How much larger should the shark be (approximately)?
It's hard to tell but it looks to be a little longer than 2 body lengths (the figures) so maybe the shark's 15 feet there... when it should be 25 feet (so about 4 body lengths plus)

How much larger should the shark be (approximately)?
Then Quint would be 7 feet tall at 7” with that measurement. Maybe not quite 30” but probably a bit bigger than 25” at NECA scale.I think Quint said 25ft., so 25 inches.
Are these 7 inch figures? I assumed 6 inch but have no idea...
The clothed NECA Jaws figures were 8 inch, right?
I think it's cool that NECA is still out there looking for loopholes to get people stuff they've been asking for for years.
That shark is cool, and to me it looks like it scales just fine.
I also used to play with the game as a kid, and it was a really awesome toy.
It has to be a license thing. The box is the same also .....The game could be just a nod to the original, but it could also be a way to get around licensing. Either way I like it. My only complaint is that it should have been a larger.
Do actor’s likenesses eventually fall into public domain or does it remain in the estate for perpetuity?Great looking figure. The nostalgia factor and Richard Dreyfuss's performance is the main selling point.
What gives with no Brody though? Scheider's estate must be tough.
Lego and Funko have done Brody so there is still a chance.
We're thinking along the same lines, Frankenstein enters public domain in just two years. I hope everyone hits the gas on Dr. Frankenstein figures and statues.Yeah, a lot of those original Universal Monsters will become public domain within the next decade. Hoping we finally see Dr Frankenstein merch when that happens as there hasn’t been any known relatives to run his estate. Not that I’d want to wait another 50 years or so for Jaws to hit public domain to get any Brody stuff.
Lego and Funko have done Brody so there is still a chance. They had Brody solicited originally for the retro line so I’ve been curious what fell through on that. Hooper was the one we didn’t think we were going to get so that was a strange reversal. Hoping things can get worked out on Brody. Maybe even seeing these missing him might help sway the estate. Unless it’s purely a money thing. But you’d think something is better than nothing. I don’t think there’s a huge list of people trying to make Jaws figures after all and they’re clearly making these figures respectfully so I’m curious what the denying has been about. NECA had a similar issue with Tatsu for TMNT and they eventually got him to happen so I remain optimistic.
Yes, no license needed for that stuff.Lego and Funko are abstract enough that they don't need likeness approval, yes?
I believe Lego themselves have said they don't need likeness rights just because the style is so stylized. Maybe Neca is trying not to ruffle the feathers of Hollywood studios they deal with by obliging the reps for Nicolson.NECA did say they were going to do a Jack Torrance for their Toony Terrors line to go along with the Grady Twins. It didn’t happen due to likeness rights. They said even stylized likeness was still a likeness. Not sure where that line gets drawn since Lego and Funko are also stylized (some more recognizable than others) but clearly made the cut.