Superman (July 11th, 2025)

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I never got why you should pledge any loyalty to one director in the first place. You like his work cool. But if he didn’t finish the story cause people didn’t like it or studio politics don’t cry about it for years and reject anything that isn’t solely made by this one guy. Seriously. Raimi didn’t finish his story, Burton didn’t finish his story and many other directors in the past. This isn’t the first or last time it has happened. Be glad you got the Snyder cut and coexist with other fans.
While, overall, I love the Snyder movies in the DCEU, I definitely do not like all of his decisions. I think casting was mostly on point (didn't care for Amy Adams as Lois) as well as the designs. And I have at least enjoyed just about every Snyder movie I've seen. That said, I only liked GtG 3 for the animal aspect, otherwise it goes in the bin with all his other movies which I've given a chance to, but didn't like at all. I fell asleep in the theater for GtG 2 which has never happened in my life since early adolescence :lol So, while I don't think Zack was the perfect choice to helm the previous Superman/ DC movies, I don't feel James Gunn was the answer to be the replacement. Happy to be proven wrong when I watch the new movie in July 2025, but I don't have much hope even with the teaser.

In my opinion, where Zack would've been better suited is a more hands on producing role similar to what he had in the first WW movie. That movie would've ended WW sooner as it was basically like WW84 before Zack's team came in to make some changes to what we got in the final film from what I remember hearing. Without his involvement, that movie wouldn't of been as big a hit as it was if at all.

But again, I'm really tired of the what could've/should've been with Superman movies. I hope this succeeds solely b/c I want Superman to succeed.
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Haha. Nope!

I’ve never owned anything Superman related,
not now, not even as a kid.

The character is too perfect for me to take interest in regarding a cohesive memorable story. The lack of trials and tribulations that mean anything in the grand scheme of things is a problem for me.

How many times does one need to view Superman facing conflict only to come out completely unscathed?

It’s to where the character could genuinely fast forward through any conflict he faces in his sleep and he’d still be around to watch the seasons change. How do you write a compelling story around a character like that? You attempt to humanize him, you make him develop real raw emotion for people he knows he’s going to outlive.

I never liked that Superman didn't have cool interesting villains. not really. superman is cool but never felt interesting, he has so many powers, he's so powerful, no real threats,

The puzzling thing to me is that Snyder and Gunn seem to have a generally friendly, amicable relationship with each other. I don’t get the impression that they’re best buds, but there’s no ill will between them at all, as far as I’ve ever heard. And yet, the fans from their respective camps seem to feel like supporting their movies is some binary choice. Like it’s either you’re a Gunn fan or you’re a Snyder fan. I don’t feel that way at all. I like many of the films from both directors, and feel no need to root against either one.

some people feel like Snyder had his chance stolen from him like with Guillermo del Toro and Hellboy.
for some people, Hellboy had a third movie planned and Snyder had a Justice league 2 planned and it was pulled from them, some fans are just mad that those stories weren't told,

I never got why you should pledge any loyalty to one director in the first place. You like his work cool. But if he didn’t finish the story cause people didn’t like it or studio politics don’t cry about it for years and reject anything that isn’t solely made by this one guy. Seriously. Raimi didn’t finish his story, Burton didn’t finish his story and many other directors in the past. This isn’t the first or last time it has happened. Be glad you got the Snyder cut and coexist with other fans.

Burton never had a strong plan for batman 3, not really. it wasn't set up in Batman 2, button could have continued but he didn't have a strong plan.
raimi had ideas for Spider-Man 4 but the third movie basically ended in a closed note, felt finished,

Hellboy and Snyder's movies didn't feel finished. they had set up stuff they didn't finish.
Yeah exactly, there’ll never be a compelling villain grand enough to put Superman up against, even
The Death of Superman is somewhat void because he comes back.

I really like the potential of a Clark Kent though. I feel like the character is far more than a journalist by day. Unfortunately he’s always overshadowed by the Superman counterpart.

I think audiences just need a really good
Lex Luthor and forget about the rest of his rogues gallery being put to film, they’re just too obscure to spend two hours in a seat for the majority.

The only villain in the entirety of this trailer I noticed was Lex, the rest I couldn’t name if my life depended on it ten fold.

Excess of characters is what’s killed comic book film, time to go back to individual characters that can wrap in a film or two. Not everything needs a trilogy, a universe.

