I agree that 86 Prime is overpriced, but I feel that way for all mainline figures. I probably wouldn’t have bought them had I paid full price. I guess you had to buy it from somewhere else though to have paid over $100 for it. Retail at Target in the US is $90, but I only ended up paying about $60 with my discounts.
I only had the common incorrectly placed heels as far as I know. I‘ll watch your review to see what you mean about the misassembled head flap b/c I haven't heard about that being an issue nor noticed anything like that on mine. As far as I know, I don’t have anything wrong with mine aside from the aforementioned heels which I've fixed already. No paint chips or loose hips. The warped blast effects are easily fixable with some heat, so I find that to be a non issues personally.

Overall it's a non-issue, correct. But the mere fact, that you could've done them all clear and straight, which HasTak has proven time and time again,
is the dumbfounding and problematic part.^^