They'll likely reuse the mold/tooling for Space Brigade. My best guess. If the line actually survives that long.
Everything they've ever made in the Classified line has one eye on how to reuse all the tooling. I.E. the minigun that detaches from the sidecar on the attack bike. Almost certain they will use Heavy Duty's rig and convert some of that into a PAC Rat.
They are running out of core characters, they'll have double dip opportunities with retros of previously released characters, then a triple dip in some sub teams like Night Force, but they are going to have to start pushing into the more fringe stuff very soon. I'm not saying some of that can't be cool. Colonel Courage might be pretty cool with a modern upgrade, but if they can't reuse it, unfortunately it's gonna just get more expensive. I don't know how they can reuse Cold Slither, for example. Probably be costly.
EDIT - I also think part of the strategy, best guess, is that Hasbro wants to goad Valaverse. Just keep prodding him. To make a high risk item that costs a lot to tool, mold and develop, and hope it bombs. Hasbro can make a big ticket item that fails and eat the loss and survive. Can Valaverse? They see Vala loves Exo Squad, loves the mech concept, and probably wants to port it over for Action Force. Why not release the SNAKE and see if it goads Vala enough to gamble big on a mech. If it crashes and burn, it might kill the company. Look at SSC and that previously loved zombie line they had. People LOVED those zombie figures. Then the kiss of death happened. The infamous babysitter zombie. Which they released like 4 times in a row to try to likely recoup all the costs to develop it in the first place. Prices went up accordingly, and many of those previously beloved SSC moderately priced figures died on the vine. Let's be honest, I love the Valaverse line, but Bobby has that good thing/bad thing going on with his self assured nature. You can see how it would cause him to bet big on a high risk concept. Don't get me wrong, you can win without risks. But Hasbro has the horses in their stable to goad him here.