Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

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For 30k Yen, these don't look that hot in the faces or hair. Clothes look excellent though.
SE tax strikes again?
Can anyone share their experience of swapping the hands of the AC Cloud figure? I asked this question quite a while back but it's still such a pain - I have to use a hairdryer every time otherwise I feel like I'm going to tear the arm apart trying to shove the hand peg into the hole in the glove.

Also, I took his black wrist cover off and I saw these marks on his forearm (see images 2 and 3). Anyone else have something like this on their Cloud?

And speaking of the cover, I swear to god it's borderline impossible to swap his hands with that cover on. Image 1 is the highest I can make the cover sit on his arm, and no matter how much I soften up the hand, it refuses to sit in place and falls out. Any tips on how I can move the cover further up his arm? Or is it not meant to go any higher?

Lastly, to those who have the GT-006D body, how is it? Would it be possible to do swap the clothes from the AC Cloud to that body and vice versa? What about the hairpiece, is that swappable? Has anyone done a tutorial or a guide on how to do that?

Or would it be a better idea to just skip the 006D body and wait for GameToys to do another Cloud with his more iconic FF7 look in the future? (Sorry for all the questions)

As much as I love the AC Cloud figure for its appearance and overall design, good Lord is it a bother to handle and pose.

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Can anyone share their experience of swapping the hands of the AC Cloud figure? I asked this question quite a while back but it's still such a pain - I have to use a hairdryer every time otherwise I feel like I'm going to tear the arm apart trying to shove the hand peg into the hole in the glove.

Also, I took his black wrist cover off and I saw these marks on his forearm (see images 2 and 3). Anyone else have something like this on their Cloud?

And speaking of the cover, I swear to god it's borderline impossible to swap his hands with that cover on. Image 1 is the highest I can make the cover sit on his arm, and no matter how much I soften up the hand, it refuses to sit in place and falls out. Any tips on how I can move the cover further up his arm? Or is it not meant to go any higher?

Lastly, to those who have the GT-006D body, how is it? Would it be possible to do swap the clothes from the AC Cloud to that body and vice versa? What about the hairpiece, is that swappable? Has anyone done a tutorial or a guide on how to do that?

Or would it be a better idea to just skip the 006D body and wait for GameToys to do another Cloud with his more iconic FF7 look in the future? (Sorry for all the questions)

As much as I love the AC Cloud figure for its appearance and overall design, good Lord is it a bother to handle and pose.

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I'm not gonna take my Cloud's black arm cover off, but considering how tight it is and how it creates an oily residue, I'm sure it doesn't look pretty under there, either. The hands are an extremely tight fit, and that's true of all of GT's figures. I hate swapping hands on these figs.

The GT-006D body is fine. Not as high quality as the original Remake body, but about the same quality as Zack. I don't see any reason why you couldn't swap the clothes, but maybe this black arm cover would be a tight fit on the plastic arm if you don't have a set of the silicone ones. You do have to deconstruct the SOLDIER harness to remove it, it is not designed to be removed. The hairpiece was designed to be compatible specifically with the AC head, I actually have it on my AC figure already, because mine came out with a cleaner paintjob.

It's hard to say if GT will make another Cloud. We've had five or six other work-in-progress figures teased that might take priority over a Cloud 2.0, and with Square's crackdowns and GT Boss's perfectionist mindset, they're producing figures at a much slower rate than it first seemed like they would. They'd also previously indicated they didn't plan to make a Cloud 2.0. It's safer to assume they won't. But I still say never say never. Given that they're now making rolling eyeballs for Tifa and the AC Sephiroth, I think it could happen. But I would not plan on it, it's just as likely they put out a rolling eyeball version of Cloud with a different outfit (like the Shinra grunt outfit I'm still rooting to see released).

ACG has indicated a desire to make a Cloud, and that's probably the most likely way people who missed out on the GT one will get his main outfit. Provided they haven't been scared off by Square Enix; if you haven't seen, their next figure is Android 18 from DBZ, and not any of the Square figures they'd previously suggested were in the works (like 2B or the battle outfit Tifa). That could mean they've shifted away from previous plans, or it could be meaningless. Only time will tell there.
I'm not gonna take my Cloud's black arm cover off, but considering how tight it is and how it creates an oily residue, I'm sure it doesn't look pretty under there, either. The hands are an extremely tight fit, and that's true of all of GT's figures. I hate swapping hands on these figs.

