So I'm about half way through Gizeh now and can confidently pass some reasonable judgement as I doubt the game mechanics are going to change all that dramatically.
Firstly, I can't even fathom those glowing reviews. The only one I completely agree with is the Youtube channel Worthabuy. I even saw one article saying this was Xbox's Ghost of Tsushima... it isn't even in the same stratosphere on any level. That's just a typical console war juvenile, idiotic, clickbait article. Everything on Tsushima destroys this: world building, story characters, gameplay... everything.
Cut scenes
Voice acting
Melee - so clunky it's a joke. Feels like something from 20 years ago.
Guns (any guns) - they feel like you're shooting paper spitballs at the enemies and all it does is alert the whole place to your presence so negates the point of even using guns. Not fun, just aggravating.
Indy's likeness - the eyes are really wrong. Some wide silhouette profile shots look okay - but he also looks too skinny and small shouldered a lot of the time.
NPC A.I... mother of god
Environments - start off impressive, but once you really explore they're actually quite small and are just intertwined and overlap
Puzzles - not bad, but not great. Pretty straight forward, basic stuff.
Graphics (Xbox X) - again, initially impressive, but on closer inspection nowhere near as good as other releases.
Overall, so far, it feels really rudimentary and really dated and nothing outstanding that deserves the high scores it's been getting. The novelty is already starting to wear off. The story is now the only thing that's keeping me going