How's Goldblum in this?
Better than his modern Jurassic Park movies.How's Goldblum in this?
No Next for you is Sonic 3. After you watch that movie you are going to burn all your Star wars toys and buy any and all Sonic Merch you can find. Sorry.I am still in shock that I watched it.
I am more shocked that I actually enjoyed it!
Jesus what’s next for me…Snow White!
I grew up with Raiders, Conan, Robocop 1, Predator 1, Road Warrior, Die Hard, Aliens, Terminator, Commando, Rambo and Rocky.No Next for you is Sonic 3. After you watch that movie you are going to burn all your Star wars toys and buy any and all Sonic Merch you can find. Sorry.
Is it "racist" of me to say I find Cynthia Erivo downright hideous looking? Especially when she has her nose ring in.
I just think she's really ugly, and her race has nothing to do with it.
Especially with the current ozempic anorexia going on with her and Ariana.
But guess what…go ahead guess what.
Her look was perfect for an ugly witch so i’m good!
I could care less about their personal lives and anorexia problems just make a movie i’m going to enjoy.
Actors need to mind their own business and not worry about being the protectors of the world just like we don’t care about them, just the characters they play.
Boo hoo she was offended too bad so sad.
So good for her giving me a good looking ugly witch lol
I had no idea. I don't really follow Ariana. But she looks pretty.
Better than his modern Jurassic Park movies.
Good to see him play a villain.
They have John Wick, the Marvel films and many more ......I grew up with Raiders, Conan, Robocop 1, Predator 1, Road Warrior, Die Hard, Aliens, Terminator, Commando, Rambo and Rocky.
Kids today have Sonic
But maybe not even Sonic!
My son and his friend told me today that all movies are boring they prefer nothing longer than a Tik Tok video…my son!
A part of my humanity died when they said that lol
Remember, if you hate Disney, you should support this movie because this is from Universal their arch enemy lol
No. Keep him away from everything. He’ll just ruin the characters cause they have a fanbaseTodd Phillips really needs to watch Wicked.
Supposedly if you watch this musical while listening to Dark Side of the Moon backwards and standing on the wall sideways, it's even more satisfying.You can't have your pudding, if you don't eat your meat.
Run time didn’t bother me at all but I haven’t seen the play.I'm looking forward to watching this. The songs in the stage show are great. Obviously "Defying Gravity" gets all the attention (and rightly so), but my favourite songs have always been "Popular" and "What Is This Feeling?". I didn't realise this was a 2-parter until I saw that another great song, "For Good", wasn't on the movie soundtrack. I thought "surely they haven't cut that song out of the movie?!". Nope, turns out there's a Part Two next year!
I was initially skeptical about this being split into two parts, especially seeing as Part One is over 2 hrs 30 mins alone! But a lot of reviews I have read have mentioned that the added run time is actually well utilised in fleshing out the story and characters. No "Hobbit" syndrome here, it seems.
I have tiny bladerRun time didn’t bother me at all but I haven’t seen the play.
I love long movies though I have a good bladder.
Does your wife know you're a girl? I've suspected, but spice and life and such things.At first I kept thinking I am definitely not the target audience for this kind of female centric movie but then I thought about it and of course I am.
men can love witchDoes your wife know you're a girl? I've suspected, but spice and life and such things.