1/6 Hot Toys -TMS 091 - The Clone Wars: 501st Legion ARF Trooper & AT-RT

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637 days later -

Received my ARF & AT-RT from Sideshow a couple of weeks ago, it really is very impressive - fits easily in my old Ikea Bonde cabinet:

The ARF Trooper appears to have been given a full coat of an ever so slightly off-tinted white paint before the rest of the details & a thin wash were applied, unlike the previous clone releases I've bought which all seemed to rely on white plastic for the base colour with details applied directly & then with a wash applied - very thinly for the original 501st, or thicker/darker for the others I have (Plain AOTC, Jesse, Appo, Heavy, which all match each other well with minor variation). This means to me the white of his armour doesn't quite match any others I have upon close comparison - original Jesse bicep on the left by the elbow which looks darker (perhaps moreso in person), original 501st bicep on the right which looks a brighter white:
I originally planned to kitbash him with Jesse's bicep armour to make him a Sergeant, and either keep said bicep armour as-is or remove the wash depending on whether the ARF matched the later releases or the original 501st, but since he doesn't quite satisfactorily match either of them he's staying standard and I got another original 501st to promote to Sergeant instead using Jesse's biceps with the wash removed, seen in front in the first pic.

Unfortunately my ARF wasn't great quality-wise imo, when first unboxing I noticed mine had a flake of this white paint sticking up on the left of the front chest armour:
Gently pressing down on it snapped a chunk it off very easily leaving an irregular gash - I did raise it with Sideshow but apparently they had no replacement stock, so I've kept it & luckily was able to gently whittle it down without damaging the surrounding paint so that now it's only slightly raised & mostly just looks like a bit of extra weathering. It's pretty well hidden by how I've got him displayed anyway. I then realised the belt box below this paint issue was actually attached to the belt upside down (you can see it above, it's the box with the sticking out rectangular 'button' which should be at the bottom but due to being upside down it is at the top). I removed it without causing damage (using a lego brick separator actually, enough repeated pushes and it came off without having to snap or cut anything), filed down the hole in the box and a little bit of the peg on the belt to get rid of some of the old glue and get a better fit, and then glued it back on correctly:
All in all this gives him a bit a character I think now that he's been fixed, but still fingers crossed my 2nd one preordered from Popcultcha will be without issue when it eventually turns up. The plan was to have the 2nd AT-RT sat down with its ARF Trooper next to it, on the same shelf as the 1st AT-RT, but it's looking like that may be tricky to fit now together with these 2 standard 501st as well, so the 2nd AT-RT may end up staying in its box as a spare like most of my BARCs. Once that's here my 501st will finally be complete