Present toys - The mask 2.0 + gangster version

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Dec 28, 2012
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Present Toys Mask 2.0

Hmm, as someone with the original release, nothing I'm seeing here is worth grabbing. This is probably because darktoys ripped off their ripoff, but since the sculpt on the new suit is the same old one, doesn't make sense to get it. The new sculpts also look off, something about the teeth being even with the lips. Meh
I think if they'd made a Cuban Pete or Hall way PJ scene with clock that would of been better.

The V1 present toys one is still the better of all current ones.
The default yellow with two gimmicky heads and no normal one is certainly a choice.
Gangster version should have came with the dynamite bomb and maybe a tommy gun. Yeah the gun was a different scene with a different costume, but so was the bulging eyes and hammer look (he was in the fancy pajamas). Also the 2 bang bang guns should be even bigger then what they have. Maybe it would be too heavy so they compromised.

Already own the V1, which is the best look and includes Masked Milo, so have no desire for this,
why does the Dark Toys Mask head look exactly like the Present Toys (gangster) Mask head?

And who made that great Mask figure like 2-3 years ago? Dark Toys or Present Toys?
why does the Dark Toys Mask head look exactly like the Present Toys (gangster) Mask head?

And who made that great Mask figure like 2-3 years ago? Dark Toys or Present Toys?

Present toys made the better version hands down, also dark toys took 3 half years to release Grinch! :slap So if looking for a mask just get the older present toys version.
Pachuco look all the way!

Though what somone else needs to make is Pachuco Olmos, who inspired the whole shtick

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Looks like Dark Toys is doing a re-release as well. Pre-orders up at multiple storefronts.
Wouldn't touch Dark toys - took them 3 and half years to deliver Grinch. Also this won't hold a candle to present toys V1.
Was it really that bad? This is supposedly a 2.0 version with a new body. The Present Toys version is sold out most places long ago, so options are limited.
I own the Dark Toys, debating whether to get the PT for the 2 head sculpts.
Really strange choice by present to not include the normal sculpt with the yellow suit.