Star Wars Saga (OT/PT/ST) Discussion Thread

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With the sequels there's nothing. I feel no inspiration to go near them again. They added absolutely nothing that was worth seeing the heroes of my childhood be broken down and killed off.
Solo into a failed deadbeat with apparently nothing to offer but uselessly commit suicide by his own brat.
Leia reduced to the least inspiring (slappy) leader, nobody wants to follow.
And Luke...
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It's impossible for OT Luke, after everything he learned and experienced, following his own instinct, saving his father, the path he chose, to regress to that^ motive. :lol
Disney Luke is irreconcilable with OT Luke.

Ben Kenobi is a witch.

New SE change #47: Owen: That witch is just a crazy old man.
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I'll go back to my old mantra: ST = better made, PT = more original.

And for those who think someone more like Adam Driver should have played Anakin, I don't necessarily agree, but this is for your benefit...

Cool pic, but didn't need Driver as Anakin, give me Ep 7 as a Ben Solo adventure, a swashbuckling charasmatic princess-kissing scruffy-looking space pirate with a lightsaber.
... adventure, a swashbuckling charasmatic princess-kissing scruffy-looking space pirate with a lightsaber.
LOL that^ character is everything Disney story group resents and hates. From their POV that's nothing but a - toxic, straight, white, cis, male, character with a phallus weapon:horror!
You're going to trigger the Disney Story Group. :lol
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who messed up worse?
current star wars or current marvel?

like not a joke, who is doing worse? I guess marvel can still be saved.
Yeeesh. That's a tough one.

Marvel ran its course. They should have taken a break after Endgame but the greed just wouldn't let them slow down. I think it has a chance to have a few good movies here or there, someday.

Not SW though. That IP is cooked. It's over.
My unpopular opinion for a long time has been that the most interesting time period in the Star Wars universe was in fact the conflict between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance; we saw it play out.

The better episodes of The Mandalorian are fun stories set during an epilogue of sorts; with Andor and Rogue One being very cool, expository prequels to the OT.

I stand by my opinion that the PT was botched in dozens of ways by Lucas and his sycophantic cadre. They could have been so much better but it's forever a missed opportunity for me, at least.

Every complication, every retcon, every "addition to the lore" just muddles, taints and dilutes what I think worked best when it was very simple.

I get that there are droves of fans that like what I hate and I'm not gonna change their minds, but as I see it, there were three interesting historical periods in this world:

The Rise of the Empire (botched PT) ... the Rise of the Rebellion (well executed albeit stylistically different with RO and Andor) ... the Fall of the Empire ... (two great films, one weak one) ...

I didn't need to see anything else although you can find fun stand-alone stories like some of the Mandalorian and even Solo -- but no more forced epic sagas required. I enjoyed The Lord of the Rings. Personally I don't need to see The Silmarillion.
who messed up worse?
current star wars or current marvel?

like not a joke, who is doing worse? I guess marvel can still be saved.
Marvel can be saved with the odd film done well but not trying to replicate the Infinity Saga. They established a rich MCU. They should set some simple and well-executed stories within it instead of churning out pablum.
They should set some simple and well-executed stories within it instead of churning out pablum.

People have been saying this of SW and the MCU for a long time.

Personally, I think Star Wars is ruined far worse than the MCU... if nothing else, the MCU is still relatively new, if not exhausted by so many films with a brief period. Someone with a great vision might be able to resurrect some excitement, at least for a bit... but it will need to be its own storyline, like Fantastic Four for example.

SW is nearing its 50th Anniversary. And its showing its age and limitations.
Yep, the only way to "fix" SW at this point is just to flush the junk (scrub it from Disney+, no future physical releases) and have nothing but the theatrical OT available to watch and since it does have a substantial following the PT as well. Get back to the two Lucas trilogies, people can pick one or the other or both, and that's it. The whole IP just needs a full enema.
The whole IP just needs a full enema.


I don't disagree.

