Out of the box , no crazy mods or anything like that
just a normal museum pose.
I like the figure but by no means this is a better option than the inart version.
Firstly The proportion are odd , yes it can be modded so the stillsuit looks like it's supposed too but it requires some skills in kitbashing and modding that not everyone have (there is no zipper visible in the suit which means the suit it's all sewed)
The quality of the suit it's fantastic no doubt about it but again that doesn't matter if the proportion does not f work.
Accessories are ok no complaints at all.
The Head sculpt... It's good , mostly because I can see Paul in it, I guess I was just expecting a better paint job, I mean we have third-party companies painting almost like hot toys for a cheaper price
articulations are pretty decent (for the nature and level of restrictions that the suit have)
Probably gonna modd it at some point