Star Wars Saga (OT/PT/ST) Discussion Thread

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Yeah, it's easy for us to wish that George had never handed things over to Disney but based on his post-ESB track record what evidence do we really have that he would have made anything coming even remotely close to the quality of Rogue One. Or seasons 1 and 2 of Mando. Many would include Andor as well.

So let's see after ESB, George made ROTJ (mixed bag), the OT:SE's (net loss) and the PT and Clone Wars. None of those compare to RO. So at least we got *something* as good or better than ROTJ after all these years. Sure current SW is a joke but we can just ignore it and enjoy all the stuff that we actually do like.
I give 80% of the credit for ESB to other people than GL.

ROTJ was mostly his....

I personally believe if GL made more content he would have been terrible for SW.

He still cannot grasp why people hated Jar Jar so much, and was not focused on the story at all ....he was way more interested in merchandising and forwarding his studio ambitions. SW became a commercial for both those things and the story was left behind.....

Seeing what Anthony Danial's thought of the PT was hysterical.
In this 2023 video meeting George did with some high schoolers he made sure they all understood that Disney has gone down a road he never intended and that the current Saga is very much apart from the six films that he created. He obviously considers his story to be timeless compared to the modern identity politics so prevalent in the new canon.

Ugh what a moment of our times - GL being directly asked (confronted?) about how the "fights for racial justice will impact the Star Wars universe going forward."

GL obviously had little interest in the content of the question, but the Disney board certainly really, really wanted to let everyone know what their answer was.

What a time capsule moment of how genuinely unhinged everything was until last year. Like the falling banner at the end of Jurassic Park - "When Social Media Ruled the Earth."
Ugh what a moment of our times - GL being directly asked (confronted?) about how the "fights for racial justice will impact the Star Wars universe going forward."

GL obviously had little interest in the content of the question, but the Disney board certainly really, really wanted to let everyone know what their answer was.

What a time capsule moment of how genuinely unhinged everything was until last year. Like the falling banner at the end of Jurassic Park - "When Social Media Ruled the Earth."
I love when people think SW was not always political. Had he made the story today, social media would be all over the politic undertones.
I love when people think SW was not always political. Had he made the story today, social media would be all over the politic undertones.
There's a great interview from 1980 where Billy Dee ignores a female interviewer trying desperately to get him to admit he's the "token black." Reminded me of Morgan Freeman schooling a hyperventilating Don Lemon on race a few years back.

I'd suggest the key difference between 1977-83 and now is that America was the good guys back then, while today we're told by the morally blind that its the worst of the 1930s.

Had GL made the story today, social media would be all over the depictions of the nations that comprised the allies - U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia etc (yes, "the Rebellion") - as morally good. Because they now epitomize everything that's wrong in the world, past and future.

And that... 1000% goes against the politics of SW.
I never liked Joy Reid. But I was more curious how you believe things have normalized since last year. I find current times to be anything but what I thought was normal.

Kind of the way Star Wars has changed from what I once thought was "normal Star Wars"... keeping the thread on track. :D

Perhaps you can use Star Wars terms to express your answer. :lol
I love when people think SW was not always political.
Except the "politics" of the OT and PT were never distracting and weren't solely about stomping on and then eliminating beloved straight white male heroes created by a straight white male filmmaker. That's as far as Disney's political undertones go (with not even an engaging story as framework) which is why audiences are rejecting the new content for being the garbage that it is (apart from standouts like RO and BOBF of course.) :monkey3
Yea the politics in Star wars was boring but I don't think it reflected the world we live in today did it? Idk I don't remember much politics in the ST I really just remember bad writing and main characters who never lost (besides finn of course) and just recycled crap from the original.

The PT was heavy on the politics and so was the show but it still felt natural. Like it felt right for that world.
I give 80% of the credit for ESB to other people than GL.

ROTJ was mostly his....

I personally believe if GL made more content he would have been terrible for SW.

He still cannot grasp why people hated Jar Jar so much, and was not focused on the story at all ....he was way more interested in merchandising and forwarding his studio ambitions. SW became a commercial for both those things and the story was left behind.....

Seeing what Anthony Danial's thought of the PT was hysterical.
I always say. If he JUST stuck to Jar Jar being THE phamtom menace and the one pulling the strings then his whole "jar jar is the key to all of this" would have made sense. There are so many vidoes and deep dives that show that Jar Jar was a villain but the amount of hate he got made him change I guess. he should have stuck with that.
I never liked Joy Reid. But I was more curious how you believe things have normalized since last year. I find current times to be anything but what I thought was normal.

Kind of the way Star Wars has changed from what I once thought was "normal Star Wars"... keeping the thread on track. :D

Perhaps you can use Star Wars terms to express your answer. :lol
Let's put it this way - when the Intergalactic Banking Clan finally changes its mind about backing the clones rampaging in the streets, and when the sandstone/marble Jedi towers of morality have been defunded by the Galactic Senate until they take action against the sinister clones (all alma mater of Kamino U) they've allowed to occupy their Jedi Library, you hope that mayyyyyybe.... we're not all gonna end up with yellow/red eyes like the hidden funders of the clone army. :dunno
I'm waiting for Musk to kill younglings.

I feel like the world, and Star Wars, is doing this to me...


Andor is my last hope....
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