It’s why no one has a single real care for Holland’s Spiderman like the others. He’s never had genuine solo time and by now the damage is done. He’s basically marked as a Tony Stark prodigy rather than the friendly neighborhood Spiderman Rami brought to life.
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Yeah exactly, there’ll never be a compelling villain grand enough to put Superman up against, even
The Death of Superman is somewhat void because he comes back.

I really like the potential of a Clark Kent though. I feel like the character is far more than a journalist by day. Unfortunately he’s always overshadowed by the Superman counterpart.

I think audiences just need a really good
Lex Luthor and forget about the rest of his rogues gallery being put to film, they’re just too obscure to spend two hours in a seat for the majority.

The only villain in the entirety of this trailer I noticed was Lex, the rest I couldn’t name if my life depended on it ten fold.

Excess of characters is what’s killed comic book film, time to go back to individual characters that can wrap in a film or two. Not everything needs a trilogy, a universe.

It’s why no one has a single real care for Holland’s Spiderman like the others. He’s never had genuine solo time and by now the damage is done. He’s basically marked as a Tony Stark prodigy rather than the friendly neighborhood Spiderman Rami brought to life.

one really good thing about man of steel is that zod was a real threat and stronger than Superman in some ways and really dangerous.

zod really was a great villain in man of steel. very entertaining. but his story couldn't be used for more than one movie.
one really good thing about man of steel is that zod was a real threat and stronger than Superman in some ways and really dangerous.

zod really was a great villain in man of steel. very entertaining. but his story couldn't be used for more than one movie.
I agree, but even then he’s basically just a Superman who never grew empathy for the people of Earth. A reflection of himself on a different path, if you will.

That doesn’t take much creativity compared to a villain like Lex or Joker, though I don’t know much about Superman lore, but I do about Joker. I like villains who’s views aren’t black and white in juxtaposition to the hero’s or even the audience’s, more to chew on.
I really like the potential of a Clark Kent though. I feel like the character is far more than a journalist by day. Unfortunately he’s always overshadowed by the Superman counterpart.
That's kind of the point. A good Superman story are those not revolved entirely around Superman. It's where a lot of writers have failed with the character, even in comic runs. A good Superman story should be centered around Clark Kent. That's his human aspect. The core. The aspect that you let people connect with.

Big part of why I never cared for what Snyder was doing with his Superman. Clark Kent wasn't anything in his world. He was always just Superman, whether in costume or not. That shouldn't be the case. He's a farmer boy from Kansas. Hell, he has friends outside of just Lois as well. Another aspect often forgotten about.

You give him problems that he can't solve with his fists alone. It's why Pa Kent's death is a big part of him, similar to what Uncle Ben is to Peter Parker. It's the moment that lets him realize that even with all of his powers, he's unable to save his father from a simple heart attack.

Having him punch a villian around a city does nothing. It offers nothing to his character.
Yeah exactly, there’ll never be a compelling villain grand enough to put Superman up against, even
The Death of Superman is somewhat void because he comes back.
eh not true at all, especially if you've read Superman. Parasite, Metallo, Brainiac, and of course Doomsday and Darkseid are all formidable villains. Even more of what I would call second tier ones like Bizzaro, Mongol, Lobo, Manchester Black (with the elite) are also villains that have put Superman through his paces. But the first list are the more known ones and are more than enough to go through a few Superman movies. Brainiac is probably one of Superman's greatest villains.

I really like the potential of a Clark Kent though. I feel like the character is far more than a journalist by day. Unfortunately he’s always overshadowed by the Superman counterpart.
I'll probably get flack for this, but it's partly b/c of Reeve's portrayal of a bumbling Clark Kent. He wasn't really like that prior to from the comics I've read, nor the cartoons or TV Shows.

I think audiences just need a really good
Lex Luthor and forget about the rest of his rogues gallery being put to film, they’re just too obscure to spend two hours in a seat for the majority.
Lex Luthor on his own gets old. Him influencing things behind the scenes is a bit more fun and being somewhat tied to his villains in the way that the Animated series is a pretty good approach.

The only villain in the entirety of this trailer I noticed was Lex, the rest I couldn’t name if my life depended on it ten fold.
True. I've seen a few ppl mention that Gunn does too many deep cuts in his comic movies b/c he likes those obscure characters. I mean, I used to buy comics weekly and also have some older issues from well before I was born and I had never heard of Creature commandos until this new animation. Never heard of Ratcatcher, PolkaDotMan, T.D.K., Javelin or The Weasel and only knew of Peacemaker by what he looked like. I think due to him making the obscure Guardians of the Galaxy a hit, he wants to and thinks he can do that with just about any obscure character.
Excess of characters is what’s killed comic book film, time to go back to individual characters that can wrap in a film or two. Not everything needs a trilogy, a universe.
I do agree with this. It's something my dad has said for awhile as well. He particularly doesn't care for "team up" comic movies. But, I don't want just one off movies. Having multiple films involving the same actors/characters telling one big story without needing to be part of a huge universe is nice if done well.