The GT-006D body is fine. Not as high quality as the original Remake body, but about the same quality as Zack. I don't see any reason why you couldn't swap the clothes, but maybe this black arm cover would be a tight fit on the plastic arm if you don't have a set of the silicone ones. You do have to deconstruct the SOLDIER harness to remove it, it is not designed to be removed. The hairpiece was designed to be compatible specifically with the AC head, I actually have it on my AC figure already, because mine came out with a cleaner paintjob.

It's hard to say if GT will make another Cloud. We've had five or six other work-in-progress figures teased that might take priority over a Cloud 2.0, and with Square's crackdowns and GT Boss's perfectionist mindset, they're producing figures at a much slower rate than it first seemed like they would. They'd also previously indicated they didn't plan to make a Cloud 2.0. It's safer to assume they won't. But I still say never say never. Given that they're now making rolling eyeballs for Tifa and the AC Sephiroth, I think it could happen. But I would not plan on it, it's just as likely they put out a rolling eyeball version of Cloud with a different outfit (like the Shinra grunt outfit I'm still rooting to see released).

ACG has indicated a desire to make a Cloud, and that's probably the most likely way people who missed out on the GT one will get his main outfit. Provided they haven't been scared off by Square Enix; if you haven't seen, their next figure is Android 18 from DBZ, and not any of the Square figures they'd previously suggested were in the works (like 2B or the battle outfit Tifa). That could mean they've shifted away from previous plans, or it could be meaningless. Only time will tell there.
Cool, thank you! I might just get the body in that case, and will most likely keep that arm cover off. Have you (or has anyone else) tried cleaning the silicone with water and applied talcum powder. Regardless of what the manual says, I'm gonna think twice before doing anything to the body lol.
Cool, thank you! I might just get the body in that case, and will most likely keep that arm cover off. Have you (or has anyone else) tried cleaning the silicone with water and applied talcum powder. Regardless of what the manual says, I'm gonna think twice before doing anything to the body lol.

I don't do anything to my silicone parts except try to keep them in a consistent climate. You only want to be moistening silicone if you keep it in a dry enough climate that the air is sucking the moisture out of it, and you only want to be powdering it if you live in a wet enough climate that its sucking moisture out of the air.
I don't see the point of worrying about areas that's meant to be covered.
If it seems like something could be damaging to the silicone, like in the case of a weird oily arm guard or something squeezing it too tight, isn’t it possible that the degradation/damage could end up spreading? That would be my concern.
If it seems like something could be damaging to the silicone, like in the case of a weird oily arm guard or something squeezing it too tight, isn’t it possible that the degradation/damage could end up spreading? That would be my concern.
In all fairness, I guess all SOLDIERs may suffer degradation sooner or later 🌝
We are on the 666th page of this epic thread.
Hell yea. That's quite the milestone.
To commemorate, here's a picture I took today of Sephiroth on my Samsung S24:

Can't wait to see Sephiroth 2.0 if that ever gets around to happening. And for those wondering, no flaking or missing zippers on his jacket.
Its kinda annoying that ACG are making the purple dress version first.
We are literally waiting for years and years over here for one single actual good Tifa
and then we still have to wait for i dont know how long until the Gametoys one is out, where we still dont have a final head sculpt
and the ACG one is like a special niche outfit version. So in a worst case scenario where one is only interested in the normal combat outfit,
it could mean that even now its still gonna be even more waiting time for a ACG normal outfit release in 2026 or maybe even later.
The release date of FF7 Remake was announced in June 2019. Even Rebirth is already out.
And we still dont have any great Aerith or Tifa 1/6 product. And lets not even talk about statues.
Its kinda annoying that ACG are making the purple dress version first.
We are literally waiting for years and years over here for one single actual good Tifa
and then we still have to wait for i dont know how long until the Gametoys one is out, where we still dont have a final head sculpt
and the ACG one is like a special niche outfit version. So in a worst case scenario where one is only interested in the normal combat outfit,
it could mean that even now its still gonna be even more waiting time for a ACG normal outfit release in 2026 or maybe even later.
The release date of FF7 Remake was announced in June 2019. Even Rebirth is already out.
And we still dont have any great Aerith or Tifa 1/6 product. And lets not even talk about statues.

