Heath Ledger Joker Customs

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Sorry fellas- I wasn’t trying to create any negative discourse.

I just know, for me, personally, I’d be content as far as headsculpts go if I had one of the official ones redone by Heise or John and that was all I was trying convey. Wasn’t trying to cause any problems. Definitely understand that there are ones with better likenesses and such, but the official ones would be enough for me if I got them redone :)
This all started because I initially asked if Heise was taking commissions for the INART sculpt, expressing my opinion that I like it. @roan took note of that, deems it a waste, disagrees with the opinion and prompted the whole thing. You and I may have shared the same perspectives on the matter (more or less), but you didn’t unintentionally create this negative discourse. This devolved into what it did because roan has a problem with me. Plain and simple.
Sorry fellas- I wasn’t trying to create any negative discourse.

I just know, for me, personally, I’d be content as far as headsculpts go if I had one of the official ones redone by Heise or John and that was all I was trying convey. Wasn’t trying to cause any problems. Definitely understand that there are ones with better likenesses and such, but the official ones would be enough for me if I got them redone :)
No worries. I wasn’t trying to start anything either, sorry for that.

I personally don’t see the value in getting those sculpts repainted when there’s such a wide variety of sculpts available.

That’s all.
Joker ex 14.PNG