EXO-6 Star Trek "The Next Generation" Figures

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Is that the final?
Looks good. Best Geordi we'll probably ever get. 4.7/5 stars.
I think the only things I can think of to nitpick about are the lips, especially the bottom one, have some more reddish going on. That might just be the photo and is barely worth mentioning. And I'm not sure if it's just how it's put on right now but the visor often is a bit lower on his nose, but looking at Google Images and that's not always true (like how i wear my glasses, they move around!) so that doesn't even count as anything.

I hope they some day to an accessory pack or something. I'd pay for a few extra heads and stuff. Geordi with is meme bearded face would be cool (and a pointing hand!).
Yeah much like with Tuvok he seems to be lacking any variation in skin tone, and is pretty much just a solid brown color. So I'm going to have to do some paint tweaks on mine.

And I gotta say, so far I'm a bit disappointed with the poor fit of these TNG uniforms. Not only are the shoulders not wide enough, but they don't sit nearly as flat in front as they should (even after lots of futzing and pulling down), and should have had some extra padding built in.
Some odd choices for accessories. I would have rather had a scaled Enterprise-D painting or a Collected Works of Shakespeare book instead of the Captain Picard Day Banner. And the Horga'hn makes no sense for Picard, he didn't want anything to do with it (unless the Tox Uthat is inside?). Riker had one in his quarters but not Picard.

Makes me wonder what some of the other characters will come with if anything. I'm still bummed Tuvok didn't come with a Kal-Toh game and Chakotay didn't come with a medicine bundle. Seems like each character should have at least one unique accessory.
I agree with @Kebron - those resemble Patrick Stewart the best and I view this as a likeness improvement over QMx.

These pictures are letting the figure down - is SixScaleMafia not doing photography for them anymore? Some of the unofficial pictures looked better than these which shouldn’t be the case.

A couple of comments:

- I find it a missed opportunity they labelled the jacket version as the “Darmok Uniform” yet chose to give us the horga'hn accessory instead of the Darmok Knife. That said, definitely the most cool assortment to date.


- Both “essential” versions should have included the earl grey cup at a minimum. Don’t cheap out so much EXO, that is probably his more iconic go to.
I've looked at the QMX ones and I've got to say, the QMX sculpt is the worst of the two. Fair enough if it's not a big enough improvement to those who own the QMX one I guess. I don't so I'm happy.
Some odd choices for accessories. I would have rather had a scaled Enterprise-D painting or a Collected Works of Shakespeare book instead of the Captain Picard Day Banner. And the Horga'hn makes no sense for Picard, he didn't want anything to do with it (unless the Tox Uthat is inside?). Riker had one in his quarters but not Picard.
What? No saddle? :lol

I can't decide which version to get. Really tempted to go all in on this one and have the best Picard to date. The Darmok outfit isn't crucial to me, compared to the regular Essential Duty version, but it's a neat new thing to have. I nice alternate display option for Picard. However, the Darmok jacket does look messy, bulky and poorly tailored in these promo pics. I know Darmok isn't the definitive Picard look for me, merely an alternate look, so that might mean getting the Standard for both outfits. I do have an extra QMX sculpt (mine came with the common collar staining on the neck, so the seller threw in a replacement head) that could go on one of the two, but it would still mean finding a set of boots and a body. They never make this easy, do they?

The sculpt really jumped out as being off. Perhaps I was anxiously and instinctively looking for a sense of near-perfection on this critical figure, but instead I found it off-putting in odd ways. For the most portrait is too wide and the neck is too thick. He looks too "healthy" and not quite the elderly middle-aged Captain that we recall. The sculpt looks better when it's angled down, but straight forward or from slightly below its too thick. I'm sure it will look okay in hand and for the record it will likely be the definitive TNG Picard for the next many years, so we have to live with it.

Incidentally, the price is quite reasonable for this figure. If all you need and can afford is the regular Essential version, then it's a very decent price. It doesn't come with much in terms of accessories, but for Picard they could have easily tacked on another $20 and no one would questioned the premium price. It's only $10 more than the QMX price from 7 years ago. Sort of feels like the old days of paying less than $200 for a high-end 1/6 scale figure.
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I can't decide which version to get. Really tempted to go all in on this one and have the best Picard to date. The Darmok outfit isn't crucial to me, compared to the regular Essential Duty version, but it's a neat new thing to have. I nice alternate display option for Picard. However, the Darmok jacket does look messy, bulky and poorly tailored in these promo pics. I know Darmok isn't the definitive Picard look for me, merely an alternate look, so that might mean getting the Standard for both outfits. I do have an extra QMX sculpt (mine came with the common collar staining on the neck, so the seller threw in a replacement head) that could go on one of the two, but it would still mean finding a set of boots and a body. They never make this easy, do they?

The sculpt really jumped out as being off. Perhaps I was anxiously and instinctively looking for a sense of near-perfection on this critical figure, but instead I found it off-putting in odd ways. For the most portrait is too wide and the neck is too thick. He looks too "healthy" and not quite the elderly middle-aged Captain that we recall. The sculpt looks better when it's angled down, but straight forward or from slightly below its too thick. I'm sure it will look okay in hand and for the record it will likely be the definitive TNG Picard for the next many years, so we have to live with it.

Incidentally, the price is quite reasonable for this figure. If all you can need and can afford is the regular Essential version, then it's a very decent price. It doesn't come with much in terms of accessories, but for Picard they could have easily tacked on another $20 and no one would questioned the premium price. It's only $10 more than the QMX price from 7 years ago. Sort of feels like the old days of paying less than $200 for a high-end 1/6 scale figure.
If it’s in the budget and if the character is a favourite, go with the Standard. The $55 difference from the time of PO to final invoice (likely at the end of the year) is insignificant in the long run.
I'm mainly disappointed that the there isn't an option with two bodies and heads. In order to display both looks, you either have to buy two standards--and miss out on the crucial tea cup accessory--or source aftermarket parts.
A new shot of all three figures from Anthony.

View attachment 708009

Data is the clear stand out here. I like Geordi, but there’s just something about his lips that throws me off. I keep thinking they look a little big, but when I look at photos of Lavar on set, it looks pretty accurate, so not sure what it is. And even though this is a much better photo, Picard still looks a little waxy to me.

But as usual, no final judgements until they show up on my doorstep.
Here’s the thing I say for every pre order

Every Exo6 figure looks better in hand then the pre order pictures show.

Some WAY better like Archer, Data, and now Pike. Others a little better like Paris, Kim, Torres.

I have zero doubt Picard will be the same.

I also know this is likely the last TNG Picard we will see.