I've been fortunate to encounter some really good people selling off their collection or downsizing . When I got back into collecting a little over 2 years ago it was due to the great figures I had seen from the DC Zack Snyder universe. Of course I had been a huge fan of the Marvel universe but wanted to focus on one aspect lol ... like that would last .
Needless to say picking up one Iron Man led quickly to 3 , buying those from SS isn't good on the bank account. But then I started learning about buying on Facebook and that was a game changer . I have so many Captain America and Iron Man figures it's crazy . But the crazy part is the great deals I've gotten for those , as low as $70 & highest I've paid is $150 and those prices included shipping. Last month I made 3 purchases from a seller getting out of collecting and that's wear I took the chance on my 1st plastic original version of the mark 2 unleashed version . I had thought the plastic versions are too outdated, I was wrong some if these are great especially when getting some for $70 -$90 .
Anyway here is what I got last month for approximately $1100 after paypal fees .... lord help me .
Infinity War Cap Movie Promo - $150
Tony Stark Team Suit - $70
Mark 2 Armor Unleashed - $100
Red Skull - $90
Plastic War Machine Mark 1 –$80
Neon tech War Machine (missing crotch grabber) – $90
GotG 2 Astronaut Stan Lee – $80
Whiplash re-issue – $90
Mark 5 Plastic version – $70
Mark 3 Diecast original release (missing plastic pole) – $90
Neon Tech Mark 4 - $100