ACG Studio - Dragon Ball Z

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Super Freak
Sep 24, 2018
Reaction score
ACG studio who gave us a Perfect Tifa are now working on DBZ with Android 18!
So Beautiful :love:
She looks really good! But is this the same studio as acg art? We now have artisan studio and acg studio.. Which is getting confusing

This one is giving Battle Angel.

Portoy's sculpt is really beautiful, but this one does a better job of striking a balance between Toriyama's artwork and a stylized realism look. I think I prefer this one.

I nearly bought the Warstory version but talked myself out of it due to how inaccurate it was, but I love this character. This one is a definite buy from me. ToyMarks said on their facebook this should be going up for sale in March (tentatively).

She looks really good! But is this the same studio as acg art? We now have artisan studio and acg studio.. Which is getting confusing

I would like clarification if this is ACG Art, too. You'd think that'd be obvious, but you never know. This is a curveball from what they were suggesting would be their next figure. I suppose they could've been scared off from Square for a while.
After reflexion This Android 18 is really good but finally too realistic.
I would have preferred if they did an animated style like Rocket Toys does with Naruto.
In addition we don't even know if they are going to make Android 17, I don't know if I will buy this Android 18 alone
After reflexion This Android 18 is really good but finally too realistic.
I would have preferred if they did an animated style like Rocket Toys does with Naruto.
In addition we don't even know if they are going to make Android 17, I don't know if I will buy this Android 18 alone

I absolutely expect this figure to be a one-off, but you never know. It's probably more likely they just make another one of the girls than 17, though.
artisan studio / is also doing a 1/6 android 18 but also going after the realism look
artisan studio / is also doing a 1/6 android 18 but also going after the realism look
I saw the beginnings of their prototype the other day, hopefully we see how that looks before this goes on preorder.
PorToys' outfit prototype looks amazing. The realistic touch really works for this costume. I like it much better than what we see in these ACG shots.

I hope they get their website up and running soon and this is easier to get than their Tao.


  • 18.jpg
    265.4 KB and acg doing android 18 has rooted hair and battle damaged clothes
Por Toys body and clothes look amazing but I actually think I prefer the ACG face now comparing the two. I think it's something with the eyes.
View attachment 756383

Oh man...I know I am priced out of this but, phenomenal work here
The hair is too long, and the face, neck+body, and hands are different colors.
And Android 18 doesn't have to do that with her eyebrows, she can make the cold intimidating stare without looking angry, which is what ACG managed to do with the first headsculpt. is going for that realism look and will definitely cost more, I think their pao figure was $400 usd via Instagram DMs but they are $220 on Taobao and plan to be more accessible for international audience
Acg art is more anime look, and will be cheaper. Tifa was $232 for regular and $298 for deluxe which included another headsculpt and a few extra accessories one looks too much like Anya Taylor-Joy. ACG Studio one has a more anime-to-life look. Clothes on do look better though.

Tough one.