It’s why no one has a single real care for Holland’s Spiderman like the others. He’s never had genuine solo time and by now the damage is done. He’s basically marked as a Tony Stark prodigy rather than the friendly neighborhood Spiderman Rami brought to life.
I don't speak for everyone, but I know for me, I just don't care for his version of Peter Parker/spiderman in general. I don't think it would've really mattered if he wasn't the Tony Stark prodigy the MCU built him up to be.
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eh not true at all, especially if you've read Superman. Parasite, Metallo, Brainiac, and of course Doomsday and Darkseid are all formidable villains. Even Bizzaro, Mongol, Lobo, Manchester Black (with the elite) are also villains that have put Superman through his paces. But the first list are the more known ones and are more than enough to go through a few Superman movies. Brainiac is probably one of Superman's greatest villains.
Woah this is way out of my depth Gip,
you might as well be speaking Chinese.
I do like the conversation though.

I'll probably get flack for this, but it's partly b/c of Reeve's portrayal of a bumbling Clark Kent. He wasn't really like that prior to from the comics I've read, nor the cartoons or TV Shows.
Well that should change, this Clark Kent is the one major redeeming quality about this new Superman to me, I buy him as a young Clark than Superman any day. Hopefully he’s put to use and fleshed out more than the basics. The multiple villains make me hesitant to give it a shot, I want character driven, always.

Lex Luthor on his own gets old. Him influencing things behind the scenes is a bit more fun and being somewhat tied to his villains in the way that the Animated series is a pretty good approach.
Oh kind of like Norman Osborne,
would be a nice approach.
True. I've seen a few ppl mention that Gunn does too many deep cuts in his comic movies b/c he likes those obscure characters. I mean, I used to buy comics weekly and also have some older issues from well before I was born and I had never heard of Creature commandos until this new animation. Never heard of Ratcatcher, PolkaDotMan, T.D.K., Javelin or The Weasel and only knew of Peacemaker by what he looked like. I think due to him making the obscure Guardians of the Galaxy a hit, he wants to and thinks he can do that with just about any obscure character.
Yeah I don’t think he’s getting anywhere with that.
I might be wrong, but if popular front row Marvel characters reached their boiling point of an overextended run with mass fatigue rampant across the industry as a whole, then Polkadotman is gonna have to hit the showers.

I do agree with this. It's something my dad has said for awhile as well. He particularly doesn't care for "team up" comic movies. But, I don't want just one off movies. Having multiple films involving the same actors/characters telling one big story without needing to be part of a huge universe is nice if done well.
I think comfortably, two films per iteration of a character is the most shelf life you can manage without ideas evaporating and plot lines falling short of the likes of their seemingly seamless predecessors.

I don't speak for everyone, but I know for me, I just don't care for his version of Peter Parker/spiderman in general. I don't think it would've really mattered if he wasn't the Tony Stark prodigy the MCU built him up to be.
I don’t either, but the fact that his hand was held for the entire trilogy is unbelievable.
The training wheels never came off of him.
And if I was petty I would say that you are resorting to your usual defense of Snyder without thinking. I get that you’re a Snyder fan but he’s still human. I just think this scene was written & shot without thinking. IN THE SAME AREA was still at least a football field in length away from where Superman was, and the sound level produced by a 100 lb. woman feebly hitting a slab of concrete while underwater inside a building would be on par with a feather landing at his feet - i.e., the noise produced given what else was happening around him would be negligible. Plus the conditions of her predicament were simply not conducive to the propagation of sound. If she was She-Hulk I could buy it, otherwise no.
On the contrary, I put plenty of thought into it. Snyder is a details guy and rarely does a plothole get brought up that isn't just picking or not thinking it through fully. That's not to say he's infallible, but the divisiveness creates more critique, a lot of which is unfounded purely through the dislike of the material.

