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Here's the lowdown on what probably happened with SWToys' not Tifa,

They already have planned 3 different Tifas for a quick cash grab before SE's recent strikedowns, especially there were quite a bit of companies doing their own Tifas leading up to Rebirth release. The clothes are the easiest to get manufactured first with little to no adjustments so they went ahead with the production. Headsculpts/Body selections are usually dependent on more factors such as factory production capabilities and etc. Cue the sample proto headsculpts, bodies and hands resulting in promo photos.

However, SE started to get overzealous in making sure these third party figures don't make it to the mainstream markets and with the clothes already in production, they just decide to go ahead and sell the clothes as a way to recoup some loss. Basically SWToys got caught with their pants halfway down and either they **** themselves or pull the pants back up, I guess in this case they shat in their pants instead.
I think theres actually a really high chance that this is true. If you search for older SWToys releases,
all of them are full releases. Which means outfit, body, headsculpt + accessoires for like 170-200 USD / Euro.

And this whole pixelated headsculpt thing is also not new for SWToys. They did that with some of their pre order products.
For example the SWToys Ciri from Witcher. But heres the difference: it actually comes with a headsculpt and body for 165 USD.

So in these Tifa cases, they basically simply subtracted 100 USD because theres no body and headsculpt production.
So why would they do that now for these very specific releases? Even these Tifa promo / pre order pictures
look exactly like all of the promo / pre order pictures of typical SWToys full body + headsculpt + outfit + accessoires releases.
These pictures were made to showcase a full release, not just a outfit release.
It really smells like they got scared because of SE.
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In this case it does seem like SWToys got scared, but lets be real even with the blurred faces its not like you can't tell who these are meant to be anyway lol, especially with the attire that these come with.

They didn't do a good job hiding the "evidence" even the text, logo and colour scheme used in the promos is very FFVII like. I guess I don't really like this half measure approach, its not really hiding anything.. I feel SE can still crack down on them and if I was SE I'd still be hunting their ass regardless lol.
They might end up putting out the head(s) as separate releases. Easier to handwave than pairing them with the outfits. This way they have like, the same protection those “suspiciously similar” Party City costumes do. You know, TECHNICALLY it’s just a dress up outfit for any old doll. Nothing to see here! Or something.

Even the evocative branding. I doubt SE is gonna bother risking a loss over whether or not they have the sole legal right to use teal and silver with the word “fantasy”. It’s hilarious, and mind you I’m not hyper familiar with Japanese copyright law, but I’m like 70% sure this company is probably fine by doing it this way.
What I want to know is if Square actually has this much power over the chinese knock-off market, why SGD is able to get away with having their own website where they proudly advertise their Tifa and 2B sex dolls. They even list their physical address and phone number, they're doing the opposite of hiding.
What I want to know is if Square actually has this much power over the chinese knock-off market, why SGD is able to get away with having their own website where they proudly advertise their Tifa and 2B sex dolls. They even list their physical address and phone number, they're doing the opposite of hiding.

Yeah, I can only guess it's because they're in direct competition with these third party companies, because SE makes their own figures too. The sex dolls they probably don't care since they're not in that business, or into doing high-end statues as well.
The general vibe I got form Walter's post was SE was heavily against the sexualized dolls and statues and actually went after them first before the recent 1/6 scale figures. Makes sense SE wouldn't want their most popular IP characters to be in that light when it's marketed towards teens.
Yeah, I can only guess it's because they're in direct competition with these third party companies, because SE makes their own figures too. The sex dolls they probably don't care since they're not in that business, or into doing high-end statues as well.

I assume this is why the ACG guys in here have been quite silent. Nothing on that August bonus lol. I really hope we see SWT release those Tifas in 6 months to a year cause I need that Nibelheim version bad.
I empathize with people who miss the pre-order phase on third party products because they entered the hobby after it was put up, or otherwise just missed an announcement for whatever reason.

