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  1. Sundance

    Rahmier84 SSC Indiana Jones Temple of Doom repaint

    Ok. Winner. The ultimate Indy for the time being !!! Sideshow made a fantastic figure. Now they have to up-grade the process in painting heads... Great Shots and pose, paramoremcr88 :clap
  2. Sundance

    Vector cave - Update: Robocop Display

    Re: Vector cave - Update: New Half-Life diorama page 2 This diorama is just perfect. I spent so many hours on this game...One of my all-time favorite.
  3. Sundance

    1/6 Indy Customizations: Image Thread

    Jacob, like much of guys, I follow your work since years but actually, I just have to admit you are my favorite painter, definitively. There is, in this forum, a lot of artists that I admire the work, but the sensibility of your paint apps just blow me away. :pray:
  4. Sundance

    Vector cave - Update: Robocop Display

    Re: Vector cave The atmosphere of your cinema room is really classy. Bravo.:wink1:
  5. Sundance

    Dale Stringer's Cap Shelf New posts last page

    Re: Dale Stringer's Cap and other stuff shelf New posts 1st page I clearly admiring your ability to develop as many customs on a single series of films. Great collection. Love it !:clap
  6. Sundance


    Re: CUSTOMIZINGS: TLOU Ellie body What a great great sculpt. The face expression is so accurate to Ford. :clap
  7. Sundance

    Remy's Toys!

    Re: Remy's Toys! JAKKS 19" Batfleck Batman v Superman There are three things I like the most in this hobby and forum : 1 : Admire collections and creativity from the incredible menbers 2 : Purchase original and exclusive casts or parts to make custom who makes sens for me and 3 : Catch a cheap...
  8. Sundance

    Remy's Toys!

    Re: Remy's Toys! JAKKS 19" Batfleck Batman v Superman WOW. Excellent work on Jakks's Bat. I want one, now...:rotfl But don't know if I choose the 31 inch or the 19". Hum, my collection room is pretty small and I have a lot of figures in boxes actually. OK, 19 inch. Really want to see the...
  9. Sundance

    Paintworks: UPDATED.

    OK. Thanks for your answer. :wink1: Like every amateur painter, I'm really looking the least information to further my technique. The first step is to draw inspiration from artists on this site. So inspiring.
  10. Sundance

    BatBrain's Bat Cave

    I'm pretty close to release a teardrop such this marty with Delorean is a masterpiece...:pray:
  11. Sundance

    Statiss' collection! Pics of fav poses, figures and other collectables!

    Great pose !!! More I see this figure, more I love it.
  12. Sundance

    My collection 01/02/2016

    Cette accumulation de pièces d'Alien et Predator est juste incroyable. Chapeau bas, pas une seule pièce "bof"...
  13. Sundance

    Paintworks: UPDATED.

    WOW... Incredible paintjob. So much agree with 8-Bit : skin textures are unbelievable ! Actually, do you paint it exclusively with air-brush or do you use paintbrush for some details ?
  14. Sundance

    OMEGA Customs

    Great kits !!! Lobo is really brilliant. But I am very interested by green Lantern for my own custom... :yess:
  15. Sundance

    Menlojames Custom fun and repaints some new figures

    Really love these dios. The Anakin one is fantastic. (Inspiring me...^L^). This GG head is great in fact... And your paint apps are better and better each day. :clap
  16. Sundance

    rmont's collection

    Epic shot ! Really cool.
  17. Sundance

    Alien3 Ripley help?

    Great custom and sculpt. WOW... Perhaps can you search some "fashion Royalty" body loose... It is a pretty tall and thin body (but needs some work to be more moveable):
  18. Sundance

    Predator: Mud Covered Dutch WIP

    Very nice weathering actually. Really want to see more.
  19. Sundance

    rmont's collection

    Great batmen squadron !!!:clap Your paint apps are nice. Wich body or parts of bodies did you use for them ?
  20. Sundance

    Hey Freaks... Here it is, a part of my collection !!!

    Great pieces. Always amazed how much U.S. and japanese pop culture "intrudes" everywhere ! One and only good part of our "Brave New World"...:lol