Costume :
- One (1) brown-colored Jedi robe (with bendable wire)
- One (1) dark brown-colored leather-like textured tunic with stole
- One (1) brown-colored under-tunic
- One (1) dark brown-colored leather-like textured belt with utility pouches
- One (1) pair of brown-colored pants
- One (1)...
This display may be the deciding factor. The hair sculpt and gloss look excellent. The colors of the suit look really good. The cape though...that looks absolutely beautiful.
Enlarge the "S" and I'd have an extremely difficult time passing this up and look forward to the wait.
While I agree that it would be best not to sell before seeing the final product in-hand, I don't think the wool hair is going to be an issue.
If this goes back to the display at Sideshow Con, I think it's safe to say that Sideshow, as well as other companies, are not always best at displaying...
VHS box releases, same headsculpt and bodies. More accessories. Weapons, heads, pizzas, and etc. Show/Episode specific.
Sewer Lair/Diorama diorama goes up on NECA store in August.
Cartoon Accessory pack with the turtle babies are going up as well.
I'm interested to see if ThreeZero will include the Z-Putty vest and knee pads as accessories or if those will be saved for a future Z-Putty Patroller release.
That's true and I hope I'm wrong.
Hot Toys has a history with cutting corners and it would be great to see them taking on a new philosophy of giving us the best product possible.