Thunderbolts - July 26, 2024

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So much negativity. 😁

Not saying all won't suck, but I sure wasn't falling over myself for Captain America and Iron Man, way back.

Don't know that anyone cared about GOTG either. Anyway I wish I hadn't listened to all the *&^% about Solo, way back, which felt like it was just because. IMO Solo is pretty entertaining. So these films might be.

Or maybe I just can't believe Disney/MCU would really let themselves tank, but I could be wrong.:drink
Not really negativity or a matter of it sucking, I just don't see it performing as well as Brave New World at the Box Office.

The cast is:
  1. Bucky - yawn
  2. Ghost - completely forgettable character from a bad Ant-Man movie.
  3. US Agent - a somewhat interesting character from a show nobody cared about.
  4. Red Guardian - comic relief from a movie that was 5 years too late and nobody cared about.
  5. Yelena - cool I suppose but again from a movie and a TV show (Hawkeye) that nobody cared about.
  6. Taskmaster - an affront to the character and one of the worst comics > movie translations to date from all superhero movies.
  7. Sentry - a character than basically nobody knows about unless you're pretty deep into comics, or play a specific deck type on Marvel Snap.
Brave New World at least has a name going for it and has Harrison Ford (as Red Hulk) and Giancarlo Esposito.

I don't see either of them breaking a billion at the Box Office, or anywhere close to it honestly, I still think BNW takes the lead.
Not really negativity or a matter of it sucking, I just don't see it performing as well as Brave New World at the Box Office.

The cast is:
  1. Bucky - yawn
  2. Ghost - completely forgettable character from a bad Ant-Man movie.
  3. US Agent - a somewhat interesting character from a show nobody cared about.
  4. Red Guardian - comic relief from a movie that was 5 years too late and nobody cared about.
  5. Yelena - cool I suppose but again from a movie and a TV show (Hawkeye) that nobody cared about.
  6. Taskmaster - an affront to the character and one of the worst comics > movie translations to date from all superhero movies.
  7. Sentry - a character than basically nobody knows about unless you're pretty deep into comics, or play a specific deck type on Marvel Snap.
Brave New World at least has a name going for it and has Harrison Ford (as Red Hulk) and Giancarlo Esposito.

I don't see either of them breaking a billion at the Box Office, or anywhere close to it honestly, I still think BNW takes the lead.
Well these days I don't think $1Billion is a realistic target for either one of them and I doubt that Marvel/Feige is expecting them to make that kind of money. Besides, the only Captain America movie to make over $1B was CW and that was an Avengers movie in everything but name anyway. Thunderbolts is Avengers Lite so depending on the strength of the story you never know but even if it's great it won't bring in huge $. And since Endgame the only CBMs to hit $1B have been SM:FFH, SM:NWH, Joker and DP&W, all of which had extremely iconic CB characters to lure fans (and 2 were pre-Covid).
Not really negativity or a matter of it sucking, I just don't see it performing as well as Brave New World at the Box Office.

The cast is:
  1. Bucky - yawn
  2. Ghost - completely forgettable character from a bad Ant-Man movie.
  3. US Agent - a somewhat interesting character from a show nobody cared about.
  4. Red Guardian - comic relief from a movie that was 5 years too late and nobody cared about.
  5. Yelena - cool I suppose but again from a movie and a TV show (Hawkeye) that nobody cared about.
  6. Taskmaster - an affront to the character and one of the worst comics > movie translations to date from all superhero movies.
  7. Sentry - a character than basically nobody knows about unless you're pretty deep into comics, or play a specific deck type on Marvel Snap.
Brave New World at least has a name going for it and has Harrison Ford (as Red Hulk) and Giancarlo Esposito.

I don't see either of them breaking a billion at the Box Office, or anywhere close to it honestly, I still think BNW takes the lead.
Winter Soldier is my favorite MCU character. Part of my holy trinity of Cap, Falcon, WS.

Like Yelena and Ghost. U.S. Agent is interesting. There's grounds for "dramatic tension" and the characters not exactly liking each other but having to work together.

IMO it's like any movie. For the most part, MCU casts well. Even the awful Secret Invasion had Olivia Coleman - I'd pay to see Sonya again.

So again, it's script, editing, directing, pace, and hopefully some interesting action sequences. It's hard to completely mess up an Expendables/Suicide Squad -type movie. Okay, there's Borderlands, but that doesn't count because someone was cutting corners. :monkey3

I don't see either of them breaking a billion at the Box Office, or anywhere close to it honestly, I still think BNW takes the lead.

