's what I always wanted. There's been Hot Toys, Sideshow, and customizations to those along the way, but nothing could ever truly capture his real and accurate essence. It's been a long road with a lot of sidetracks, but we finally made it.

The best movie creature ever created. We did it folks!

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I'm still figuring out the lighting because I literally just spent my entire last week reorganizing my entire collection in my office with new Bror shelving units from IKEA. It was a chore, to say the least, but the result is better than I anticipated. I feel rejuvenated.

Also, I had put myself on the waiting list for the Predator closed mouth bust a couple years ago. I noticed I was no longer on it the last time I logged in so I decided to go on it for the hell of it, just because of how complete I’d like to make him. Would you believe that a week later I converted? All paid for now and preparing to ship from Prime1.

One final note setting him up: I noticed that his skull trophy sash had some of the skulls incorrectly positioned and out of order, so I fixed that before putting it on him. The “leather” they used for that is far too thick though, so I actually might go back and either cut it in half or find an alternative string down the line. I’m not sure if anyone else noticed that or used something different, but if you have I would love to see it.
Congrats, he looks great. And with the warrior on the other side, it makes a nice display. I unfortunately have no room for the full statue, but the bust is awesome and I'm very happy to have at least a percentage of this statue represented in the collection. You will love it when he arrives I'm sure!
I was reaching out to Shane every few months or so since October 2023 to check on the status, not in any real rush as I've had a newborn take up most of my life for the last two years. She'll be one next month. The reason I emailed him was that I was beginning to think that I was never going to get this piece and I just wanted to make sure my order was not lost. That, and I knew that my office needed a complete rearrangement and new shelving as I had so much just either sitting in boxes or sitting on the floor and it was beyond messy to the point where it was a chore for to even contemplate the collection. I guess that happens when priorities really shift, but I knew something had to be done about it.

So yea, I emailed him again and I'm happy to say that on my last email to him in early August he finally sent me the invoice. If anyone remembers, I had quit collecting years ago. Got married, bought a house, and all that took priority over the collection and any new pieces. I was out of the hobby until one day I was looking through facebook and I noticed the Prime 1 Predator and I thought to myself, "what on earth is this??". I had seen it casually scrolling through for a while, but for some reason it just never registered with my brain as something desirable that I needed to check out more until then. So I immediately ran upstairs to my office to get some hi-res photos and see what the fuss was about and that's when I got blown away.

I was late to the order party, but fortunately for me Secret Compass was the ONLY place that had the DX Bonus still for PO, so I jumped on it thinking that this was my endgame Predator piece. When I first got into collecting back in 2005/06 or so, a Predator figure/statue was the whole purpose. My cousin had one (no clue from who or where, but it was like 1/7th or something) and I always thought, "how cool would it be to have a 3D depiction of the best movie creature ever created sitting on my shelf. That's how it all started. That's what I always wanted. There's been Hot Toys, Sideshow, and customizations to those along the way, but nothing could ever truly capture his real and accurate essence. It's been a long road with a lot of sidetracks, but we finally made it.

The best movie creature ever created. We did it folks!

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I'm still figuring out the lighting because I literally just spent my entire last week reorganizing my entire collection in my office with new Bror shelving units from IKEA. It was a chore, to say the least, but the result is better than I anticipated. I feel rejuvenated.

Also, I had put myself on the waiting list for the Predator closed mouth bust a couple years ago. I noticed I was no longer on it the last time I logged in so I decided to go on it for the hell of it, just because of how complete I’d like to make him. Would you believe that a week later I converted? All paid for now and preparing to ship from Prime1.

One final note setting him up: I noticed that his skull trophy sash had some of the skulls incorrectly positioned and out of order, so I fixed that before putting it on him. The “leather” they used for that is far too thick though, so I actually might go back and either cut it in half or find an alternative string down the line. I’m not sure if anyone else noticed that or used something different, but if you have I would love to see it.

Glad to hear it turned up from Secret Compass - I've ALMOST given up on ever getting the order I paid a deposit on TWO YEARS AGO :slap

Also pleased you are happy with it - congrats on all THREE "new" additions to your family! (1 from SC, 1 from PRIME1 and 1 from your Wife) :)

Glad to hear it turned up from Secret Compass - I've ALMOST given up on ever getting the order I paid a deposit on TWO YEARS AGO :slap
Have you messaged Shane recently? I read on the other forum that he's been having issues with his supplier(s) lately, but this piece has been out for a while. Surely it can't be related.
Have you messaged Shane recently? I read on the other forum that he's been having issues with his supplier(s) lately, but this piece has been out for a while. Surely it can't be related.

It's the Sengoku (Samurai) Pred that I have on order . . . people had it in-hand 2 years ago, when I placed my order.

Shane has been saying his "people" have it in storage, and keeps promising to get it sent to him, but still no luck.

Last time I emailed him was just over 2 months ago.

I ordered from Shane in July of 2021, if that gives any context to how long this took. 3 years total, which is fine. I'm fine with how it went down and it actually HAD to be that way the way my life has been anyway. I had originally thought that I would be one of the last people to get the DX Bonus because of how late I was to the game and my realistic arrival date for it was late 2023/early 2024. I'm sure if I pushed more often I would have had it sooner and around that time, but I was not persistent, nor did I try to be. The end result of an intact piece in my collection was all I really wanted.

And thank you @heavymetalspike for the kind words :). Can't wait for her to grow up into the nerd I am.
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It's the Sengoku (Samurai) Pred that I have on order . . . people had it in-hand 2 years ago, when I placed my order.

Shane has been saying his "people" have it in storage, and keeps promising to get it sent to him, but still no luck.

Last time I emailed him was just over 2 months ago.

That's so frustrating. Other collectors have suggested emailing more frequently, squeaky wheel gets the grease kind of thing.
That's so frustrating. Other collectors have suggested emailing more frequently, squeaky wheel gets the grease kind of thing.

So - once again - I thank you my friend . . . based on your suggestion, I nudged Shane once more.

I (very quickly) received a response . . . one that indicated things may get sorted out for ALL of us that have been waiting for MANY years.

I don't think it's fair or horourable to share screenshots of the emails from Shane, but he did make me feel happier that my order will turn up.

I'll keep you all posted, and would appreciate anyone else here sharing what they can :clap
