*BEWARE SPOILERS* Alien: Romulus

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It has unlikable characters (much like don’t breath). The main girl and her artificial human friend were fine. Everyone else either had no character or unlikable character.

The alien itself was just boring. I know it’s hard to make a creature that’s been in so many other films interesting but this film seemed to go out of its way to make you yawn.

It has stupid call back lines that is supposed to make you think “cool” but instead you role your eyes. “Get away from her…………,,., you *****” being the worst of them.

The worst F/X of a deceased actor’s likeness. Like Wor, this is when the film lost me. Just so dumb looking it took me right out of it.

Dodging zero gravity acid blood.

The sets were boring.

The story was boring.

Nothing cool or original. Just another Alien film that ends with a flush out the air shaft

1. A L I E N
3. ALIEN 3
4. Prometheus
5. Convenient
6. Resurection
7. AVP:R
8. AVP
9. Romulus

AVP was at least so bad that it makes me laugh and AVP:R has Wolf Predator

W a i t!!

W A I T!!

W H A T!!!!

That line was really used in this movie!!! :slap

I would’ve definitely walked out when I heard it.
Another thing I don’t really understand, if the colony is so regulated that they have to work so hard to get off the planet, how could the Scooby gang so easily get off the planet to go up to the station? Maybe I missed something, but because it was right at the start I was kinda on the offense on this one from the get go. Agree that Andy was the definite highlight but whoever the writers were definitely ruined the whole thing for me. Worst dialogue in a movie ever.
I don’t agree the Alien itself wasn’t effective. It seemed to me it was predominantly practical and for maybe the first time ever it didn’t look like a dude in a suit and it didn’t look like cg if it was. But for me I would take Alien and Aliens where it does look like a dude in a suit and we such banger lines that they are still reusing them forty years later. Agree about Rook though, took me right out of the film. Terrible idea. Film reminded me too much of Alien Isolation as well. It’s like they played the game and then thought ok let’s pinch this, this and this.
Another thing I don’t really understand, if the colony is so regulated that they have to work so hard to get off the planet, how could the Scooby gang so easily get off the planet to go up to the station? Maybe I missed something, but because it was right at the start I was kinda on the offense on this one from the get go. Agree that Andy was the definite highlight but whoever the writers were definitely ruined the whole thing for me. Worst dialogue in a movie ever.
I don’t agree the Alien itself wasn’t effective. It seemed to me it was predominantly practical and for maybe the first time ever it didn’t look like a dude in a suit and it didn’t look like cg if it was. But for me I would take Alien and Aliens where it does look like a dude in a suit and we such banger lines that they are still reusing them forty years later. Agree about Rook though, took me right out of the film. Terrible idea. Film reminded me too much of Alien Isolation as well. It’s like they played the game and then thought ok let’s pinch this, this and this.
I thought the animatronic Alien looked great. The crew did a great job on them, makes the movie better than some cgi character. And the face huggers looked good too. Saw that Weta made those and were remote controlled.

I thought Rook was good but the cgi wasn’t great. Like he was probably the same class of android as Ash and makes sense the company would multiple of him.

Also something I’ve notice this evening is people are giving out (not saying you but on X and FB etc.) that this movie feels too much like the first two movies were the same people giving out that Prometheus and Covenant weren't Alien movies. It’s hard to win sometimes lol.
But there's a whole planet of company men right below the station. No one monitoring...
I forget, was it ever implied that the Company expected those kids to fly up and snoop around?

Then again it was due for collision with the asteroid belt in less than two days. It must have drifted there from elsewhere in space.
The Company setting up those kids would have been even more stupid.

Just call the work site, organize some handy grunts -- or the company's own security force on the planet -- and go get your bio-weapon. Not hard.

Had they established that this had been done, and the team was killed in the process, then that could have been an interesting discovery. So these kids are the company's last chance to get their goo back.
Also something I’ve notice this evening is people are giving out (not saying you but on X and FB etc.) that this movie feels too much like the first two movies were the same people giving out that Prometheus and Covenant weren't Alien movies. It’s hard to win sometimes lol.
Nature of fandom...
I wonder what is so hard about simply going back to the source material.
Cue complaints: That is so unoriginal [Why go back to the source material], ... :lol
For Christ's sake, it's a literal copy .....
This drifts to far from the source, can't they go back to the original
This is to much like the origianl source, can't they do anything new.
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Why wasn't this called Alien Remus?

Because that would give away what the studio is doing to you.
Aw, c'mon. It wasn't that bad. In retrospect, even the thing at the end is nothing new really. I only dislike it because I thought we were done with that stuff.

As the dust settles, I find myself more offended by the quotes. Particularly Andy's, it was totally unnatural.
I’m a little conflicted with this movie. I enjoyed it, but talking about it afterwards….its like a really good cover band. They play all the hits you like, even improve on some things the original band did. In the end you’re not listening to anything new, but you still had a good time.
I watched the last 30 minutes just to see the offspring creature.
one thing that was weird was that the music sounded like Stephen Spielberg music like the goonies or something.
it wasn't scary. but like adventure music. I'm not attacking or criticizing the movie ,

the visuals looked amazing. the black guy was really good.
I liked the little bit that I saw
but the music felt like adventure music. not horror

I really loved the main girl from what I saw
I just wish Ridley and his awful Engineers and black goo would leave this film series alone.
3 movies in a row now with this crap.
Another franchise to add to the dead franchise pile.
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grace Randolph said the movie feels like a theme park ride. and yes. indefinitely see it.
also Grace said this was exactly like Jurassic world. which everyone loved

I don't understand how people can love Deadpool and wolverine for all the call backs
but then hate alien Romulus for all the callbacks.
that don't make sense.
Deadpool was the same.
also Grace said this was exactly like Jurassic world. which everyone loved
They did?

I don't understand how people can love Deadpool and wolverine for all the call backs
but then hate alien Romulus for all the callbacks.
that don't make sense.
Deadpool was the same.
Deadpool is a fourth wall-breaking meta comedy, it's built into the character.
I see where crows is going though -- Romulus is kind of funny. I didn't get it until the ridiculous ending. Alienized Slender Man. The jack-in-the-box Ash with big ears. And all of Andy's bad jokes. The movie is like one of his jokes. It's a play on ... Alien.
Predator and now Alien are back and I'm feeling pretty good. Now can Terminator sort itself out, please?
I'm sure they thought they were doing that with Salvation, then Genisys and then Dark Fate - particularly the latter with Cameron being more involved and bringing Linda Hamilton back. A next time would likely be no different. Nah, I have no interest in more Terminator. The story and concept was actually quite limited as it turned out. 2 worthwhile movies, that's it. Everything else has been inferior repetition.