As long as they both don't suck. Was bored and rewatched the Marvels. Like, it's just not very good. Neither was BP2. Disney/Marvel needs to get on with it or lose whatever residual interest is left.

Well these days I don't think $1Billion is a realistic target for either one of them and I doubt that Marvel/Feige is expecting them to make that kind of money. Besides, the only Captain America movie to make over $1B was CW and that was an Avengers movie in everything but name anyway. Thunderbolts is Avengers Lite so depending on the strength of the story you never know but even if it's great it won't bring in huge $. And since Endgame the only CBMs to hit $1B have been SM:FFH, SM:NWH, Joker and DP&W, all of which had extremely iconic CB characters to lure fans (and 2 were pre-Covid).

Agree. Especially when Cap/Thunderbolts aren't "event" movies. Since there hasn't been any "event" really except a weird rock in the ocean and immigrants Skrulls. And since the Blip and Asgardians, space aliens aren't new.
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The new trailer looked pretty good though.
Yeah it does. And any film where Bucky is storing his arm in a dishwasher IMO sets the right tone.

Also where a laundry list of misdeeds is read out and the response is "Yeah. So?" 😁 (y)
Looks more like sportsmaster than taskmaster.

I just saw the trailer and it looks quite promising.
So it seems that the reason taskmaster can’t look like comic book taskmaster with the skull mask is because China won’t allow it.

Marvel once again pandering to China even after China almost destroyed the movie industry with their wonderful gift called Covid.

So it seems that the reason taskmaster can’t look like comic book taskmaster with the skull mask is because China won’t allow it.

Marvel once again pandering to China even after China almost destroyed the movie industry with their wonderful gift called Covid.

I thought it was becuase they it scared the children or something. Also are we still doing that? Very weird since Deadpoll and Wolverine had plenty of skulls and it crossed a billion. Do they need that china money that bad?
So it seems that the reason taskmaster can’t look like comic book taskmaster with the skull mask is because China won’t allow it.

Marvel once again pandering to China even after China almost destroyed the movie industry with their wonderful gift called Covid.


Apart from all of the other skulls that have appeared in Disney projects that released in China?

I think they just don’t know what to do with Taskmaster. Everyone hated her in Black Widow, they’re probably just trying to distance from the Taskmaster identity entirely. I bet she only gets called by her actual name (who even remembers what it is) in the movie.
Apart from all of the other skulls that have appeared in Disney projects that released in China?

I think they just don’t know what to do with Taskmaster. Everyone hated her in Black Widow, they’re probably just trying to distance from the Taskmaster identity entirely. I bet she only gets called by her actual name (who even remembers what it is) in the movie.
I think her name was Hugh Jasole. Or maybe Dixie Normous.
Apart from all of the other skulls that have appeared in Disney projects that released in China?

I think they just don’t know what to do with Taskmaster. Everyone hated her in Black Widow, they’re probably just trying to distance from the Taskmaster identity entirely. I bet she only gets called by her actual name (who even remembers what it is) in the movie.
I believe it was the combo of Skull and Female not just the Skull on its own.

Look they got very weird and strict guidelines wtf you want from me lol
OK, so they turned The Thunderbolts into the MCU's Suicide Squad...


I have 0 interest in this. But I'll watch the YT reviews.
OK, so they turned The Thunderbolts into the MCU's Suicide Squad...

I have 0 interest in this. But I'll watch the YT reviews.
*Yeah* for me; looks like an un-nerfed Bucky....guess I'll be buying him again, and maybe the whole squad $$$. 😁Yelena as well.
Anti-heroes can be a lot of fun. Didn't think much of either of DC's efforts (except for Robie and Smith) but this looks good. What TFAWS should have been, instead of frequently tepid.
Pretty good trailer, but whether that will translate to a good movie is hard to tell. Most of the characters are pretty forgettable and barely seem worth a Disney+ series, let alone a big screen teamup movie.

But it should at least be fun to see Yelena again. And I've become a much bigger fan of Wyatt Russell after Monarch.
That has got to be one of the most generic and average looking trailers I've ever seen.

Oooh, anti-heroes standing in an elevator.

Coming to theaters in 2025: "Netflix Thumbnail: The Movie"