I am cautiously optimistic about the Star Man Tifa figures, they should be releasing pretty soon
Its kinda annoying that ACG are making the purple dress version first.
We are literally waiting for years and years over here for one single actual good Tifa
and then we still have to wait for i dont know how long until the Gametoys one is out, where we still dont have a final head sculpt
and the ACG one is like a special niche outfit version. So in a worst case scenario where one is only interested in the normal combat outfit,
it could mean that even now its still gonna be even more waiting time for a ACG normal outfit release in 2026 or maybe even later.
The release date of FF7 Remake was announced in June 2019. Even Rebirth is already out.
And we still dont have any great Aerith or Tifa 1/6 product. And lets not even talk about statues.

This was like a no-brainer easy win and ACG goes in the opposite direction. I would have easily pre-ordered if it was the regular combat outfit.
Its kinda annoying that ACG are making the purple dress version first.
We are literally waiting for years and years over here for one single actual good Tifa
and then we still have to wait for i dont know how long until the Gametoys one is out, where we still dont have a final head sculpt
and the ACG one is like a special niche outfit version. So in a worst case scenario where one is only interested in the normal combat outfit,
it could mean that even now its still gonna be even more waiting time for a ACG normal outfit release in 2026 or maybe even later.
The release date of FF7 Remake was announced in June 2019. Even Rebirth is already out.
And we still dont have any great Aerith or Tifa 1/6 product. And lets not even talk about statues.
And after careful...research, I've noticed the dress doesn't even appear to be accurate.
The sculpt looks great though. I think I might actually prefer it over the last version that GT showed.


Actually considering the Star Man set and swapping one of the spare ACG sculpts with it. But I'm not sure about the VeryCool body they're using for it, it doesn't really seem to suit Tifa.

*edit Hmm actually could almost work. And the body and head sculpt look nearly identical in tone.

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And after careful...research, I've noticed the dress doesn't even appear to be accurate.
The sculpt looks great though. I think I might actually prefer it over the last version that GT showed.

View attachment 757106
Actually considering the Star Man set and swapping one of the spare ACG sculpts with it. But I'm not sure about the VeryCool body they're using for it, it doesn't really seem to suit Tifa.

*edit Hmm actually could almost work. And the body and head sculpt look nearly identical in tone.

View attachment 757110

The Starman outfit just looks so cheap to me. I rather liked their Chun Li and Cammy figures, but this one feels like they rushed it specifically to grab orders from people who can't wait for GT. If all people want is the outfit, I honestly think even the Longshan version is better. The GT figure is coming, people just gotta have patience. They've still got another four months to get her out faster than Limtoys Drake.
This line is 1/6.5 scale. Why not just 1/6 idk, ask Square Enix. He's 27.5cm and costs 26.7k yen on amiami. Honestly not too crazy if quality in the production version holds up


And after careful...research, I've noticed the dress doesn't even appear to be accurate.
The sculpt looks great though. I think I might actually prefer it over the last version that GT showed.

View attachment 757106
Actually considering the Star Man set and swapping one of the spare ACG sculpts with it. But I'm not sure about the VeryCool body they're using for it, it doesn't really seem to suit Tifa.

*edit Hmm actually could almost work. And the body and head sculpt look nearly identical in tone.

View attachment 757110
gt actually did do some testing on dress version tifa,normally the dress is more simple to mass produce compare to battle dress. But one problem which is those wavy pattern is too difficult to produce( gt did tried put some wire, laser cut,heat treatment, different material,but cant present the same “Elegant feeling”of tifa dress. so project onhold.

This line is 1/6.5 scale. Why not just 1/6 idk, ask Square Enix. He's 27.5cm and costs 26.7k yen on amiami. Honestly not too crazy if quality in the production version holds up

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If that would be start of MC line from all of the games, I'll bite and buy them all. But if it's just Noctis, Lightning and Fran then meh.