I don't have too much to add that hasn't already been said, but here are my random initial thoughts:
-It looks visually appealing. That Titanosaurus shot alone is beautiful.
-T-Rex is scary again. The river scene is going to be awesome.
-I love the adventure feel and can't wait to see more of the abandoned InGen facilities on this island. I just hope there's a reasonable explanation of how it's remained hidden all these years.
-That Velociraptor in the glass chamber thingy has two heads.
-The mutant's design looks really bland and uninspired. They should've at least made it look like a dinosaur. I'm also not feeling the flashback scene because it looks way too sci-fi for the Jurassic franchise.
-The dialogue is a bit cringy with too many quips and sassy remarks. A far cry from the dialogue from the lunch scene in JP.
-I was talking on another forum about the Spinos and Mosa having a symbiotic relationship, and that is now confirmed. I'm not opposed to it as in the real world there are cases of animals and even insects working together, but I hope there is a believable explanation as to why these two species formed such a relationship.
-Speaking of the Spinos, I'm not 100% on board with the design. The short, thick neck looks kind of weird. I would've preferred they stuck with the JP/// Spino design. On the other hand, I am looking forward to seeing a pack of large carnivores.
-Dilophosaurus! I'll never say no to more Dilophosaurus. It's just too bad they're going with the JWD Dilo design instead of the classic JP Dilo design.
-The explanation that the dinosaurs on this island were too dangerous for the first park doesn't checkout to me. The dinosaurs in the first movie seemed plenty dangerous. I hope there's a better explanation for why this facility was abandoned and the dinosaurs left behind.
All in all, I went from being cautiously optimistic to very optimistic when we saw the photos yesterday, and now after seeing the trailer I've swung back to very cautiously optimistic