What’s the best body to use for a ROTL build? I remember years ago, we thought it was HT Bruce Banner. Is there something more readily available that’s on par?
Hope you are well. From my experience of what have seen across Instagram, forums and groups, the JXS01 would probably be the most popular for the reason
@Gipetto0812 gave above, it is also the cheapest and can be had for about £16 - £20 from AliExpress. I'd say that the HTs ANH body might be as popular, or in second place and I see people still using the Banner body on occasion. Another alternative is the Blitzway Zorro body, which some folks use, too but this is rare and expensive. It's to date one of my favourite bodies in overall quality and look and it has painted chest hair, which is perfect for Indy. But the legs are too fat/ stocky for Raiders Ford if that might show with your trousers and you want better screen-accuracy.
Note that the Young Solo body is the same with some changes which include a pinker flesh tone, double jointed plastic arms (so, you don't have the sculpted details that ANH does, if that matters for your build) with smaller biceps and possible slightly shorter arm length when I first measured against the ANH arms.
Below is a good example of someone who had tried 3 different bodies with their Mike Yuan outfit:
Left: JXS01 (I think), centre: ANH (I think), right: Zorro
I think the ANH body is closest to Ford's that has been made to date, if you compare it to photos of Ford you can easily see the resemblance. But as I always say, you are mostly working to the strengths/ weaknesses/ limitations of the outfit, so you
might be best catering for that, rather than the body. And this is due to the fact that a body is more easily swappable and modifiable than clothing is. One example is that I am currently workshopping a new body/ shorter, doubly jointed arms for my Raiders Indy in order to get his jacket sleeves longer/ covering his hands/ palms a bit more like, in the film. The stock ANH body he was on is good but the arms are long/ sleeves a bit too short.
I hope that helps and I wish you all the very best with your Indy, man!
Happy adventures