Of course, shedding the ''Disney World of Star Wars'' is just impossible. I don't even know where to begin with saving SW. Everything about it is tired -- Jedi, rebels, rogues, the Empire, the Republic, the Fetts, the Skywalkers; there's just barely anything left to reuse because nearly EVERY movie and show has reused it already. Once in a blue moon they stumble upon a great gimmick -- like Grogu -- but that fizzles faster that a fart in a hurricane, sometimes even backfiring. Andor is refreshing in that its an "adult Star Wars" but admittedly it is boring mostly and hardly the epic battle of good and evil in a fun swashbuckling way. Rogue One was as close as anything to getting Star Wars right again... but, then they did that. So now what...?

Best thing for Star Wars is to go away for at least 5 years, until the demand builds, the desire to revisit builds, and the expectations diminish.
Yeah, I guess in thinking about it a bit more Disney could save a little face by reducing the whole Saga to the PT + Solo/RO + the OT. That way they keep two of their own films in the Saga. They could even include Mando 1 and 2 as their "Sequel" story. Man, if that's all that had ever come out of the Disney acquisition the Saga would be so cool right now.
I suppose as time goes on maybe that will be all that is remembered.

But little kids have bad judgment and its possible there's a whole generation brewing right now under our feet that loves the ST and can't wait for their time...
Best thing for Star Wars is to go away for at least 5 years, until the demand builds, the desire to revisit builds, and the expectations diminish.
Post ROJ there was a scattering of ahem minor projects like the Ewok films and Droids. Between about 1988 and 1991 there was nada until they started to ramp up the novels. Part of me really misses that period because there was a gamut of really great fertile emotions. From ROJ to TPM was nearly 15 years.
Andor is refreshing in that its an "adult Star Wars" but admittedly it is boring mostly and hardly the epic battle of good and evil in a fun swashbuckling way.
I disagree about it being boring but I do agree there are no swashes being buckled, so it has very little to no re-watch value.
Best thing for Star Wars is to go away for at least 5 years, until the demand builds, the desire to revisit builds, and the expectations diminish.
Maybe ten.
Yeah, I guess in thinking about it a bit more Disney could save a little face by reducing the whole Saga to the PT + Solo/RO + the OT. That way they keep two of their own films in the Saga. They could even include Mando 1 and 2 as their "Sequel" story. Man, if that's all that had ever come out of the Disney acquisition the Saga would be so cool right now.
Did I ... miss something? I seem to remember epic screeds back and forth between us over the ST's merits or lack thereof. :unsure:
Did I ... miss something? I seem to remember epic screeds back and forth between us over the ST's merits or lack thereof. :unsure:
I don't know what you're talking about. :monkey3

The ST were fun "events" to take my kids to in order to share the experience of watching "new" SW together while being thrilled about what I saw as the positive elements of that trilogy. And yes I thought it was fun to have big discussions about them online.

But as each year goes on and I reflect on so many different things (the story not being endorsed by Lucas, the disgusting behavior of so many LFL employees and even filmmakers, my increasing hatred for all things Disney and the crap they're peddling, the terrible quality of things like Obi-Wan, The Acolyte, etc.) I just haven't been finding myself revisiting them or having any motivation to spend any amount of energy defending even the the things I liked about the ST.
I don't know what you're talking about. :monkey3

The ST were fun "events" to take my kids to in order to share the experience of watching "new" SW together while being thrilled about what I saw as the positive elements of that trilogy. And yes I thought it was fun to have big discussions about them online.

But as each year goes on and I reflect on so many different things (the story not being endorsed by Lucas, the disgusting behavior of so many LFL employees and even filmmakers, my increasing hatred for all things Disney and the crap they're peddling, the terrible quality of things like Obi-Wan, The Acolyte, etc.) I just haven't been finding myself revisiting them or having any motivation to spend any amount of energy defending even the the things I liked about the ST.
You know LFL screwed up when Khev is tired of their Disney Wars ********.