We don't exactly know how his super hearing works. Yes, she was trapped exactly as you described, but in a chamber, underwater.
Water amplifies sound more than air, and sound in water reflects almost perfectly, which would happen significantly in a chamber. As soon as he elevates it's really obvious to him.
The puzzling thing to me is that Snyder and Gunn seem to have a generally friendly, amicable relationship with each other. I don’t get the impression that they’re best buds, but there’s no ill will between them at all, as far as I’ve ever heard. And yet, the fans from their respective camps seem to feel like supporting their movies is some binary choice. Like it’s either you’re a Gunn fan or you’re a Snyder fan. I don’t feel that way at all. I like many of the films from both directors, and feel no need to root against either one.
I see all 3 versions, people that like both, or like one or the other. I see people saying you can like both, but let's face it, everyone already knows this.
eh not true at all, especially if you've read Superman. Parasite, Metallo, Brainiac, and of course Doomsday and Darkseid are all formidable villains. Even more of what I would call second tier ones like Bizzaro, Mongol, Lobo, Manchester Black (with the elite) are also villains that have put Superman through his paces. But the first list are the more known ones and are more than enough to go through a few Superman movies. Brainiac is probably one of Superman's greatest villains.

I'll probably get flack for this, but it's partly b/c of Reeve's portrayal of a bumbling Clark Kent. He wasn't really like that prior to from the comics I've read, nor the cartoons or TV Shows.

Lex Luthor on his own gets old. Him influencing things behind the scenes is a bit more fun and being somewhat tied to his villains in the way that the Animated series is a pretty good approach.

True. I've seen a few ppl mention that Gunn does too many deep cuts in his comic movies b/c he likes those obscure characters. I mean, I used to buy comics weekly and also have some older issues from well before I was born and I had never heard of Creature commandos until this new animation. Never heard of Ratcatcher, PolkaDotMan, T.D.K., Javelin or The Weasel and only knew of Peacemaker by what he looked like. I think due to him making the obscure Guardians of the Galaxy a hit, he wants to and thinks he can do that with just about any obscure character.

I do agree with this. It's something my dad has said for awhile as well. He particularly doesn't care for "team up" comic movies. But, I don't want just one off movies. Having multiple films involving the same actors/characters telling one big story without needing to be part of a huge universe is nice if done well.

I don't speak for everyone, but I know for me, I just don't care for his version of Peter Parker/spiderman in general. I don't think it would've really mattered if he wasn't the Tony Stark prodigy the MCU built him up to be.
holland's Spider-Man is the only one that actually felt like a teen, like a high school teen.
tobey and Andrew never felt like teens that way.

Yes "peter's mom was scared " but how would she have felt if her son had drowned? And if Clark had let all his classmates die, looking into their eyes, he would have felt guilty all his life. like when he didn't save his father from the tornado.
And it would have been strange if he were the only survivor of the bus accident.

This philosophy course is absurd, Johathan Kent telling the future Superman that he must be wary of humans and that he must remain discreet at all costs.
“What was I supposed to do, just let them die?”

“You should’ve disintegrated them all with your heat vision and then said they were all kidnapped by aliens, these hicks will believe anything!”
Yes "peter's mom was scared " but how would she have felt if her son had drowned? And if Clark had let all his classmates die, looking into their eyes, he would have felt guilty all his life. like when he didn't save his father from the tornado.
And it would have been strange if he were the only survivor of the bus accident.

This philosophy course is absurd, Johathan Kent telling the future Superman that he must be wary of humans and that he must remain discreet at all costs.
It wouldn't be that strange for one person to survive an accident.

Again, he's not saying 100% don't save people. He's pointing out what could and does happen if he is exposed.

It's not like Jonathan knows what "Superman" even is. He's got a son to protect. He's living in a cynical world.
On the contrary, I put plenty of thought into it. Snyder is a details guy and rarely does a plothole get brought up that isn't just picking or not thinking it through fully. That's not to say he's infallible, but the divisiveness creates more critique, a lot of which is unfounded purely through the dislike of the material.

We don't exactly know how his super hearing works. Yes, she was trapped exactly as you described, but in a chamber, underwater.
Water amplifies sound more than air, and sound in water reflects almost perfectly, which would happen significantly in a chamber. As soon as he elevates it's really obvious to him.
And the sound waves would reflect back and propagate away from Superman’s ears given the position of the concrete slab. But more importantly, IF Lois could somehow produce the required force against the resistance of the water to produce sound, the thick concrete would dampen, not amplify it. And that’s what’s between her and Superman, not the chamber of water. Also, it was established in MoS that Superman had to train himself to focus his mind and block out all the extraneous audio inputs he was receiving with his “super hearing”, so he wouldn’t have been listening for a presumably safe Lois in that situation anyway.

Look, at the end of the day this is still a comic book movie so it’s pointless to keep debating how the science would work within it. Let’s just agree to disagree. :duff

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