EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

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Is that one of the worst sculpts ever for a 1/6 figure or just some of the worst lighting ever for photos of a 1/6 figure?
To be fair, after releasing 30+ figures have there really been any that fans were genuinely upset about the final product? I know some will point to the Tom Paris figure and while maybe a little soft, it's undeniably Tom Paris.

I'm usually not one to doubt but even I was a little nervous about Picard based on the pre-order pics but once in hand it's incredible.

I trust EXO-6 to refine the sculpts between pre-order and release and they seem to be doing that.
Personally that seems to be the new line everyone is using to excuse the EXO sculpts. I feel like some get refined but a number of them stay the same.

Some might look better in hand because of the poor product pictures is more likely.
For the price point, these sculpts should be a bit better imo. Janeway was soft. Sisco looked off to me. Paris, Kim...who am I missing? I would give them a pass for sure if the price was closer to the $150-$175 mark but the new point of entry is over $200. For that, they should be offering a higher standard on the sculpts. That's to say nothing of the paint apps. His entry price seems to be about $220 dollars for a figure with 6 hands and some rehashed accessories. That's only about $55 dollars from HTs entry price.

I'm not saying he should drop his prices. I'm saying he should tweak the value proposition. He does cut and sew really well. The collectors really value good/great sculpts. I think there is room for improvements for some of the sculpts he delivers.
For the price point, these sculpts should be a bit better imo. Janeway was soft. Sisco looked off to me. Paris, Kim...who am I missing? I would give them a pass for sure if the price was closer to the $150-$175 mark but the new point of entry is over $200. For that, they should be offering a higher standard on the sculpts. That's to say nothing of the paint apps. His entry price seems to be about $220 dollars for a figure with 6 hands and some rehashed accessories. That's only about $55 dollars from HTs entry price.

I'm not saying he should drop his prices. I'm saying he should tweak the value proposition. He does cut and sew really well. The collectors really value good/great sculpts. I think there is room for improvements for some of the sculpts he delivers.
Don’t forget EMH. Woof.
Surprised at the hate this is getting. I think the likeness is pretty dead-on myself, I'm just not a fan of the smiling expression and would have preferred the more common ones he had below.

I do like the unique uniform with the silver combadge though, which is probably enough reason for me to get this.

And his hair was combed all kinds of different ways with that uniform. But honestly this isn't a character I care a huge amount when it comes to accuracy anyway. Lol


Absolutely laughable! This figure takes the cake, hands down. Along with a pie in the face! If that looks like Wesley I look like Elvis!
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Personally that seems to be the new line everyone is using to excuse the EXO sculpts. I feel like some get refined but a number of them stay the same.
Great point. Absolutely agree. I can’t imagine this figure looking like Wesley, that would require a completely different sculpt.
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That's the exact hairstyle Wesley had in the Season 3 opener, "Evolution", (& others, like "The Bonding"), so it's fine.

The body as pictured, however- is more akin to Adult Wesleys' body given by Q in "Hide & Q"- (tho Geordi would say, "Hey Wes, Not Bad!")
That's the exact hairstyle Wesley had in the Season 3 opener, "Evolution", (& others, like "The Bonding"), so it's fine.

The body as pictured, however- is more akin to Adult Wesleys' body given by Q in "Hide & Q"- (tho Geordi would say, "Hey Wes, Not Bad!")
Well. At least he's not wearing that awful sweater...

That's the exact hairstyle Wesley had in the Season 3 opener, "Evolution", (& others, like "The Bonding"), so it's fine.

The body as pictured, however- is more akin to Adult Wesleys' body given by Q in "Hide & Q"- (tho Geordi would say, "Hey Wes, Not Bad!")
Well Wheaton has complained about how he had to wear a muscle suit under the uniform to broaden his shoulders. So I don't think this looks too far off.
Personally that seems to be the new line everyone is using to excuse the EXO sculpts. I feel like some get refined but a number of them stay the same.

Some might look better in hand because of the poor product pictures is more likely.
Pretty much from the beginning, Nanjin has said the pre order pics are still prototypes and more refinements get done. It's not a "new line" it's a statement of fact. That said some released sculpts still aren't perfect, Tom Paris and Neelix come to mind, but they still are a improvement over the pre order pics.