But this is the game when it comes to third party figures. Preorder them on faith that you'll like them when they come out, or accept you'll likely never own them.

There's one single GT Cloud on ebay right now; even if you're willing to pay the aftermarket cost, the reality of third party figures is they're produced in such small numbers that they eventually disappear from the aftermarket completely. This isn't a hobby where you get the luxury of waiting to see how product turns out. Be thankful most stores only require a small deposit up front so that you can back out of buying it on release if you really do decide you don't want it.
This, I had a smiliar experience with a Prime 1 statue of Asuka and Ayanami. Mannnnn. I have to say this was the first real fomo I've experienced.

Instant karma for gt tifa's doubters and haters
Anybody still buying these?

Honestly, I grabbed an order for the cowboy suit. Hopefully I can make it work with the second ACG head, otherwise I'll copium myself and say I'll 3D print one later lol. I do think there's an outside chance they might sell the headsculpt separately later as a generic female head, Super Duck does that a lot so it's not unheard of, even if SW hasn't done that yet.

Battle suit is pointless if you have the GT one on order unless you really want that baby chocobo, and I wouldn't really want the swimsuit even if it had the right headsculpt. But I'd love a little Nibelheim display.

If you need me, I'll be over there manifesting that GT Shinra Grunt Cloud into existence.
Anybody still buying these?

Honestly, I grabbed an order for the cowboy suit. Hopefully I can make it work with the second ACG head, otherwise I'll copium myself and say I'll 3D print one later lol. I do think there's an outside chance they might sell the headsculpt separately later as a generic female head, Super Duck does that a lot so it's not unheard of, even if SW hasn't done that yet.

Battle suit is pointless if you have the GT one on order unless you really want that baby chocobo, and I wouldn't really want the swimsuit even if it had the right headsculpt. But I'd love a little Nibelheim display.

If you need me, I'll be over there manifesting that GT Shinra Grunt Cloud into existence.

I’ll probably break down and buy the Nibelheim one myself (it’ll be a 2am purchase sorta thing) and will either use the spare ACG head or the Star Man Tifa head when GT comes out after it.
I think we are better off not buying it at all and "wait" and hope for a full figure pre order. If they really afraid being target by SE they should just wait as well, like why bother even open a pre order just for clothing. It's pre order, not like they gonna lose money if it's not even in production yet, unless they know something we don't and they just try to make a quick buck on those clothing set. Unless you know how big those clothing is, you gonna have a hard time to find a body and head that matches
I think we are better off not buying it at all and "wait" and hope for a full figure pre order. If they really afraid being target by SE they should just wait as well, like why bother even open a pre order just for clothing. It's pre order, not like they gonna lose money if it's not even in production yet, unless they know something we don't and they just try to make a quick buck on those clothing set. Unless you know how big those clothing is, you gonna have a hard time to find a body and head that matches
Because SWToys doesn't cater to the general collectors. Most general collectors wouldn't want to dip their toes into customization especially when it comes to selecting suitable bodies, etc.

SWToys knows they can get away with subpar figures releases (like their RE and Tomb Raider) because those who bought it will pick up their slack and 'complete' the figure for them. I bought their Witcher Ciri and it took quite a bit of customization to get it looking acceptable.

End of the day, vote with your wallets, don't support scummy companies trying to cash grab and dilute the market with sub quality options.
Still waiting for aerith options.. Toys era has been real quiet

Yuna went up before Joel, but Joel released first. Then Ellie, then Aerith. Ellie still isn't out yet, either, and I'm assuming will be their next priority. Hopefully Yuna and Aerith will drop not too long after, but the SE shenanigans definitely worry me. I don't like how the listing for Aerith is still up everywhere, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me why some companies don't make any effort to hide.
Still waiting for aerith options.. Toys era has been real quiet
Shame because with how much GT has slowed down over the last few months, we won't see Aerith announced until next year with release being another 2 years beyond that, if we're lucky.