I'm a lucky EB customer then. Mine is in the plane as we speak. :D
Hopefully, it will be at home by the end of the week, I won't hold my breath though.
Yep ! Sold out ! Actually, all the endo busts are.
@Voorhrees : Just stunning !
With low light, you can see how close to perfection this thing is. Straight from the movie, simply awesome ! :hi5:
Even if I'm getting the BD in few weeks, I'm asking myself why the **** am I keeping my DX10 order ? It's a good figure but not good enough in my...
Fantastic pics, Voorhees ! Thank you for the side by side images.
The first version would be far better with fake leather clothes. Leather is way to thick IMO.
2 weeks... :gah:
Try this website : https://www.trackitonline.ru/
It can retrieve some information when the tracking page can't.
2 days left before re-stock, then waiting approximately 10 days until enjoyment ! :gah:
My aunt ordered it at EB's shop (back in stock in January 10th). She told me 380$ shipped. Not concern by the price since it's a late Christmas gift. :D
Did the same thing for the first T-800 and had no problem at all. Hopefully, this will be flawless too.