I have every figure released so far, they are all better then the pre order pics, and from what I can tell they all have been refined between preorder pics, and release. If you feel different list some figures you feel weren't improved on and let's compare.

There is no defending the poor preorder pics. Nanjin used to do them himself they were horrible, SixScale Mafia took over, and they got better, but from my understanding he hasn't done some of the recent ones due to the quick turnaround time.
Pretty much from the beginning, Nanjin has said the pre order pics are still prototypes and more refinements get done. It's not a "new line" it's a statement of fact. That said some released sculpts still aren't perfect, Tom Paris and Neelix come to mind, but they still are a improvement over the pre order pics.

I have every figure released so far, they are all better then the pre order pics, and from what I can tell they all have been refined between preorder pics, and release. If you feel different list some figures you feel weren't improved on and let's compare.

There is no defending the poor preorder pics. Nanjin used to do them himself they were horrible, SixScale Mafia took over, and they got better, but from my understanding he hasn't done some of the recent ones due to the quick turnaround time.
I know Nanjin has always said that but I feel like I’ve been seeing that line touted more often recently. I simply don’t think it’s true and it feels like an excuse. Some get better but a lot stay the same.

It’s like Nanjin wants to convince people of a superior product and then when it’s not and people don’t like it he flips out and goes on about “e”xperts.
I know Nanjin has always said that but I feel like I’ve been seeing that line touted more often recently. I simply don’t think it’s true and it feels like an excuse. Some get better but a lot stay the same.

It’s like Nanjin wants to convince people of a superior product and then when it’s not and people don’t like it he flips out and goes on about “e”xperts.
Which ones do you feel stay the same?

Well maybe it feels like its used alot because the complaints on the prototype head sculpts happen on just about every preorder. People say the same thing on all those complaints too, saying it needs to be fixed, act like the protoype is what the released sculpt will be, and the hyperbole...lord the hyperbole. It's a repeatable cycle that's happened on just every preorder.

I don't see where Nanjin is trying to convince anyone he makes a superior product, he's stated several times he knows he's not Hot Toys level, he's made comments on figures not meeting the level he wants. I agree he is overly sensitive sometimes, but based on the words I've seen posted here and on FB from some people I can understand why. This is a passion project for him it's natural for him to be a bit defensive.

I see Nanjin differently then most of you on here. I see people here being way more aggressive, inflammatory, and "flipping out" more then Nanjin ever was.
A lot of them seem pretty much the same to me. More like which ones don’t. Mirror Sulu, Judge Q, Locutus, and TNG Data are their best sculpts/paint apps if you ask me.

A lot of the others are fine but not improved in my honest opinion. Characters like Archer, Paris, Kim, etc didn’t improve.

Seven of Nine is a figure/character a lot of people love and I think the paint totally let that sculpt down.
I'm not sure I've seen many actual sculpt improvements either. I think it's more that the promo pics are almost universally bad and make every figure look a bit weird and off for some reason.

But most figures DO look a lot better in hand, which I guess is all that matters in the end.
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A lot of them seem pretty much the same to me. More like which ones don’t. Mirror Sulu, Judge Q, Locutus, and TNG Data are their best sculpts/paint apps if you ask me.

A lot of the others are fine but not improved in my honest opinion. Characters like Archer, Paris, Kim, etc didn’t improve.

Seven of Nine is a figure/character a lot of people love and I think the paint totally let that sculpt down.
Archer, by far was improved over the preorder. It's one of their best. You can go back in this forum and see where people complained over the preorder pics, but pretty much everyone changed their tune once they had it in hand.

Paris and Kim while not their best are also improved upon from the pre order pics. Again a simple search here will show people stating so.

There's even a thread somewhere here where Flaming Ham was making similar claims as you are now, and people came out showing side by side evidence that the in hand sculpts are indeed different then the preorder ones.

All that said, I cant change your mind if this is your personal feeling/opinion. All I can do is point to the evidence that the in hand sculpts are refined and improved on then the pre order pics. If you don't see it and don't like it, then you don't see it don't like it. Art is beholden to the observer after all.
I don’t hate them enough to not buy them and ultimately as a Star Trek fan I’ll take what I can get. Just I don’t buy into the bs anymore.

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