Got my scarecrow shipping notification.

Label created on Dec 20, but no movement since. I’m so excited, I’m checking DHL tracking multiple times a day.
I want more villains! The Mad Hatter and the Ventriloquist would be cool.
Both of those would be amazing. Especially a Ventriloquist would be a dream come true for me!
Same. Ventriloquist is my most wanted now that they've done Ivy and Clayface, though I expect we’ll see Two-Face next. Or Robin, since they hinted at doing another hero character soon in one of their Toy Talks.
If they’re revealing 3 new BTAS figures again in 2025, I’d love for the 3rd to be the Ventriloquist/Scarface but wouldn’t be surprised if they do Mad Hatter, Killer Croc, Penguin or Riddler first (in this order please

). Any of those I’d be excited to see.
They may very well surprise us with someone/something a little more outside the box. I definitely didn't expect to see Andrea Beaumont before any of the aforementioned.
Me too!
A Mondo Ventriloquist would be very cool looking, and make a good display/decoration too, even for people who doesn't know the character.
I’d also take a 2.0 Batman and Catwoman but I feel like Mondo won’t do so with Redux Batman being sold recently.
I still haven’t bought either of the 2. Holding out for the 2.0 of both. Fingers crossed. I'm sure they're well aware how badly these two need to be redone to match the look and quality (and size, in Bats case) of the rest of the line.
That Gray Ghost episode was so fantastic.
I have no idea if it was ever in the comics before hand, but it was nice seeing Bruce Wayne have a hero because he used to watch it with his dad...
It's a very nice, touching episode, Batman meeting his hero and I think the end of the episode he gave the hint to the Gray Ghost that he's bats....or so I remembered.
He did! Lovely episode, I agree. Bruce Timm as the fanatic toy collector – now that would be an outside-the-box figure at least 12 people would buy
Anyway, Happy New Year, everybody! Can’t wait to get Scarecrow and Ivy in the mail, preorder Clayface and see what Mondo have cooking for 2025. I love this little corner of the Internet