Action Figure McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Line

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Mcfarlane has been great with its price point, details, and scale. They made a lot of figures that I wanted. Mattel was terrible, with toys that are neither for kids nor for adults. I hope McFarlane can push out more figures before they lose the license. Guess we will need to turn to fondjoy to continue the 1:10 scale for future characters.
Very disappointing news. McFarlane DC figures felt like they were just starting to hit their stride with improved sculpts, paint, cloth features, and accessories. They made vehicles that would've been over priced from other companies and they made some off beat characters with a lot of new sculpts that have never been attempted otherwise.
Mattel isn't known for making very well articulated figures especially on their previous DC figures. They skip on some sculpted details on their WWE figures and the sculpts of the Masters of the Universe line are quite soft. Their paint is mostly great on their WWE line but, they have a tendency of having warped plastic heads from being softer plastic that's pulled too soon from their molds resulting in badly placed paint. The paint on their MOTU figures is mediocre. The Proportions on their MOTU figures could be improved, the WWE figures however have extreme reuse resulting in bizarre proportions. The worst issue is that Mattel doesn't listen to customer feedback much. The only way they can get everyone on board will be to design this new DC line identical to the size, articulation, sculpt, and paint of Hasbro's Marvel Legends line. If they would just swallow their pride and copy Marvel Legends, they'll have as hit.

McFarlane has a year and a half to finish things off. A few Batman rogues are needed and I'd like to see them make one really good modern Superman and rerelease that Wonder Woman everybody had a hard time getting (I never found one).
I've read a lot of people's comments wondering about if McFarlane can still continue making DC figures in 7 inch scale once Mattel gets the license.

Now, I could be very very wrong about this, but I always had it in my mind that whoever has this DC license, has it for 6-7 inch figures inclusive. Which is why Todd was able to sell 7 inch figures (his preferred scale) and also 6 inch figures (60s line, BTAS line).

The exceptions to making 6-7 inch figures are/were DCD/DCC because they were an in-house company (that eventually went under and then became branded under McFarlane), companies like Mafex because they have foreign territory rights, and Mezco because they fall under a different high-end price license (maybe a non brick-and mortar license?).

That's why when Mattel lost the license to McFarlane, they could no longer continue making 6 inch figures despite Todd only making 7 inch at the time he began.

I'm fairly sure the only company who can make 6-7 inch figures is the company with the master license (currently Todd).

That's why other companies like Beast Kingdom can make 8-9 inch figures, or SpinMaster can make 12 inch or 4-5 inch figures aimed at kids. But none of them can make 6-7 inch figures.

So if it's Todd that has lost the license to Mattel, then if I'm correct, he won't be able to continue making DC figures even in just 7 inch scale.

Again - I could be very very wrong about this! 🤣
When McFarlane started producing DC figures, I wasn’t happy with the switch from 6” to 7” scaled figures but they have grown on me. McFarlane’s sculpts have also improved over time. It is a shame that they chose not to go with pinless joints.

I am very curious to see what Mattel will be offering. It has been a while since they lost the license and my hope is that the newer figures blow their older ones out of the water considering how much time has passed. Mattel has also seen what other companies have been offering and hopefully WB was impressed enough by their presentation to give them the license back. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see what happens.
Mattel’s current figures don’t look that good. I’m gonna buy one of their Masterverse figures to see what it’s like in hand (never bought their Masterverse figures before). They don’t look that impressive at all, but they will most definitely succeed if they decide to make DC action figures into 6” scale and make them look similar to Masterverse figs.

Say if they do make 6-7” DC figures, then they’ll have to take sculpt detail into consideration. 2025 Gunn Superman and other characters have a lot of sculpt detail and lines on their costumes. Just paint deco on blank bodies will not cut it at all, and Mattel will loose too much money doing that. They like doing deco paints on a lot of their figures. Rarely do they ever add sculpted detail. Look at their Multiverse Superman figures, you’ll see they like to add paint deco.
It's bonkers to me that anyone would be excited for Mattel to get the license back, and I say that as no big fan of McFarlane's. Their 7" stuff looks like an improvement over the last of their Multiverse line, but so does a dog turd.

IF they show off figures that look and feel like ML or Classified Series, IF their character selection can match DCUC's breadth and depth, and IF the sculpts and paints are strong, I'd be interested. But I don't think we're gonna get all that.
This seriously sucks. Mattel only started giving a crap about DC Multiverse when they were about to lose the license, and even then their “improved” figures were still awful - just compare their Kilmer Batman to McFarlane’s.

I was hoping we’d at least get another wave of Donner Superman stuff with the three villains & Lex, a Batman Returns wave, etc.
Well, McFarlane still has over a year with the license. Let’s hope he plans to go out with a bang and produces lots more waves of movie stuff!
Good news that McFarlane teased two or three definitive Superman figures.
Eh, I haven't been satisfied with any one of them. Like they all have some fault that keeps it from being THE one. Imo. But it looks like one IS coming along with Kingdom Come Superman.
Pictures from Toyfair:
I think this is the best McFarlane Superman so far. I think it's based on Jose Luis Garcia Lopez art:
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McF has done way better than I thought they would. I grew tired of the off beat wacky Metal specific figs, sold a lot off. Some of his classic designs drew me back in though, and his Batmobiles have been unbeatable. I have to admit that I did enjoy DCUC, if Mattel was to put in the effort and continue that line a la Marvel legends I could be on board. Starting all over - again. I am not sure I have the enthusiasm.

"It's going to alter, but we're going to be in the DC business in SOME fashion."

In case no-one saw it, here's Todd's interview regarding losing the DC license. As expected, he doesn't say anything definitive. But reading between the lines lines, I get the impression he will likely just continue with DC statues and props. To say "in some fashion" sorta suggests to me it's not going to be what fans are used to, and might be a small offering.

I think anyone still hoping he will still do 7 inch figures might have to be prepared for disappointment.
I’ll never forgive them for giving us a teen titans cyborg from the show and not giving us anything else. I bought that hoping they’d finish the team but nope it was a bunch of heavy metal Batman crap I had no interest in